Archive - March 10, 2011

Editorial Archive 2003-2011
Astrology Archive 2003 – 2011

Editorial Archive 2003-2011

March 2011
(based on A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU by Al Manning)
We all remember the legend of the “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” That’s a gross understatement! The secrets of life itself are wrapped up in that rainbow, whether it is produced in Nature, or by passing sunlight through a prism in the laboratory.
The true Sun Worshippers of Ancient Egypt understood the meaning of LIGHT and color. To them the Sun was a symbol of the givingness of the Life Energy, and its radiations provided all the necessities of balanced growth. The “inner circle” in the temples practiced healing through balancing LIGHT in the human aura. They practiced “astral travel,” and understood the principles of reincarnation.
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Astrology Archive 2003 – 2011

March 2011 (Scroll down for February 2011)

KEYS: Sensitive Pisces (Feb 18th to March 20th)
“I feel; I believe; I receive.”
Fiery Aries (March 20th to April 20th)
“I am; I initiate.”
Charting the planets: Our Month starts with only SATURN RETROGRADE– However MERCURY goes RETRO at the end of the month. Push to get things accomplished before Mercury Retrograde!
Magick is about mood and attitude… only approach your altar with postive energy, love, optimism, and good vibes!
GOOD MAGICKS BEST DAYS— 4, 5, 14, 18, 19, 21, & 22
Fertile Magick times– Increasing Moon in water signs– 4, 5, 13, & 14
Consider Jupiter trines— Good fortune! 16, 24

Mars squares and oppositions— 11, 18,& 25
temper tantrums, wars, 9/11, accidents, road rage, fist fights.

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