Category - Prayer

2021 Lammas Newsletter
2021 Summer Solstice Newsletter
Ask and Receive! Turn to the Healing Power of Divine Love!!




I love to start my day with Thanksgiving. I believe as we count our good fortunes it attracts blessings.  Al would say what we give our attention multiplies.  I also like to count my blessings during times of challenge and emotional distress. It changes the channel from counting disturbances to counting joys.  I typically start my morning with “Thank you Father for a day.”  I am then thankful for birds that sing as I watch them fly through the sanctuary skies against a backdrop of beautiful mountains.  


I am thoughtful of the magnificence of nature and the amazing power of Divine Forces to create and shape our material reality giving me the benefit of each breath. I am thankful for a hot cup of good coffee and I celebrate life with dogs and friends. 

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Samhain Greetings my friends,


The time period, between Oct. 31st and Nov. 2nd is one of the most widely celebrated ancient traditions honoring our ongoing connection with loved ones who have passed. Samhain heralds the thinning of the veil between the seen and unseen worlds; for example, the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico.  Honoring our ancestors with love and gratitude has always been the theme of this time. Given all the dilemmas we face now, we need our beloved guides’ help more than ever.


It had been a long time since our culture has turned towards the elders, or looked clearly at the wisdom of our ancestors.  We have become used to instant information, quick internet sound bites and the rush of caffeine infused adrenal experiences.

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2021 Lammas Newsletter


Celebrate ABUNDANCE my friends,
August 2nd is Lammas, the first of three festivals celebrating Mother Earth’s bounty. Baking loaves from the first grains and offering them at a communal meal has always been central to these gatherings, going back to thousands of years before the Common Era.
The Celts called this time Lughnasadh (loo-na-sa), Native Americans called
it the Green Corn Festival and in Slavic Regions it is called the feast of the
Big Glad Woman. Ireland celebrates Lammas as Big Sunday and farming
communities gather at hundreds of traditional hilltop sites to set up craft
fairs, feast, play games, and dance. A part of every one of these gatherings is a ceremonial meal where the first fruits of the harvest are shared in gratitude.

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2021 Summer Solstice Newsletter

Merry Midsummer my Friends,


June 20th is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Latitudes. Also known as Midsummer, this Solstice (meaning ‘Sun stands still’) is when the Sun is at its peak, creating the longest day of the year. It is also one of the eight great spokes on the Celtic wheel of seasons, and celebrated in some way in all cultures. Midsummer’s Eve is the zenith of summer; the felt sense of Beauty is everywhere.


The Pandemic is easing now and as we emerge from our cocoons there is a deep need to transform our inner pain from fear, loss and trauma into a new sense of who we are and what truly matters to us. The practice of choosing Beauty which Gregg Braden, in The Wisdom Codes describes as a force of nature that has the power to transform the chemistry in our bodies, is essential to our recovery, building the resilience necessary to fully emerge as wiser, more conscious humans. 

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Ask and Receive! Turn to the Healing Power of Divine Love!!


My dear friend and brother (in the light) Al Manning and I are both mavericks. We both spent some of our time growing up in Texas and some of it with conservative Christian upbringing. Over time, we both started studying all the religions of the world, and both of us have referred to ourselves as eclectic. Eclectic, “deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.” I do love the stated dogma of the ESP LAB, “No Dogma!” as it frees us to study as we will. Personally, I claim to have the same religion as the United States of America, “Freedom” to choose.

As a boy of five I was told I had a guardian angel.

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