Samhain Greetings my friends,
The time period, between Oct. 31st and Nov. 2nd is one of the most widely celebrated ancient traditions honoring our ongoing connection with loved ones who have passed. Samhain heralds the thinning of the veil between the seen and unseen worlds; for example, the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico. Honoring our ancestors with love and gratitude has always been the theme of this time. Given all the dilemmas we face now, we need our beloved guides’ help more than ever.
It had been a long time since our culture has turned towards the elders, or looked clearly at the wisdom of our ancestors. We have become used to instant information, quick internet sound bites and the rush of caffeine infused adrenal experiences.
The truth is that we live in a vibrational Universe. Gregg Braden, author of The Wisdom Codes, trekked to the Himalayas in search of Tibetan elders in order to ask them what does their hours of toning and chanting do? Or more precisely, what does it do inside their body? One elder monk of an ancient temple was translated as answering: “What you have seen is what we do to create the feeling in our bodies. The feeling is the prayer and the words create the feeling.”
These wisdom codes as Gregg calls them, are meant to achieve states of coherence in our minds and hearts that allow us to be receptive to messages from our ancestors, which many indigenous traditions call “The Ancestral Memory.” Ancient plant medicines actually help us tap into this memory.
Everything has a vibration: sound, light and anything that is alive, including plants and minerals, has a unique frequency. (Rocks are called the Wisdom Keepers in the Andes.) I suspect those who have passed on also have a frequency, which is why we are able to feel them and receive their wisdom, once we have come into our own coherence. The true power is our inner connection to Spirit, not in controlling others out of fear, which has never created wellbeing.
Please enjoy this time of thinning of the veils and connecting to the ancient ones as well as recently transitioned loved ones. As you tune in, use any prayers, chants and sounds (such as singing bowls, drums and chimes) to achieve this resonance.
The key words are inner coherence, receptivity and deep listening.
Much Love and Good Samhain, Linda