Joyous Spring Equinox

Joyous Spring Equinox my friends,

This year in the Northern Hemisphere, March 20th is the Spring Equinox when day and night will be equal in length at the equator. Also known as Ostara or Eostre (the origin of the name Easter), light and dark will be perfectly balanced, and this year it is on a full moon. In ancient traditions this Vernal Equinox is known as the time of Green Fire.

The concept of Green Fire has fascinated me for years. It refers to the sap rising in trees and to the electrical energy pulsing through the rapidly growing plants. This is not a metaphor. My electrician husband pointed out that green fire is literally electrical, same as our nervous system. Humans and plants have the same oscillation frequency, which may be why we can align with the energy of the plants. I have long felt that this mutual receptivity is a survival strategy for humans, which enabled us to heal ourselves long before modern medical interventions.

Plants continue to offer countless benefits. The most recent research into the incredible healing properties of CBD oil is an example. The studies of the plants found in the Amazon basin, used in indigenous societies for millennia, are now effectively treating serious illness here. There are plants that teach us wisdom: to care for our bodies, to understand the need to protect our environment, and how to create harmony among all living species and our Mother Earth.

Grandmother said to me: “Remember, child, that plants have been here since Mother Earth became Mother. And we are her daughters. We came later… They contain the sacred memory of our roots.” Unknown author

As you take walks in gardens, parks, your neighborhood, wherever there is green growing plants, tune into their energy, especially now with the Green Fire so intense. Learn about them and how we can be allies with each other, not just recipients of their love. With mutual respect, we can actively work to create communities that are based on cooperation, sustainability, diversity, and serving the light.

May you receive the love of the Green Fire,


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