Editorial Archive 2003-2011

March 2011
(based on A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU by Al Manning)
We all remember the legend of the “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” That’s a gross understatement! The secrets of life itself are wrapped up in that rainbow, whether it is produced in Nature, or by passing sunlight through a prism in the laboratory.
The true Sun Worshippers of Ancient Egypt understood the meaning of LIGHT and color. To them the Sun was a symbol of the givingness of the Life Energy, and its radiations provided all the necessities of balanced growth. The “inner circle” in the temples practiced healing through balancing LIGHT in the human aura. They practiced “astral travel,” and understood the principles of reincarnation.
The exact location of the psychic centers in the physical body will vary from individual to individual. But YOUR centers will locate themselves for you as you simply mentally direct the focused WHITE LIGHT to each one in its turn. Generally the lower five centers are just in front of the physical spine in the areas of the corresponding physical organs.
GREEN AS THE MIDDLE COLOR OF THE RAINBOW– THE POINT OF BALANCE AND PEACE The Psalmist gives us a delicious feeling of PEACE with his words of green pastures and still waters. The color of lush vegetation always brings us an aura of peace, comfort and opulence. And this is no accident! Peace is to be found at the point of balance, the center of gravity, the midpoint.
SPIRIT POWER TO ENHANCE YOUR COLOR MAGICK– Our Merry Spirit Band is made up of ETP’s (Energy Transforming Personalities) that bring each color to life.Today we focus on the GREEN ray: Osiris, ancient Lord of LIFE, DEATH, NATURE, Barley & Beer– was mentioned in Al’s ISHTAR MAGICK series as the GREEN Energy Transforming Personality. When Al moved to Texas he liked PAN for the GREEN ray. Other ancient personalities that can be utilized to invoke the GREEN light of love, growth and nature are: Hiawatha, Ezmarelda, and OSTARA. The heart is the center for the GREEN LIGHT OF LOVE!
SELF HELP EXERCISE: Tune in to the LIVING Power of the LIGHT. Do your RAinbow Chakra Meditations often– daily if possible… UP the “serpent” channels of your spine– Using RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET, AND WHITE LIGHTS. Then FEEL your love light shine in your heart and broadcast the green energy to all living things in oneness and celebration

February 2011
(a series on the LIVING RAINBOW within you)
The unbelievable power of the laser has become an accepted part of modern life. Forms of this special kind of LIGHT are being used for delicate eye operations, to cut or weld– to drill holes in diamonds, and even to produce 3 dimensional pictures; and its potential has hardly been tapped yet! Because it is “coherent,” that is, because all the waves are in phase and “working together,” a laser beam is a force infinitely more powerful and effective than ordinary light.
Similarly, the LIVING LIGHT can be infinitely more effective in YOUR life than normal prayer or even “metaphysical treatment.” The purpose of these lessons is to introduce you to the LIVING LIGHT, show you how to contact it, and then teach you to USE IT to transform your life into a magnificent panorama of success, unfoldment, health and happiness. Just like the laser, THE LIVING LIGHT will work for anyone who uses it according to its own laws!
SPIRIT POWER TO ENHANCE YOUR COLOR MAGICK Our Merry Spirit Band is made up of ETF’s (Energy Transforming Personalities) that bring each color to life.Today we focus on the red ray… Nergal (rhymes with gurgle) focuses the bright red energy associated with the Martian influences into your aura through your root chakra, the psychic center located at the base of your spine. Yes, this is the seat of the sex drive, but it also brings us our physical vitality and that special attractiveness to other beings most often called animal magnetism. This is your most potent power for manifestations of a purely physical nature and must be present in useful form to attract the opportunity and where-with-all of any material accomplishment. As you learn to bring in larger portions of this energy, you will notice that all people and animals tend to treat you with greater interest and respect than before. A blockage of the normal flow through this center will manifest in your life as lethargy, that run-down feeling, or an “unexplainable lack of ability to influence other people positively.”
Let’s see what our FUN Friends of Nergal, Pan, ISHTAR PUCK, and ISIS have to add in this month’s SELF HELP EXERCISE:
Tune in to the LIVING Power of the LIGHT. Do your RAinbow Chakra Meditations… beginning with the RED root chakra. Use the Nergal point to get things done, and be more energetic & attractive to others. Balance the vitality of the RED energy with the GREEN LIGHT of LOVE (at the heart center chakra) as you tune into our GREEN LIGHT monthly meditation.

January 2011
Changing Your Beliefs Will Change Your Reality
By Michael Manning, VP of ESP LAB ®
Our beliefs are the filtering system through which we perceive reality. The beliefs you hold actually create your reality. We develop our beliefs as a result of our habit patterns, our experiences, our decisions, and through social conditioning. Our beliefs set our boundaries in life, and therefore we become limited by what we believe we can or cannot do. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right.”
When we become aware of how limiting or counterproductive some of our beliefs are, we set out to change them to more productive and less limiting beliefs. The difficulty in changing a belief is that we think the belief can be changed through some sort of mental process. The reality is that our beliefs are maintained by our own suppressed energy patterns (psychic impressions) and cannot be changed through a mental process. The energy in the psychic impression is what maintains the belief and keeps it alive. Clearing the psychic impression is the only way a belief can be changed. Pushing the old belief out by force does not work because the psychic impression keeping the old belief alive has not been discharged.
The collection of psychic impressions which we have accumulated, along with the thoughts, decisions, conclusions and emotions in those impressions, is referred to as case. Case can be thought of as bringing old emotional baggage, misunderstanding, and righteous computations into the present and superimposing them onto the present moment.
The Spiritual Being is immortal, perfect, and whole. That is “You” before you developed a case, became associated with a physical universe and eventually a physical form. (to be continued in the February newsletter)
Michael Manning can be reached via e-mail:
SELF HELP EXERCISE: BE CENTERED in the Perfect Peace and LOVE of the INFINITE SOURCE OF ALL… know everything else is illusion. Use Spirit Power to re-program the negative energies of the past into your new good fortune.

December 2010
Personal Power– Part III
By Michael Manning, VP of ESP LAB ®
Where are you giving your power away? What false prerequisites have you put in place to block you? What path would you take if you had unlimited courage? What is stopping you from welcoming your desires into your life right now, regardless of circumstances? How much longer are you going to settle for non-results? How much longer will you keep applying the cowardly approach of feeding your power to someone or something other than what you truly, deeply desire?
Our case is the synthetic self we created in an attempt to avoid pain and feel safe. In our attempt to feel safe, we buried our true Self and created the synthetic self – the ego, our wounded self. The synthetic self then went about learning how to feel safe through trying to control others and outcomes. The ego believes that having control over how people see us and feel about us, as well as over the outcome of things, will give us the safety we seek.
Even if you do manage to have some control through anger, criticism, judgment, or money, this will never give you personal power. This will never fill you with peace and joy and an inner sense of safety. Control may give you a momentary sense of safety, but it will never give you the deep sense of safety that comes from knowing your intrinsic worth, the worth of your soul. As long as your safety and worth are being defined by externals which can be temporary – your money, your looks, your performance, your power over others – you will feel anxious. We feel anxious when we attach our worth and happiness to temporal things rather than to eternal qualities, such as caring, compassion, and kindness.
Personal power comes from embracing spiritual values rather than just earthly values. It comes from making love, kindness and compassion – toward oneself and others – more important than power over others. It comes from doing the inner work necessary to allow the soul to have dominion over the body, rather than allowing the animal instincts of fight or flight – the instincts of the body – to have dominion over our choices. When you, the soul, the real you, have dominion over the body, you have the power to manifest your dreams, to stay centered in times of adversity, to remain calm and loving in the face of fear. When you have dominion over the body, you have tremendous personal power.

November 2010
Personal Power– Part II
By Michael Manning, VP of ESP LAB ®
Unfortunately it is common for people to give their power away. For example, when you are in a relationship you often give your power to the other person, allowing them to be in charge. Both people lose their sovereignty in this case, and the partnership becomes impossible and the normal give and take of a relationship is destroyed. You may think, “He won’t let me decide anything.” The truth is that when we abdicate our position, we choose to do so. There are options. There are always options. You can choose to be co-dependent or you can choose to be independent but allied Beings.
Personal power has a great deal to do with one’s choices in life. Those who choose to follow their most heartfelt dreams and purposes are usually the most successful as well as the most fulfilled. Fear is the main reason people give their power away. We fear the consequences of our power. Sometimes we fear the responsibility that comes with power.
You may not feel ready to wield so much power. When you realize that when you go after your goals directly you can manifest them quickly, it can be a bit of a head trip. It may take a while to get used to a reality in which your desires manifest so quickly and so strongly. Consequently, it is very tempting to redirect your power into creating false delays and phony obstacles in the form of prerequisites, so you can satisfy yourself with the illusion of progress, even though you’re just spinning your wheels and going in circles. (To be continued in the December Issue…)
Michael Manning can be reached via e-mail:
SELF HELP EXERCISE: Be Power-full: Practice Random Acts of Kindness. Experience JOY with Love; Celebrate LIFE!!

October 2010
Personal Power– Part I
By Michael Manning, VP of ESP LAB ®
Sovereignty is composed of personal power, assigning correct responsibility, taking correct responsibility, maintaining one’s integrity, and refraining from offstage drama. It is very easy to fall into the trap that equates personal power, size, and strength. There is a lot of agreement in the physical world where bullies develop bigger and better bombs, believe that “might is right”, and believe in the law of the jungle.
Personal power is composed of being fully present in the moment. Personal power also means personal freedom, the freedom to think and act, and the freedom to make one’s own choices and decisions.
All of us would love to have personal power – the power to manifest our dreams, the power to remain calm and loving in the face of fear, and the power to stay centered in ourselves in times of adversity.
Our society often confuses personal power, “power within”, with “power over,” which is about controlling others. There is a vast difference between personal power and control.
Personal power comes from an inner sense of security, from knowing who you are in your soul, from having defined your own intrinsic worth. It is the power that flows through you when you are connected to and feel your oneness with Source. It is the power that is the eventual result of doing deep inner emotional and spiritual work to heal the Psychic Wounds and false beliefs we have acquired. Without this inner work to heal the beliefs that create our limitations, we are stuck with our case.
To be continued in the November Issue…
Michael Manning is Al Manning’s first born son.He can be reached via e-mail: mgm0056@earthlink.net

September 2010
By Michael Manning, VP of ESP LAB ®
Source is the point of origin, that from which Dynamis flows, the point of infinity in which we all exist. Infinity means unbounded, unlimited, and endless. In infinity there are no dimensions, no space, no size, and no form. Infinity is not conscious, it is consciousness.
Physicist David Bohm remarked, “The essential feature of quantum interconnectedness is that the whole universe is enfolded in everything, and that each thing is enfolded in the whole.” The implication of this is that to know ourselves means to know Infinity, which most of us call God, and to know that we are all the embodiment of some Divine aspect– Avatars of Infinity.
From the point of view of a Dynamism Practitioner, Beings are in one of four conditions. Type I Beings are aware of themselves as Beings, they know they are connected to Source, and they can move between the spiritual and physical universes to a greater or lesser degree. The Beings who are somewhat connected to Source often seek out Clearing Practitioners in order to remove the barriers that prevent a stronger connection.
A Clearing Practitioner is a spiritual guide trained to assist an individual to regain his/her individuality, self-determination and self-esteem. One of the Clearing Practitioners’ primary goals is to guide the individual to Personal Sovereignty, the state of being which occurs when a person is at the center of his/her sphere of existence, creating his/her own life, and operating from his/her own spiritual essence.
Meditate and Contemplation the LIFE FORCE within you!

August 2010
By Michael Manning, VP of ESP LAB ®
Everyone has a sense of self, a sense of “I”, the one who perceives, feels, thinks, and experiences life. Most of us do not distinguish between the things we are doing, the roles we are playing, and who we really are. We define ourselves in various ways and get confused because we identify ourselves with our labels. For example, “I am John Doe” is just a label. “I am a doctor” or “I am a mother” are just the role you are playing at the moment. It is pretty easy to see that these roles are not the real you.
Some people are invested in their life experiences and believe they are the sum or the result of these experiences. “I was abused as a child and so I am incapable of building a healthy relationship. This is me.” or “I am an American and so I live this way.”
Dynamis is the life energy that every Being creates and exudes, and which animates and gives life to our bodies. Many people believe they are the body. This is easy to do as the body feels pleasure and pain. However, if you leave the body and do not continue to animate it with Dynamis, it will soon die. Other people realize that there is something within, the mind, which does the thinking. However, the mind is a tool that you use, but it is not the real you either.
So what are you? A soul. You do not have a soul – you are a soul, the essential life unit that emanates Dynamis, which animates the body and gives it direction. The part of you that is aware of its own awareness. You have a body that you control to a greater or lesser degree. You have a mind that you also control to a greater or lesser degree.
Meditate on your life energy. Experience your inner being as a Divine Ever-living Everlasting Soul Self.

July 2010
Freedom of Religion by Linda Savage, PhD
Occasionally I see a bumper sticker around my town that says “Freedom of Religion means ANY religion.” My town is famous for almost succeeding in forcing the public schools to teach a conservative religious agenda. So I would add “Harm None” to that sticker. I love ESP Lab because we include the feminine spirits. It has been my life’s work to bring the Divine Feminine back into our consciousness—for men as well as women, the balance of masculine and feminine is crucial. Some of you may have heard of the 2012 prophecies that now is the time that this balance will be accomplished. So freedom to express my path to the Light is very important, for me as well as for all of us in the Lab. As practical magicians, we call in our guides to offer us help and each spirit leads to a portal through which we experience divine energy.
People often ask me, what is a Goddess? My answer depends on the context, but the simple truth is that it is the indwelling sense of the abundance of nature and the feelings of compassion and nurturance. She is also powerful. Women embody the Goddess when we give birth. As Sami wrote, She is the Divine Mother, but She is also the Maiden and the Crone. I proudly claim my Crone status and when women object to that term (Medieval PR made it synonymous with ugly), I tell them, it means “the crowned one” and She is our wise woman selves. For some time now, women have been taking on their work in the world, accessing their masculine qualities to succeed in careers. But men are now accessing feminine qualities as well. I love the rising signs of compassion and nurture in men. They are mentoring young boys to channel their aggression in healthy ways and supporting their employees to succeed cooperatively instead of keeping them down out of fear of competition. And there is so much more we can do to achieve this balance.
SELF HELP PROGRAM FOR June Meditate on the Male and Female energies within your body. Visualize a black and a gold stream crossing at each chakra, merging with the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and white. Enjoy the dance of these two streams weaving in and out: the image like DNA strands. Use them to manifest your desires of abundance, prosperity, good health and love in your life.

June 2010
Our Mother of a Thousand, Thousand Names
By Sami MERLYN ROSE, DD, ESP Lab President
I love my ESP LAB. It seems to me that it offers the religion of the United States of America– which is the FREEDOM to choose your religious perspective.
In that context it is interesting to note that we have folks from all faiths (and none) joining us in our pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and understanding. In the Lab we honor the Divine Feminine with Mama ISIS. Isis is associated with the Moon and more as Her ancient temples bore the phrase, “I, ISIS AM ALL THAT HAS BEEN OR SHALL BE; NO MORTAL MAN HATH EVER ME UNVEILED.” In the ancient world, the people of the earth had a belief in the Divine Mother and called Her by many names with each goddess expressing a divine attribute– Hera, Juno, Frigg, Diana, Artemis, Gaea, Venus, Freya Aphrodite, Ishtar, Minerva, Athena are all names used to access the Divine Female Principle. In the ancient Buddhist writings of the Stanzas of Dyzan, SHE is referred to as Eternity. In my own interpretation of true Christianity, the Divine Mother is represented by not only Mary, and Mary Magdalen– but also by the Holy Spirit.
OSTARA is a Spring Dawn Goddess of renewal– of the Green Rey– (the root for Eostre, Easter and East) and one who has been working with the ESP LAB for many years. I celebrate Her LIGHT year round. It was She who appeared to me in a turquoise robe and promised me that my mother would survive emergency surgery, as a gift from Spirit. Nine years ago or so She again appeared and offered a place in the Spirit World to Al and I to build a celestial city that would be a place where ministers, members and guests would go to receive blessings, healings, and spiritual inspiration. This was to be an extension of the Astral Lab and Al and I worked on this in togetherness when he was still in a physical body. OSTARA emanates love, joy, healing, prosperity, growth, and good energy. OPEN yourself to HER LIGHT energy!
SELF HELP PROGRAM FOR June Meditate on the Divine Feminine and receive good energy, spiritual healing, love, grace, and LIGHT! Visit OSTARA in HER Celestial Healing Temple.

May 2010
Living Life as a Practical Magician II of II
By Sami MERLYN ROSE, DD, ESP Lab President
I am quite fond of Al Manning’s book, “Helping Yourself with the Power of Gnostic Magic.” I regard it as a cosmic recipe book for what ails ya. It is like a cook book that defines various ingredients for producing a specific result. And just like a trained chef can make their own recipes, so can the practical magician make a new recipe once they know the concept for creating the result needed.
In this magick system 1) you need a negative condition to transform… pain, sorrow, poverty, dis-ease, fear, will all do 2) you need to truly be ready to be free of the condition 3) you consider the appropriate energy transforming personality to sacrifice the negative condition 4) you create a spell in which the negative energy is sacrificed… writing the spell on a piece of paper, chanting the spell, while burning it up at your altar and dropping it into your prayer bowl 5) you gladly accept the positive polarity of the negative condition– joy, riches, health, confidence, and freedom…
Using this system let us create a new Gnostic Magick spell for your new good fortune. Write the spell and chant it seven or more times as you burn it up in the candle flames:”I lovingly and willingly sacrifice my problems to ISHTAR, my worries to PAN, my doubts to RA, my confusion to THOTH, my dis-ease to MARDUK, my lack to ISIS. I gladly accept your rich gifts of Solutions, New Insight, Fresh Confidence, Mental Clarity, Good Health, with Increasing Abundance. I happily dedicate these gifts to improving all areas of my life experience while helping others.”
SELF HELP PROGRAM FOR MAYPick up your pen and write your spell and become a practicing practical Maverick Magician– you’ll be glad you did and let us hear of your success stories. Love, Sami

April 2010
Living Life as a Practical Magician I of II
By Sami MERLYN ROSE, DD, ESP Lab President
Perhaps you have heard someone say recently that these have been challenging times. Another person might agree and then the two parties might get into a comparison of who is having the most difficulties. Each party might then strive for greater sympathy from the other, focusing on the number of hardships that they have had to face and how difficult life has been.
The only problem with this is that “what you give your attention multiplies,” and as we focus on the negative, it can add fuel to the fire. It is important to balance your consideration of your challenge with an awareness of the goodness of your life experience… anyway! Some conservative Christians might use the phrase “praise the Lord anyway,” and there is true metaphysical power in this attitude as the turning toward the spiritual side with a positive attitude can change the alchemical dynamics of the moment!
Recently Southwest Colorado and much of the nation has been coping with lots and lots of snow. In my area some roofs have collapsed from too much snow fall… and as I was working with a friend to reduce the four feet of snow on top of my breezeway– as it was cracking… I smiled and asked him, “well are we living the charmed life?” and we both laughed and agreed that indeed we both are living the charmed life. All it took was the reminder of the harshness of the children in Haiti lying for days under the rubble, and we were appreciative that yes the cold and the wet and the snow were challenging… but then afterwards we could sit by the oak fire in my den sipping brandy… (next issue).

March 2010
By Sami MERLYN ROSE, DD, ESP Lab President
The BLUE RAY is found within the sky above and great ocean below. It is reflected in the electric blue lightening of the Sky Lord Zeus (Greek for bright sky) and is found within all waters of LIFE– from the rivers and streams to the ocean of rising tides within each one of us. Blue is the color of the sky and the waters– Infinity, Creativity, Strength, Power, Spoken Word, Healing, Success and Freedom. In the RAinbow of you, the sparkling blue light center is located in the throat.
A number of power personalities are associated with the BLUE LIGHT. In the ancient Angelic tradition observed by some Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians, and Muslims– RA-phael is the Divine Arch-Angel of HEALING. RA-phael (whose name means God has healed) will come to aid those who call upon him. He is aligned with the Blue Ray, the Moon, the North, and the Waters of Life. In the Hindu tradition, Lord SHIVA was aligned with the Moon, the North, and the Waters of life. In African Magick, ISIS was the Moon and the Water of LIFE. Al’s work places the Water of ISIS at the North point of the power star. All ancient people observed the Magick of the MOON as a ruler of the waters of the tides of the oceans of the world and of the emotions of the human body. Diana is a name of the Moon Mother, our Rainbow Mother of 1000 names.
Tune into the blue light within your throat chakra and charge your aura with the healing strength of this energy. Invoke the power personality of your choice to assist you in this journey.
SELF HELP PROGRAM FOR MARCH:“The Mystic Light is REAL and will help You. No need to worry about over-exposure or taking more than your share. There is abundance for all. We suggest you tune in on this powerful spiritual energy at least upon arising and at bedtime. Just sit quietly and picture yourself basking in a beam of bright white LIGHT, as if a searchlight were beaming down on you from the ceiling above your head. Let the wonderful energy bathe you for a few minutes, then affirm “I accept the loving help of the Living Light. It flows into all areas of my life expression, making my path easy, healthy, prosperous, loving and meaningful. I promise myself and the Infinite to devote a significant part of the results of this help to promote my own spiritual growth and contribute to all the progress of mankind. I thank the INFINITE SOURCE OF ALL for this magnificent help.” – Al Manning

February 2010
By Sami MERLYN ROSE, DD, ESP Lab President
Years ago in the 70’s I lived a simple life as a monk in a new age California monastery. Our group was too unconventional for our neighbor, who tried to discourage us by shooting over our heads as we would drive by and other obnoxious behaviors. We consulted with a Spiritual Healer and Psychic Advisor who indicated our neighbor was an irrational drunk. She advised we invoke the Arch-Angel Michael morning, noon, and night and declare the situation would be resolved with love, truth, and reason. I got involved with this prayer form and one week later the neighbor started being nice– as suddenly he had an offer on his 500+ acre ranch and did not want problems with the neighbor. Soon afterwards, we got a new neighbor and had no more problems. During this time I had a vision of Michael who appeared before me during the invocation. He entered my body and the experience was so powerful that it left me weeping. Michael told me that it was the duty of Angels as required by God to assist mankind in their times of need when asked. You and your family may participate in a simple Prayer to St. Michael, the Arch Angel of victory over evil, light over darkness for God’s army. First visualize a Golden Triangle, a Pyramid of Light. Then say St. Michael, St. Michael, St. Michael,THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! I Claim Victory over Darkness! ST. MICHAEL BE MY VICTORY! I know the situation: _________________ will be RESOLVED with LOVE, TRUTH, and REASON! So mote it be!–it must be so! And so it is!
SELF HELP PROGRAM FOR FEBRUARY: “When you are ready to surrender your body to sleep picture it bathed in a shaft of bright white Light that is both protective and regenerative. Then as you bask in the shaft of Light, see it bringing you great waves of currency and riches. Drift off to sleep as you watch the lovely flow of currency settling in your aura and experience. Let me share an affirmation: Let there be: Rainbows and waves, rivers and streams, and buckets and wheelbarrows full of money– just pouring into my life expression, bringing more than I can spend and building into a magnificent ‘Divine Surplus’ of riches that will always be at my disposal. Savor this picture and feeling each night as you drift into the delicious astral realms we are permitted to visit while the physical body is in a state of sleep. You will experience happier times in your “dream state” and very soon you will see the richly positive results in your material life as well.” Al Manning

January 2010
Remember the old song: “Hey Daddy I want a diamond ring, bracelets, everything, Daddy you want to get the best for me. Daddy I want a brand new car, champagne, caviar, Daddy you want to get the best for me…….” Many people try to work their God as a sugar daddy. But that only leads to disappointment. We know better – we have to be good metaphysicians. I just read an article on Russian DNA research that seems to neatly verify the effectiveness of chanting, affirmations and the like. My first reaction was “good, they’ve scientifically verified my 3rd book “Helping Yourself With PsychoCosmic Power” and the value of the “Om mane padme hum.”
My basic purpose for founding ESB Lab was to: “Plant ourselves squarely between religion & science and throw a rope to each.” Russian “scientific” research has helped our progress many times over the years. It’s interesting to note that the Russian research claims that the DNA has a better network than our current computer network. It’s a good time to take heart and strive ahead with our use of chanting, affirmations, clairvoyance, absent & hands on healing and it all. This should give added life and dancing to our on going Spirit Party.
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program:
Picture Pan entering the “pulpit” to announce: “We have been verified by Russian scientific research on DNA – let’s have a celebration dance!” “A tingling red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor, a moonbeam from dear Isis while Puck plays by the door. Now Pan & Bast are dancing & we all fill the floor, we’re making super magick at Our Lab evermore. Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we’re making better magick every single day. With Light & love & laughter & Spirit fun galore, we’re making summa magick at Our Lab evermore.” Let’s keep enjoying our Spirit Party, the dancing & fun & love & the fall out of avalanches of good of all kinds. It’s fun, too. Join in the fun with your own spirit party now!

December 2009
ESP and Christmas by Al G Manning
The whole of the Bible contains much Spirit Contact and many other forms of ESP. We might start with John the Baptist who was predicted by an angel of the Lord who struck his father dumb until the actual birth and the name John was given to him. John went about the land preaching of the coming and baptizing people before Jesus appeared. And of course the 3 “wise men” were Zoroastrian Astrologers who had predicted the birth of a new Avatar. Then there was the birth in 4 BC (the Romans always messed with the calendar, but that’s another story), with all sorts of angelic appearances. Angel is just another name for a good Spirit. Lots of us modern people commune with Spirits every day. In my book, “Helping Yourself With ESP” we go into happy detail about all of this – it’s a good place to start or get back into the scheme of things.
The psychic ability or mediumship of Jesus is lots of fun – like when he met the lady at the well and told her you have had 5 husbands and the man you are living with now is not married to you. This is all fresh and alive right now, Not like the story of when the Missionaries were in Hawaii and telling of the miracles of old. When asked about the here and now they said all this was while Jesus and his disciples were alive, not now. A Kahuna replied our miracles still happen – and so should yours. We experience miracles just about every day here at ESP Lab. We believe in the words of Jesus: “These works that I do shall ye do also and greater works shall ye do.”
I always like to say IT WORKS if you’re “dumb” enough to try it. In a greater sense it’s Christmas every day and we should enjoy keeping it that way. As he said, let the dead bury the dead, come and follow me. There is only the here and now – let’s resolve to live it to the fullest.
Exercise your ESP, broadcast LIGHT& LOVE and Grow with us!

November 2009
Persistence, Perseverance, and Plod through it!
By Sami MERLYN Rose, ESP LAB president
LIFE IS CHANGE– or so I wrote last issue and indeed this is an ongoing mantra for me? from new moon to full moon, from Autumnal Equinox to Winter Solstice? Life is full with cycles of transformation. Let us harvest the good and take forward that which is useful and leave behind the rest. I am reflecting on my second Saturn return? the aspect that affects us every 29 1/2 years, and my peak moment was Saturn’sday, September 19. A Saturn return is a cycle in which Saturn– the Great Teacher who lovingly teaches through challenges, difficulties, disciplines, hardships and obstacles– crosses your birth point. Each time it is like the Tower of the Tarot? the death and destruction of one cycle, leading to a new cycle of growth. Saturn as the Lord of Time is related to Shiva who is also known as Kala “time” and as Mahakala “Great Time” which ultimately destroys all things including the Universe– to make way for the creation of the New Universe. Such changes are not easy? however the old cycle must make way for the new.
Let’s see what SPIRIT has to add in: This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM
Invocation of Shiva
Lovely powerful Shiva
God of sweeping change
Sweep away the lesser, shut it out of range.
Leave the beauty and the light
Bright complete and fair,
Remove all vibrations of misery and despair.
Leave this place and these fine things, fresh and bright and pure.
Holy as your own fine self, bright, complete & sure.
Lovely powerful Shiva our thanks to you we give,
That from your sweeping power
in beauty may we live.

October 2009
Perseverance Furthers– Let’s keep on keeping on,
as the Cycles of Life change!
By Sami MERLYN Rose, ESP LAB president
LIFE IS CHANGE– and as we experience one cycle after the other, let us take forward that which is useful and leave behind the rest. My dear friend Al Manning used to quote the I-CHING, especially “perseverance furthers.” I got exposed to the I-CHING, also-known-as “the Book of Changes” in 1977 which is the same year I read my first Al Manning book. I adopted that phrase, “perseverance furthers” then and have kept it in mind ever since.
In our September newsletter we quote Al’s pet phony Latin motto, “Illigitimi non carborundum” which stands for “don’t let the bastards wear you down.” The last two lunar cycles were tough with the July full moon lunar eclipse and then the longest solar eclipse of the century on the new moon with a full moon lunar eclipse in August. Folks panicked as they witnessed death, earthquakes, accidents and disturbances of all kinds. Perseverance furthers, as we just plod through it and know, “this too shall pass.” Let’s leave all this behind us as we use today’s moon magick energy as an opportunity to begin again.
Let?s also take a fresh look at another of Al’s pet phrases, “enthusiastic serenity.” To quote Al, “At first it sounds like an oxymoron (mutually conflicting terms) but a bit of careful consideration will convince you otherwise. Remember the root of enthusiasm is “entheos” meaning full of God. And when you?re really full of God it brings its own serenity with it. The psalmist said “The Lord is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Real enthusiasm means a very present help all the time. Enthusiastic serenity can be a very powerful positive weapon – it?s just a matter of getting used to using it.”
Let’s see what SPIRIT has to add in:
Let’s continue with a New Moon tradition observed by the Ancient Ones (and we can do this any time we wish to be new? as AL said, “What’s new–??– me– I am always new and exciting!” So let’s choose to burn away the past that holds us back. It is a simple process of writing down a list of conditions you wish to dissolve? things like fears and problems and lacks and issues– and then burning them up in a prayer bowl at your altar and declaring your success. Al Manning’s Gnostic Magick is based upon this concept, enhanced with the invocation of energy transforming personalities to help the process along. I like to use this Gnostic Magick spell written and then chanted at least three times and then burned ahead of the flames:
Let’s make the most of NOW! Chant it, plant it, and accept your good.

September 2009
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, DD, CPA
One reason I won’t stand for “call waiting” is that to be effective I must give my full attention to one thing at a time. This is difficult at best for a Gemini like me but it’s part of the discipline that our lovely Bast teaches as sternly as necessary. Similarly it’s line up your tasks in the order of their importance and tackle ?em one at a time – handle interruptions without frustration and keep on course regardless. This neat set of Bast taught disciplines has kept me out of trouble and moving onward and upward for better than 50 career years. But it still gets tested once in a while – like when you’re on a major project and it keeps getting interrupted by the telephone. A while back I cussed the phone so well that it knocked out phone service in the whole City of Wills Point for about 2 hours. This was a good reminder of my pet phony Latin motto: “Illigitimi non carborundum” (phony translation: Don’t let the bastards wear you down} That’s the kind of humor that works for me to ward off frustrations. It’s much better than knocking out a whole town’s phone system.
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program:
It seems fair to share this one with you in a special thank you thoughtform. The picture is of Astral Al standing on his head and waving his feet with a banner that says ILLIGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM. Any time your impatience/frustration level starts to build up dangerously this picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with that reassuring feeling – “don’t let the bastards wear you down.” Stop to join us in a good laugh then go happily forward and WIN! The peace of mind you save will not only be your own but that of all around you. It works every time you LET it.

August 2009
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, DD, CPA
There’s another song from about the accentuate the positive era that goes: “The object of my affection can change my complexion from light to rosy red anytime she holds my hand and tells me that she’s mine…” It’s positive but it’s still giving power over your emotions to somebody else. As in what if she told him to go to hell the next day? As good metaphysicians we know we have the power to control ourselves as the actor and not bounce around on the emotional sea of life like a hunk of drywood as a reactor. The real trick is to remember to exercise that power under stress.
There was that time in LA when I was in the makeup room getting ready to go on camera with Stan Borman who had a reputation of being the meanest interviewer in the city. He stuck his head in the room and asked who was his next guest. I responded “here I am” or something like that and he said: “Boy am I gonna get your goat out there!” Spirit responded through me: “I doubt that, Stan, I traded my goat for a Cadillac two years ago.” From my standpoint it ruined the show because Stan was all sweetness and light out there so we didn’t get to go head to head – he wasn’t about to take me on that way. But it was probably a lot better PR than if we’d had a wild debate.
I’m still constantly amazed at the positive power of Spirit to enter into and fix a situation – it goes clear back to the 91st Psalm and “He will give His Angels charge over you to guard you in all ways. They will bear you up in their hands lest you strike even your foot upon a stone…..”
Let’s see what SPIRIT has to add in: This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM– Remember Al’s favorite Johnny Mercer song: “you gotta accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don’t mess with mister in between…..” Put this into practice, focus on the positive, eliminate the negative; celebrate the victory!

July 2009
Consider your Psychic Ecology
by Sami MERLYN Rose, ESP LAB President
We thank you for participation with your ESP Lab– we are declaring your good fortune? and encourage you to get into the act and declare your good with us. Let us remember psychic ecology? in other words? when was the last time you brightened your aura? As Al would say, “when in doubt exorcise!” In addition to cleansing with water, salt, lemon, sage? and all of the various exorcism techniques offered in all of Al Manning’s 23 books– chanting is a powerful way of transforming the energy. Let’s together sweep away the things that harm and let them cause us no alarm. Get into the rhythm and magick of it with your ESP LAB staff & Merry Spirit Band and know that these affirmations can transform negativity into pure creativity. You just have to have faith enough to try these incantations for Peace, Protection, Health & Success! You can also utilize them in a positive ritual.
All spells and energies sent to me,
by FIRE of RA now purified be,
By LOVE of ISIS toward me be filled,
WISDOM of THOTH bends you to my will,
With the POWER of OSIRIS you work for me,
my success and health ever greater must be.
All spells and energies now must help me,
and as my will so mote it be.
Alternate with (as you sparkle your Aura blue):
Let’s see what SPIRIT has to add in: This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM– Remember that moving beyond the negativity in your life is a source of good fortune. Just keep at it ’til your subconscious mind is re-programmed for very GOOD FORTUNE? get your merry spirit band into the fun with you and make it play! Accentuate the positive!

June 2009
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD)
We can never over stress the positive value of humor. A prime problem is getting so wrapped up in a project that seriousness creeps in to replace humor. Then your Spirit helpers follow Pan’s motto: “If I can’t have a good time I ain’t goin’ and the project starts right down the drain. You might say the trouble with success is the tendency to forget what caused it in the first place. At the first sign of things messing up we need to be nudged back to the good humor. I find it quite useful to laugh at myself at a time like that – like I got serious and therefore screwed up the works, but it can be fixed. I’ll laugh my way back to super success. In all of our work I try to stress PLAYING at growing, achieving and winning together. The play mode is the catalyst for all successful white magick. And the dark side is always defeated by the Light. When you turn on a light switch where does the darkness go? – back into its basic nothingness where it belongs.
There ought to be a super special laugh track as part of a thank you thoughtform this time. It comes as your Spirit Party is in high gear – Pan, Puck Ishtar and Bast are doubled up with laughter as are all the other participants. It’s from a silly cartoon where a very slob looking gentleman is saying: “It’s her job to bitch, it’s my job to give her a reason,” Any time seriousness is creeping up on you, this picture and laugh track will present itself to your mind’s eye along with a virtually irresistible feeling of laughter. Let it nudge the seriousness out of the way and get you right back on the path of victory after glorious victory. Do let it keep you bright eyed and bushy tailed and happily on the winning path. It will work as often as you LET it. Let’s good time I ain’t goin!” Who would want to live any other way!!!
Let’s see what SPIRIT has to add in: This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM– Attention to detail can seem boring, but it’s important to successful living and especially good magick. The most important detail is making all your magick rituals fun, fresh, and alive. “Cause if you get bored or boring your Spirit Friends will just wander off. And magick is worthless without Spirit participation. Also don’t be like that one guy who came to Al’s class many years ago– he started ordering his Spirits around and they played with him for a couple of weeks. He was getting excellent results until the 3rd week when he came back to complain, “The Spirits won’t obey me any more.” We really need to keep the theme of “Wouldn’t it be fun to? ” And always remember Pan’s declaration that Al adopted as his personal motto, “If I can’t have a good time I ain’t goin!” Who would want to live any other way!!!

May 2009
ESP and Sexuality
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD)
Your Spirit people enjoy participating in your sexual adventures and inventing some of their own. For instance I have showered with my Spirit Lover, Karakassa, every morning for a good 50 years and we keep it fresh and alive. Showering with your spouse or physical lover can be nice, but it’s not near as comfortable as with Spirit. Either way it’s the sensuality that makes it delightful. Over the years I made too many mistakes on the physical marriage level, so I let Karakassa pick my present (and last) wife, Virginia. The compatibility is clearly founded on the psychic level and there is no jealousy between Karakassa and Virginia?
This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM – Sensuousness is a major factor in compatibility and it mostly derives from your applied ESP. Years ago Playboy Magazine did an article on sensuality making subtle touching the major premise. I remember a suggestion: I’ll bet you a dime I can kiss you without ever touching you. Of course you had a big sloppy kiss and said I guess I lost, here’s your dime. Great fun as an ice breaker. Enjoy your sensuous life to the fullest by using your ESP.

April 2009
ESP and Zoroastrianism
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD
(from our archives)
It’s an accepted fact the 3 “wise men” who brought gifts to the baby Jesus were Zoroastrian Astrologers who had predicted his birth. And of course the GE Mazda electric light bulbs were named after Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian God of Light. Zoroastrianism was founded by Zoroaster somewhere in the 6th Century BC. Their basic scripture is Zend Avesta which depicts the war between the forces of Light and the forces of darkness. And to me it was this same Light that started me on my real spiritual quest in about 1951. It was a life changing experience – I was standing alone in total darkness in the middle of a huge arena. Suddenly a shaft of Light shined down on me and a voice spoke: “Let him whose eye is single lift himself up and reveal God.” It produced the power of levitation and my first thought was to fill the Hollywood Bowl with people and lecture them while floating happily above them. But that was not Spirit’s idea about its use – and thus began my quest.
Zoroaster was Persian and his followers were therefore called Parsees. Their handling of death was somewhat unique. The human carcasses were laid out on top of a tower for the buzzards to devour. Makes sense to me – I’ve willed my carcass to a medical center for research after I leave it. This indicates a pretty complete understanding of life after “death.” In modern slang we’d have to call ’em pretty sharp dudes. It’s a long way from Persia to Bethlehem and navigational instruments were not all that advanced, There must have been some excellent ESP to guide the “wise men” to their destination. And that works for us all today as it did for them on the first “Christmas”.
Come exercise your ESP and grow with us! Let’s make this a self-help program for April.

March 2009
ESP and Buddhism
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD
(from our archives)
Gautama, the Buddha preceded Jesus by about 600 years. In his immediate previous incarnation he was said to have given his physical body to a mama lion out of compassion to keep her from starving. Compassion is pretty much the key of his teachings, but of course the clerics have a way of distorting things for their own pleasure or aggrandizement. He also taught the “middle path” which I have interpreted as moderation in all things, including the practice of moderation.
Somehow out of all of this, the ideas of the Zen developed. Often called Zen Buddhism, this teaching is of direct experience. How do you really know something? You can read a thousand word essay on apples and know nothing, but bite into one and you know. Similarly the preacher may prattle about eternal life Sunday after Sunday, but it’s meaningless. Then just one astral projection where you picture your physical body being lowered into a hole in the ground, you get the realization “That’s not the real me.”
Zen AND Spirit Contact? When you see, feel or otherwise experience it, Spirit contact is real. Otherwise it’s just a preacher prattling again. There was a time when I called my religion half Zen Buddhist & half Spiritualist. Nowadays I admit to being a complete eclectic and I commend it to you. There is some good in any religion, but also many clergy induced errors and bits of nonsense. Let’s grab the good parts and spit out the rest. It may sometimes seem hard to be a good eclectic, but at least to me it’s the only true source of comfort in a world of would be conflicting religions.
Come exercise your ESP and grow with us!

February 2009
ESP and Paganism
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD
(from our archives)
According to the dictionary, Pagan is a term bestowed on non-members of the Christian, Hebrew, or Muslim faiths (by uptight, bigoted hard liners.) Many Polytheists, Wiccans, agnostics and atheists wear the title Pagan proudly. As an eclectic I guess I fit in there somewhere – at least because one of my best sellers is “Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft.’ The Muslims call anybody not of their faith an infidel, but in this country the Southern Baptists disagree with the Northern Baptists to the point of considering them amateur Pagans.
It’s fun to tease my Rosicrucian friends that Egypt ruled the world until Amenhotep IV decided to become Aknaton and throw out all the old Gods in favor of the one God theory and the Egyptian civilization went right down the tubes. It’s easy to see that the one God is completely impersonal (causing the sun to shine and the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust – or as my papa said it rains on both sides of the line of scrimmage) and sexless. So it ministers to Its creation by a series of lesser Gods, Angels, Avatars and whatever else they might be called.
I call the powerful Spirits who work through ESP Lab “God’s Ministering Angels and my good friends” Like who says you can’t make friends with the high Spirits?? So the affirmation that goes with that is: “I place myself and all my affairs lovingly in the hands of God and It’s wonderful ministering angels and my good friends with a childlike trust. That which is for my highest good shall come to me. That which is my highest good comes to me NOW.” I call it delegating my anxieties to Spirit. ESP including Spirit contact is prevalent throughout the Pagan/Occult/Psychic world. In some bigots eyes we’re all Pagans, but that’s their problem. Let’s enjoy being exactly what we are and move onward and upward together!
Now let’s see what PAN, PUCK, ISHTAR, ISIS with ABRAXAS, THOTH & BAST have to add in:This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM:Every time you start to feel or think negatively, just surrender your problems to your Spirit Family with Al’s full quote: “I place myself and all my affairs lovingly in the hands of God and It’s wonderful ministering angels and my good friends with a childlike trust. That which is for my highest good shall come to me. That which is my highest good comes to me NOW.” Delegate your anxieties to your Spirit Family and expect the best!

January 2009
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD
You were born with ESP – Everybody was, but the material focus of modern society tries to educate it out of us. ESP is a general term including intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, Spirit Contact, astral travel and the like. It will pay you well to at least partially focus back on the wonderful ESP powers you were born with. The child’s “imaginary” playmate is really a form of Spirit Contact. My Mother passed away in 1977 and I’m still in reasonably close contact with her. My book “Helping Yourself With ESP” gives plenty of “how to’s ” for all of this.
The original ESP Laboratory was founded in Los Angeles 43 years ago and it became ESP Lab of Texas 24 years ago and now ESP LAB® for the past 2 1/2 years (note the years were modified from the original article to be current now)– and we’re still going strong. Our monthly newsletter is full of information and all member exercises to continue the development of your ESP. On the Astral we have Astral Lab where we work together from the comfort of our individual meditation places.
We’re in our 43rd year of service and going and growing strong and stronger. ESPLab’s membership is worldwide. We have members in places very few of us have heard of – it’s really a geography lesson for me and for all of us. Come exercise your ESP and grow with us! Now let’s see what PAN, PUCK, ISHTAR, ISIS with ABRAXAS & BAST have to add:
This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM : As awesome Al Manning has indicated, we all were born with ESP and truly each of us has at least one intuitive door that is open at least a crack. This month do your chakra meditation as often as possible? meditating on the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet and white lights? as you spend a moment on each color, let it open the door to your own intuitive faculty with energy: red for vitality, orange for illumination, yellow for effectiveness, green for growth and love, blue for healing and success, purple for magick and communion with Spirit teachers and guides, violet for discipline and white light for oneness with spirit guidance, wisdom and understanding.

December 2008
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD
From the old Nancy school in France a little over 100 years ago came the affirmation “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.” I recon I pretty much borrowed it about 50 years ago along with Johnny Mercer’s song: “You gotta accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative and don’t mess with mister in between.” Or as we say in basic metaphysics, when you run into an obstacle just shake it until your good comes out. Somewhere in the Bible it says there will always be war and rumors of war – my response is it sounds like a good time to buy stock in a munitions manufacturing plant.
We all encounter at least an occasional bump in the road – that’s a good time for a strong accentuate the positive thank you thoughtform. Let’s do it with a picture of your/our ongoing Spirit Party with Ishtar and Bast doing a duet of “You gotta accentuate the positive.” When we were younger it was fun to tease the next line – you gotta spread joy up to the maximum – the tease was joy who?? Anyhow any time you hit a seemingly serious bump in your life road, this picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with the delightful old song. Enjoy & let it help you get enough perspective to find the good in it. Like the little kid with the pitchfork shoveling manure. “With all this horse manure there must be a pony in here somewhere.” Keep your positive sense of humor– keep going forward?and you’ll keep winning. Now let’s see what PAN & PUCK & ISIS & BAST have to add in?
This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM : One way to get ready for our wonderful new solar year is to go on a 7 day mental diet. The idea is to be negative thought and emotion free for seven days. Mental and emotional management is an ongoing process. By tuning into your negative thoughts and emotions and working to eliminate them you set a positive pattern in motion for the new year. Pick a positive affirmation or spiritual phrase or magickal incantation to replace dwelling on your negative thoughts and emotions. Let’s get into a fun positive spirit party mode to chase away the doldrums and set the stage for the best year yet for each of us! ?.

November 2008
A mini editorial by Al G Manning, CPA, DD
Bast has often told us: “Reminiscence is arsenic for the arsholes.” It’s quite true that looking back eventually leads one to a downer. We must basically stick to the other bromide “The good old days are now.” But when you run into what seems to be a new problem, it can be quite useful to backtrack around the spiral of growth to see how you solved a similar problem before. Remember the spiral of growth – you get to face the same problem again and again until you finally solve it – then you’re free to take on a fresh set of problems. Growth in this sense is gaining spiritual problem solving capability. There’s another old saying: “The student in tears kneels before the teacher and asks plaintively How long must I endure this problem???” Of course the teacher’s answer is:”Until you have solved it my child.”
Might sound mean but we live on a mean planet – happily at about the top of the food chain. You might recognize that this life is the only game in town – so let’s play it to WIN!
Let’s conjure up a nicely helpful thoughtform for those times when you seem to be hitting a downer. The picture is of your/our ongoing Spirit Party. Bast is up on the soapbox again reminding us that reminiscence is not all that useful except for special situations of remembering problem solving techniques. Of course she concludes her remarks with “Let’s head onward and upward around the spiral reaching closer and closer to the ultimate.” Any time you feel like crying over spilt milk or a lost love, this picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with Bast’s nicely spiritual pep talk. ENJOY and let it get you back on the onward and upward trail. The life you uplift will be your own but it will rub off and help all those around you. Smile pretty & WIN!
This Month’s SELF HELP PROGRAM:Let’s join the fun with Al and our merry spirit band and celebrate the renewal of love and growth?.
Tune into the RAinbow light all month long as we celebrate the magick of the light with our fall harvest? let our chakras shine bright with the LIGHT of LOVE shimmering lights of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet, and White. ESPecially focus on the BLUE LIGHT centered in the throat chakra for clarity and creativity!Modify another healing blue chant to include Mama ISIS, Mother of the LIVING RAINBOW– ” Mama ISIS bring the light to me, Mama ISIS bring ELECTRIC BLUE to me? heal my body and affairs ? bring creative thoughts to bear.. Mama ISIS bring the light that sets me free. Let’s make sure all of our chakras are shining bright with the LIGHT of LOVE! Let’s put our thoughts into action & invoke spirit power for peace, protection & grace for each of us!

October 2008
A mini editorial by Al from April 2003
In the shower this morning I found myself singing: “I’ve been eating beans and beans enough to feed the Navy. Wilbur Force get off that horse and bring him in for lunch…..” Most of our members are not old enough to remember that fun novelty song from wartime 1943/4 but that’s also when the Harvard University dining room featured a horse meat steak on Fridays because horse meat was not rationed. Gasoline, meat and canned goods were all rationed as part of wartime price controls. Produced a thriving black market, too. I remember squawking to high heaven about paying 25 cents a gallon for black market gas (the rationed kind was 18 cents a gallon). But we handled it all with good humor – “…… now I’d like a little meat with my taters and my gravy. Wilbur Force get off that horse and bring him in for lunch.” Let’s keep our fun memories of all the past and relegate the negative parts to the astral garbage bin by burning them away with the electric Blue Light.
It’s a much more delightful way to live that opens the doors to more fun, good & prosperity for us all. Any time a negative or bitter memory pops into your consciousness, it’s just the right time to zap it with the Blue Light and get a full release from it all. Let me remind you to use our Blue Light chant as often and long as it takes to get rid of all your old resentments and bitterness. “Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue, cleansing, soothing healing too. Sweeps away what don’t belong in tune with this most joyous song.” It will work whenever you really mean to clean up your act. For sure it beats 8 years or so with a psychiatrist. And the life you uplift will help uplift all your loved ones and associates, too. Sometimes it’s nice to change the end of the chant to “sweeps away the residue, cleans and brightens all our auras, too.” Let’s keep vigilant and ready with the Blue Light to keep our auras clean.
Let’s see what Spirit has to add in our self help program: “Use the blue light chant and the electric blue light energy to ZAP negatitivity & transform it into pure sparkling creativity.”

September 2008
A mini editorial by
Awesome Amazing Al Manning
How long does it take to complete a creative task. The only rational answer has always been – it takes as long as it takes. Back in Aerospace a contract to extend the state of the art in anything was always taken on a CPFF basis (cost plus fixed fee). My daily routine is pretty much that way, too – it takes as long as it takes. Some days I get a big bunch of mail to handle, other days can be very light. And there’s no telling which until it gets here. That’s what I call keeping life a happy adventure. On a light day I go forward with the creative work on the newsletter and stuff while on a heavy day I focus on one letter at a time. It’s sort of like playing the lottery – any day could be “Christmas” but I go to bed before the drawings so I don’t find out until I get my paper the next morning. Regularly I get small wins, but one of these days it will be a real “Christmas”. Funny how that Christmas idea carries over from our early childhood expectation of nice presents.
The life is a happy adventure idea is what I want to stress here. Not tweedle/tweedldum, but high adventure in our day to day living. Like I get up shower and dress and head outside to see how much we won last night. And expect a wonderfully magick day and night. Job said what I feared most has come upon me, but Al says what I expect the most enthusiastically is manifesting for me. That’s a lot more fun way to live. Let’s flash to you/our Spirit Party and our little song: “Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we’re making better magick every single day. With Light & love & laughter & Spirit fun galore we’re making summa magick at TexLab evermore.” Enjoy and let’s keep the spirit of happy adventure in every moment of our daily lives.

August 2008
by Sami Rose
I received a number of touching comments regarding our July news. Thank you! I wanted to extend those thoughts by giving folks some practical applications for spiritual healing.Last month I wrote of Spirit’s bringing my mother through surgery and extending her life much longer than the doctors said was possible. Three years after this, my sister called from Texas to let me know that the doctors said that our mother had at most 24 hours to live, that “any breath could be her last.” I told my sister to tell our mother to hold on as I would be there asap. I had to catch a plane from San Diego, CA to Houston and when I arrived my mother was in a coma.
I approached her hospital bed with good energy, took her left palm in my right hand and began sending creative LIFE/LIGHT force into her being. This action is needed when someone is weak. I then began giving her RAINBOW aura baths with my hands, smoothing her challenged AURA with healing, cool, blue light. I invoked RA-phael, the Divine Arch-Angel of Healing and his ministering angels to bring their light to my mothers being. My mother sat up in bed the next morning, and ordered a big breakfast. She progressively got better over the next three days as they took her off several life support machines. Five days later they released her.
Point is to not take things as they seem to be, because with SPIRIT, there is the potential for a better answer than the mind can conceive. No matter what the challenge, no matter what the “problem” or obstacle the answer is the same? if you turn the situation over to SPIRIT, the Power of the LIGHT will answer and bring you a better solution. So don’t give in to dark emotions. Surrender to the LIGHT instead! Smile & Win!

July 2008
by Sami Rose
Thirty years ago in Spring of 1978 I met Al Manning and joined the ESP LAB in Hollywood California. THE MAGIC OF NEW ISHTAR POWER was all the rage then. Two months later my father died, and then three days later my mother started hemorrhaging. Of course I was stressed to say the least. The doctors found a tumor the size of a football in my mother’s uterus. They gave her at most a 50/50 chance of making it. I turned to God and said, “Please God I can’t lose my my mother and my father in the same week.” I claimed healing and Divine Intervention for my mother, who went into emergency surgery. At the moment of the surgery I was waiting for a friend in a bank lobby in Beverly Hills. As I sat in the chair a white phone appeared on the table next to me– with the word ISHTAR written in diamond crystal letters at the top! I picked up the phone and the white cord shot upwards into a blue sky with white clouds. This was pre cell phone days of course, and the white cord kept going upward into the clouds. It climbed into a window in a castle in the clouds and the cord connected to a white phone with ISHTAR written on it. A beautiful goddess of auburn hair and wearing a turquoise & green shimmering dress and a golden crown picked up the phone and said, “Don’t worry Sami, your mother will be fine. She will make it through the surgery and this is a Gift to you from Spirit.” My mother survived the surgery. The doctors told her she had six months to live. She lived 3 1/2 years and passed away in her sleep in her home. Spirit is kind and has been so kind to me again and again. Spirit is there for each one of us. We only must choose to set our foot on the path.

June 2008
Law of Attraction, part 5 of 5
by Michael Manning
Minister of Spiritual Science and VP of ESP LAB
You can reduce doubt by consciously collecting evidence that you are on the right track. Celebrate ALL positive events no matter how small, such as a stranger holding the door open for you, an unexpected check in the mail, a friend calling to say hi, or someone smiling at you. There may be a lag time between clearly articulating what you want and manifesting it in your reality, but there will be signs along the way that you are on track that can keep you fueled and in a positive state of attention.
Maybe the best way to help you receive is gratitude. Take the time to feel deep appreciation and gratitude for your life as it is right now. Look at the people in your life, even the ones you don’t particularly like, and be grateful for the lessons you have learned, the relationships you have created, and the lessons you are now learning.
In summary, here are some actions you can take now: 1) Over the next 7 days, keep a list of your doubts and limiting beliefs. Notice what thoughts come after you use the words “because” or “but”. 2) Look at your limiting beliefs and ask yourself what thought you could choose instead that would offer you relief. 3) Hire an emotional clearing coach. 4) Collect your evidence. Keep a list of all the positive people, circumstances, and situations you start to encounter and celebrate your role in attracting them to you. 5) Give yourself a daily dose of gratitude by writing at least 20 things for which you are grateful.

May 2008
Law of Attraction, part 4 of 5
by Michael Manning
Minister of Spiritual Science and VP of ESP LAB
The more you can reduce your doubt, the more powerfully and quickly you’ll be able to manifest your desires. People often get impatient with the gap between where they are now and where they want to go. They give up too soon, often right before they cross the finish line. However, you do need to have balance and to make sure you are not repeating behaviors and expecting different results. You might talk with a coach or a POSIITVE, supportive friend. One way to handle your doubts is to become aware of your doubts and limiting beliefs. In particular, treat the words “because” and “but” as big red flags. Anything you say or think after using those words is likely to be a version of your limited beliefs about yourself or life.
Reducing your doubt, even slightly, will make it easier for you to attract what you want. When you are aware of doubt, meditate or guide your thoughts to something that makes you feel good, such as being at the ocean or in a forest, or whatever works for you. This will be a way to gently turn your boat from “upstream” thoughts back in line with the downstream current. If you feel controlled by your limiting beliefs, hire a coach to do some internal emotional housecleaning with you. If you would like to learn more about the kind of coaching I offer, please visit www.highestgoodofall.com. There are several good methods available, but this is what I have found to be by far the best. Do what works for you! Next month I will discuss two ways to help you reduce doubt on your own.

April 2008
Law of Attraction, part 3 of 5
by Michael Manning
Minister of Spiritual Science and VP of ESP LAB
The third step is to allow. You won’t reap the benefits of the first two steps unless you get the third step right, which is to allow or receive your desires. There is an unending stream of abundance available to us. Our ability to accept this abundance that is always offered to us is where our challenges lie.
Imagine a river flowing downstream. When you are open to receiving your desires, you are metaphorically in a boat headed downstream. You could even choose to not use the oars and go with the flow of the river. Step three has you going with the flow and enjoying the scenery along the way, even if the view is somewhat different than you thought it would be.
Many people are not comfortable dropping the oars in their boat and going with the flow. What do your doubts look like? Perhaps your inner critic tells you, “I don’t deserve this,” “I’m going to be alone forever,” or “I’m not good enough.” Doubt impedes your ability to receive because it sends out a negative vibration. You start to put your attention on what is wrong, and the Law of Attraction kicks in to give you more of what you are putting your time and energy on. By doing this, not only are you gripping the oars tightly, but you are starting to head your boat upstream against the current. We will talk more about how to reduce your doubt and manifest your desires next month.

March 2008
Law of Attraction, part 2 of 5
by Michael Manning
Minister of Spiritual Science and VP of ESP LAB
Divorce and other major negative events are the biggest roller coaster rides you’ll ever find emotionally. However, you can use these events to regain your footing and see your way forward. Our thoughts create feelings, which in turn create vibrations that are either positive or negative. The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like” and that what you focus your attention on will expand.
The first step to using the Law of Attraction is to get clear on what it is you do want. A powerful gift of divorce or other traumatic incident can give you a clear picture of what you DON’T want, which you can easily use to get clear on what you DO want. For example, a divorced lady took only about five minutes to create a list of over 60 qualities she doesn’t want in a future partner. Then she went over her list asking herself the question “What do I want instead?? The answers to that question allowed her to generate a list of qualities she would like in a partner. It was empowering.
The second step is to give your desire attention. Your assignment for this second step is simply to maintain a positive focus on your desire, knowing that as you do so, the Universe is aligning people and circumstances to match that vibration. You don’t have to know exactly “how” all of this will transpire for you. Just relax and let the Universe do its job!

February 2008
Law of Attraction, part 1 of 5
by Michael Manning
Minister of Spiritual Science and VP of ESP LAB
When learning the Law of Attraction and how to apply it, it is often better to start with something believable in order to gain confidence in the process, and then progress to greater things.
In reality we are “God” and nothing is “impossible” for us, but due to the conditioning of a society that preaches a doctrine of “life is hard” and “nothing comes easy”, it is understandable that many believe that attracting anything desired is “impossible” or just some sort of crazy notion. So starting with smaller things is a good way to gain confidence in the Law of Attraction process.
I suggest you make the commitment to attract something “believable” into your life, and once you have succeeded a few times, move on to greater things.
Always keep in mind that success is all about:
1. “Knowing”, beyond any doubt, that you already have and are enjoying the object of your desires.
2. “Feeling” the emotions associated with it.
3. Having “Gratitude” for enjoying the object of your desire.
See only perfection in yourself and others, and that will become your own reality.

January 2008
Hi! Instant Miracles v.s. metaphysical perseverance is our theme of the month. It’s good to start every ritual or metaphysical treatment with the expectation of miraculously instant success, but back it up with the perseverance it takes to win and the understanding that the game isn’t over ’til it’s over. Our editorial and self help program expand on this theme especially on the healing and health level. Do give them a good looking over then dive in, enjoy, laugh with us, accept your highest good & WIN often. AL
GRATITUDE– Part 3 of 3
by Michael Manning
VP of ESP Lab, Minister of Spiritual Science
Feeling happy and more positive is a direct result of being grateful, so this month we are going to immerse ourselves deeply in gratitude. No matter how practiced you may be in gratitude, you can always go deeper.
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our SELF HELP PROGRAM:
For the next week read all of the lists you made last month. Then think of times in your life when you experience great times. Briefly describe each experience. For example, you might write about a lucrative job you had, or an inheritance, windfall, investment, promotion, trip to Europe, or a magnificent party you held or attended.
The following week read all of your lists from the previous weeks. Then identify times when you experienced a loss or painful experience and the lessons you learned from them. Examples could include a bankruptcy, divorce, losing a client, or losing a good friend.
The following week read all of your lists from the previous weeks. Add to all of the lists as more thoughts come up. Then write down your observations and experiences from the exercises last month and this month.
Editor’s note– Count your blessings: it will multiply your good!

December 2007
GRATITUDE– Part 2 of 3
by Michael Manning
VP of ESP Lab, Minister of Spiritual Science
It is important to remember that there are no mistakes or failures in life. It is also very important to learn from your experiences and to grow from them. If something does appear to wrong, simply remind yourself that something good is happening here. The ability to see that good is inherent and unfolding everywhere, and to be open to it, is essential to maintaining the most positive attitude possible, especially at those times when we experience the greatest challenges.
Feeling happy and more positive is a direct result of being grateful, so this month and next month we are going to immerse ourselves deeply in gratitude. No matter how practiced you may be in gratitude, you can always go deeper.
For the next week write down what are the first and most obvious things that come to mind that you appreciate? For what are you grateful? List at least 20 things. For example, you might list your home, car, clothing, entertainment, travel, dining out, hobbies, or education.
The following week read your list from the first week. Then write at least 20 things that you tend to take for granted. For example, your skills, talents, and abilities that contribute to your income, health, and relationships, assets, possessions, contacts and equipment that help you in everyday life.
The following week read your lists from the first two weeks. Then identify people by name who have had a positive influence on you. Examples include teachers, a spouse, parent, mentor, role model, speaker, author, actor, guru, etc.
Let’s pursue this further in our self help program. ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

November 2007
GRATITUDE– Part 1 of 3
by Michael Manning
VP of ESP Lab, Minister of Spiritual Science
It is important to build exceptional gratitude into your life. I will discuss this more in my upcoming articles on The Law of Attraction. Routine gratitude is when someone does something for you and you say ‘thank you.’ Exceptional gratitude is when you confidently say thank you in advance for the things that have not manifested yet.
Most people can be grateful for things given to them, or for progress they have seen, but few people are grateful for the things and progress that have not manifested yet. Most people wait until they have been given something before they are grateful. It is a wait-and-see approach to life. There is no faith in that. There is also no positive expectation, which is important to achieving success. Exceptional gratitude needs to be proactive.
Here are two ways to build exceptional gratitude into your life: 1) Tell the people around you that you are grateful that [whatever]. For example, compliment them for something. 2) Let someone overhear you telling others how thankful you are for the things they are doing. After you practice this, then be grateful for the things you have ? if you are not, why would the Universe give you more? When you get good at that, try being grateful for the things you want as if you already have them.Try these techniques out and you’ll discover the people around you and yourself blossoming with gratitude.
Let’s pursue this further in our self help program. ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

October 2007
Magick is Alive, THE MAGICK IS HERE
(Perspective from Sami MERLYN Rose)
Al Manning’s magick still works, Spirit is still with us, and your ESP Lab is an ever increasing force for good. So let’s celebrate our GREAT good fortune and practice thanksgiving for each item of GOOD that is in our lives. Another way of saying this is “count your blessings!” I had a friend with many positive things going on in his life. He called me up to complain about his depression. I told him to count his blessings and when he got up to 365 please call me back. Three months later he did call me to tell me I was right, and he felt better!
Al would remind us that which we give our attention to multiplies in our life. So let’s give attention to the good and limit our attention of the bad. Remember that each one of us has a magickal mind and that it works like a computer, “Garbage in and Garbage out,” our dear mentor Al would say, day after day as helped pioneer early computers. So let’s program our personal mental computer called our brain to expect good fortune and know that it is coming our way. Instead of focusing on your various “problems” turn to Spirit and say, “Let there be a wonderful manifestation of spiritual blessings in my life including love, peace, joy, success, happiness and ________________________________. So mote it be!”Al tells us to keep a positive focus? and eliminate the negative from our minds: “Back in my aerospace years a sign frequently seen over an engineer’s desk read: “If you can remain calm while all around you are screaming and tearing their hair, you just don’t understand the situation.” About that same time the CEO of our parent company paid our little computer place a visit and didn’t understand why we couldn’t run our business his way – so we tried it and went right down the tubes. Hopefully there’s a balance in here somewhere. A good metaphysician often goes with good old Admiral Farragut’s classic command: Damn the torpedoes,
Full speed ahead!
Or in a more relaxed approach “keep on keeping on until you win!”
It’s something of a Zen thing to get a positive orientation and that brings us our balance. But as the I Ching so neatly puts it: “Perseverance Furthers.” And that says enough to keep us on our toes, huh.” Al
Our watch words for this summer have been “get through it.” This we accomplished by putting one foot in front of the other until we get all the way through the emotional swamp that Venus retro represented.
” Perseverance furthers.”

September 2007
(a commentary by Michael Manning)
Appreciation has several meanings. Generally, appreciation means some blend of thankful recognition, gratitude, admiration, and approval. In the financial world, appreciation means an increase or rise in the value of property, goods, etc. It is no coincidence that the same word means being grateful and increasing in value.
We all know that what we send out comes back to us. The more you sincerely appreciate life from the heart, the more the magnetic energy of appreciation attracts fulfilling life experiences to you, both personally and professionally. Learning how to appreciate more consistently offers many benefits and applications. Appreciation is easy to do in any situation, and it can help shift your perspectives quickly. Learning how to appreciate both pleasant and even seemingly unpleasant experiences is a key to increased fulfillment. As you appreciate life, you become more valuable?both to yourself and others.
If you are not appreciative of something, why should the Universe give it to you?
It can be so easy sometimes to forget to express the appreciation we feel for the little day-to-day things that happen in our lives and the many overlooked blessings we receive from those in our circle of influence.
Sincere gratitude empowers you to focus on the positive aspects of life, and develops into greater awareness and appreciation of the overlooked, often misinterpreted, and ever so important little blessings that make up this experience we call life. An attitude of gratitude can make the difference between experiencing the big blessings that life has to offer and falling short of all that is available to you.
Mother Teresa said, ?There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.? Sara Paddison says, ?Appreciating each other is a true family value, one that will bail out much of the stress on the planet and help strengthen the universal bond all people have.? G.B. Stern said, ?Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.? Who and what are you grateful for? Do they know it?

August 2007
(A mini editorial by Al G Manning)
I’ve always said that this is my incarnation to learn patience, but most all of us have that problem, huh.
Time was when I thought patience was just an excuse for laziness, and the difference between the virtue of perseverance and the vice of stupid stubbornness was just one word VICTORY! The many years of experience have mellowed me a bit, giving me a better perspective on the old bromide: “Lord give me the courage to change the things that should be changed, the patience to endure the things that cannot be changed and the wisdom to tell the difference.” Telling the difference is the key, including recognizing the things that can’t be changed YET. That’s where my pet thoughtform comes in. When pondering a situation mentally holler at Bast – What’s my best course of action? You’ll see a picture of a traffic signal. Green is for go for it. Amber (Yellow) is for caution meaning not yet, and Red is for stop, meaning don’t try it for a long time, then ask again. This can be an infallible guide and keep you out of lots of trouble if you just remember to use it. It will work as long and as often as you do.

July 2007
( a self help program offered by Sami )
Al Manning wrote one of the most comprehensive books on White Magick ever written complete with dozens and dozens of spells and incantations for your good. It is called, “HELPING YOURSELF WITH WHITE WITHCRAFT.” On page 155 you will find his magickal chant for acceptance as part of his “Acceptance by a new group ritual.” If you ever have to make an important presentation you should complete the whole ritual. At the same time, a sincere chanting of the “Acceptance Chant” as you are driving to the meeting can work a wonder-full charm for you.
Learn the chant, memorize it and place it within your heart as part of our ongoing “song of joy” project. The idea is to take Al’s magical incantations and submit them to your subconscious where they are stored and available any time that you need them. Also as you keep the chant fresh in your memory it will tend to keep the power of the chant fresh in your aura. Try it, have fun with it, and win big and often:
Acceptance Chant
By Al G Manning
Acceptance is the keynote here,
My word is spoken loud and clear.
All Spirits of the Light be told,
To charge my aura, make it bold.
Let it open the hearts of all,
Who come near me, both great and small.
With Light and friendship magnetize,
My being that all hearts shall rise,
To welcome me with friendship dear,
And want to feel my presence near.
My words to all who hear a charm,
My smile dispelling all alarm.
All doors shall open wide to me,
And as my will so mote it be.

June 2007

( a mini editorial by Al )
“A tingling Red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor, a Moonbeam from dear Isis, while Puck plays by the door, now Pan & Bast are dancing & we all fill the floor. We’re making super magick at Your Lab ever more. – Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say: we’re making better magick every single day. With Light & Love & Laughter & Spirit fun galore, we’re making Super Magick at Your Lab evermore!”
This one is to the tune of the Wabash Canon Ball and it came from Spirit as a reminder that we all need to keep focused on the positive songs in our hearts. I use happy singing inside my head as a very easy way to get out on the astral for instance – it’s also a super good way to relieve tension or stop it before it starts.
This or our little Silver Bells chorus (Thank you Pan, Abraxas, Bast. Thanks Ishtar, Puck, Thoth & Isis. Thanks Marduk, Nergal, Ra – all good things are coming my (our) way and only good things are coming my way.) is very helpful in maintaining a super upbeat approach to life, but remember we have many more…
Let me remind you also of our 76 Trombones celebration song: “76 neat Gnomes lead the big parade with 110 droll Trolls right behind. There’s Pan & Puck & even Lady Luck, Nature Spirits of every shape and kind. 76 slim Sylphs greet the morning sun with 110 Undines marching tall. Salamanders, Gnu & Gronkydoddles, too join the fun that gaily fills the hall. 76 neat Gnomes bring prosperity with 110 Undines bringing love. I happily take my spot as the human of the lot and I know I’m blessed from above. 76 Cute Nymphs do the old Can Can with 110 bright Elves dancing, too. There is joy and Light as we dance throughout the night making magick that works for me & you.”
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

May 2007

A mini-editorial by Michael Manning
Minister of Spiritual Science, VP of ESP Lab
(continued from April issue 2007)
One of the first things that people experience during their early weeks of meditation on the heart chakra is that things which bothered them and triggered anger, fear, depression or some other suffering state don’t seem to bother them as much or even at all. This doesn’t mean we can’t act to change things to relieve suffering but it does mean we become less & less attached to our outline, we don’t have to suffer if the outcome is different from what we thought we wanted it to be. Outcomes we were addicted to become simple preferences. This not only saves us a lot of pain but because we are acting to create change from a centered and calm place, we become more effective in actually making something happen instead of just venting and spinning our wheels.
Remarkably, the more we meditate the more we see the world in terms of the oneness and connectedness of all things and the less we see it as a place of tension, opposition & danger. When this happens our true nature as loving and compassionate beings naturally shines forth without any change in beliefs or any kind of intellectual changes.
So don’t be surprised if you become less reactive, less stressed and more loving to yourself and to others as you meditate and use the Lab programs. They really do little more than uncover who you really are from under the various layers of illusions or separation you may have “learned.
The Lab helps take the dust off the mirror of your soul, one day at a time so you can more readily reflect the Light of the Love that makes up everything that exists. And if you have that, what more could you possibly need.
Let’s pursue this further in our self help program. ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

April 2007

A mini-editorial by Michael Manning
Minister of Spiritual Science, VP of ESP Lab
Have you noticed that meditation on the heart chakra causes can opening of the heart, and an increase in the ability to love and to attract love into one’s life? There is no instruction booklet for loving. It is not something you “learn” how to do, nor is it a habit you can develop if you try hard enough. Love is much more fundamental than any kind of thinking or believing.
Love, rather, is the root and basis of who you are, at the most fundamental level. This means that anything other than love as an expression of your being is artificial and unnatural and is a result of not knowing who you are. So why is the world filled with so much that is not loving? Very simply it is because many (most?) experience life and the world around them as an experience of separation, of being in opposition to outside forces that seem hostile in some way and from which one must protect oneself.
Stress (and all the behaviors that go with it) is one way these feelings of separation manifest. Stress is only possible when the world is viewed as hostile, when we want “what is” to be different than it is. As long as we are letting “what is” be whatever it is and are not attached to it being something different, we cannot be stressed. For most people this is much easier said than done?
Let’s pursue this further in our self help program. ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

March 2007

A mini editorial by Awesome Astral Al
(from the archives on www.ESPLab.com)
For years I’ve asserted a truism: We can heal any physical or psychological malady with a little metaphysical treatment while the patient remains in a completely stress free environment for 30 days. That of course is the rub – how do we get a stress free environment?
Many college medical departments have a sensory deprivation chamber, but it’s not stress free because the patient brings the stress in with him. The key to healing and a strong immune system remains anxiety/stress reduction.
Metaphysical Antidotes for worry: traditionally it’s that old song: “Take it to the Lord in prayer,” but I prefer the metaphysical approach: “I place myself and all my affairs lovingly in the hands of the Father and His Ministering Angels (my wonderful Spirit Friends) with a childlike trust. That which is for my highest good shall come to me. That which IS my highest good comes to me NOW!”
Let’s work on it together with a thank you thoughtform. The picture is of a mock New Orleans style funeral. We’re all in white robes singing: “When the Saints go Marching In” and in the casket we see your most pressing worry. Enjoy watching it be lowered into a hole in the ground, symbolic of turning it over to Spirit. Feel a wonderful release as you honestly and happily do give it to Spirit as in our Gnostic sacrifice rituals.
We sacrifice the problem in order to receive its solution. Any time you’re getting a bit too uptight this picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with the music and challenge to release. Sing with us, turn loose and let’s get our divine solution now. It will work as often as you LET it.
Let’s pursue this further in our self help program. Sami, ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

A mini editorial by Awesome Astral Al
(from the archives on www.ESPLab.com)
We tend to get complacent at times and think of our long time Spirit contacts as old hat. But something always seems to come along to wake us back up. We recently encountered a pretty stubborn exorcism/uncrossing problem. When I was brainstorming for fresh ways to lick it, I thought what we needed was a strong “Spirit Bouncer.” Then the penny dropped ? My 4 American Indian guides, Thunderbird, Wise Owl, Cunning Fox & Wild Eagle have always manned our watchtowers ever so faithfully, even though I have often neglected them. Sure enough I called on them to play bouncers and they helped us win a very long running battle. Using what you already know is a big key to success in any undertaking. Knowledge is useless until it is applied! I’ve banged on this theme persistently over the years, especially to keep me on my toes and applying. It always works one way or another.
Let’s remember the creative power of thought and coupled with strong emotions your thoughts manifest.Speaking the word manifests the thought in the physical plane. Writing materializes your power thoughts in this world? Speaking and writing are two magick arts!!! Releasing the thought by fire, sends the creative energy to the heavens and if we meditate upon the mystic phrase “As above, so below” we know that everything begins in the realms of thought and as we send our thoughts to the heavens they must return to us.
How about an application reminder thank you thoughtform. It’s a clear mental picture of my telephone with a lady calling to complain that she never won anything in the lottery. When I asked her “When do you buy your tickets?” I got a startled response: “Oh do I have to buy a ticket?” That has been my classic example of lack of application for the last 30 years. Before that it was a high school friend who scored 10 points higher than me on the IQ test. He flunked out of high school and I graduated as valedictorian. Application has been the name of the game since the beginning of time. Any time you’re feeling bogged down this pet picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with the startled: “Oh do I have to buy a ticket?” Let it keep you motivated to try as a good metaphysician and keep on keeping on all the way to total victory.
Let’s pursue this further in our self help program. Sami, ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

January 2007

( A Mini-editorial by Sami MERLYN Rose, Lab president )
One of Al’s favorites for a simple power creation chant was “LET THERE BE:” this is the creation code that God used to create the Universe, as described in the Old Testament. To apply this to the specific cause you seek in your inquiry: “LET THERE BE: a new birthday year filled with lots of everything good, wonderful, loving, healthful, and serene– for me, my friends, and family, so mote it be.” You can chant it, affirm it. You can also write it down and burn it. You can add any power personalities you like… declare what you want, say it with joy, & expect the best!
Let’s remember the creative power of thought and coupled with strong emotions your thoughts manifest.Speaking the word manifests the thought in the physical plane. Writing materializes your power thoughts in this world? Speaking and writing are two magick arts!!! Releasing the thought by fire, sends the creative energy to the heavens and if we meditate upon the mystic phrase “As above, so below” we know that everything begins in the realms of thought and as we send our thoughts to the heavens they must return to us.
Let’s pursue this further in our self help program. Sami ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

December 2006

( A Mini-editorial by Sami MERLYN Rose, Lab president )
Al Manning and I both share the point of view that every obstacle is an opportunity for spiritual growth. Al would also say, “When the window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shades.” So let’s dive in and see what opportunity exists in any of our present so called “problems, challenges, turmoils.”
The first challenge is to “never give in.” Al would happily quote Admiral Farraday who said, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” And the point for me in this is to keep a forward look and a forward motion in spite of anything that seems to be in the way? and with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Fun, love, joy, big money too– and good jokes help us get there!
NOW, let’s pause for a minute and remember who our parents are? that is our true Mom and Pop: God. Not everyone is comfortable with the word God because of various negative situations in which people attempted to dominate you with their perspective.
That of course, is not our message at the ESP Lab? we are here to encourage you to find a path and a point of view that WORKS for you. In my view, it is all about accessing the POWER of the LIGHT, by choosing to focus your attention in that direction. I am comfortable saying my “MOTHER/FATHER God or God/Goddess” as I experience my friendship with INFINITE INTELLIGENCE as both maternal and paternal? meaning I am their child. And you are too and we are all brothers and sisters in the LIGHT!
When asked if ESP Lab members believe in God, Virginia Manning once responded, “Yes, we even let the Catholics in!” and of course we do as membership is open to all LIGHT seekers! As Sai Baba, the Hindu saint tells us “All religions are facets of ONE TRUTH, and all are tributes to its glory.” Even the Catholic nuns are right as they offer that God is omni-present? meaning everywhere and within everything. And the Druids would say, “All Gods are ONE GOD!” The Sikh’s might add, “ONE GOD, His Creation, Truth His Name.”
Remember your personal divinity, and breathe in the breath of LIFE, and become empowered to be all that you can be. Remember the personal power of YOUR MAGICKAL MIND. Infinite Intelligence gives each of us the freedom to choose our thoughts. As we think so we are? so let us fill our minds with positive, creative, fun, prosperous, whole thoughts and as we count our blessings and as we focus on our good? our blessings and our good multiply. And so it is! And we let it be!
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

November 2006

( A mini editorial by Al ! )

We tend to get complacent at times and think of our long time Spirit contacts as old hat. But something always seems to come along to wake us back up. We recently encountered a pretty stubborn exorcism/uncrossing problem. When I was brainstorming for fresh ways to lick it, I thought what we needed was a strong “Spirit Bouncer.” Then the penny dropped ? My 4 American Indian guides, Thunderbird, Wise Owl, Cunning Fox & Wild Eagle have always manned our watchtowers ever so faithfully, even though I have often neglected them. Sure enough I called on them to play bouncers and they helped us win a very long running battle. Using what you already know is a big key to success in any undertaking. Knowledge is useless until it is applied! I’ve banged on this theme persistently over the years, especially to keep me on my toes and applying. It always works one way or another.

How about an application reminder thank you thoughtform. It’s a clear mental picture of my telephone with a lady calling to complain that she never won anything in the lottery. When I asked her “When do you buy your tickets?” I got a startled response: “Oh do I have to buy a ticket?” That has been my classic example of lack of application for the last 30 years. Before that it was a high school friend who scored 10 points higher than me on the IQ test. He flunked out of high school and I graduated as valedictorian. Application has been the name of the game since the beginning of time. Any time you’re feeling bogged down this pet picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with the startled: “Oh do I have to by a ticket?” Let it keep you motivated to try as a good metaphysician and keep on keeping on all the way to total victory.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

October 2006

( A mini editorial by Al ! )

The morning paper recently reported that the Lottery was won by a family in tiny Katy, Texas for $4 million. While I was contemplating their potential change in lifestyle my pet leprechaun quipped, “Do you think it would have the same effect on Bill Gates?” Indeed everything is relative. Back in my early business career in the 1950’s the minimum wage was about 65 cents per hour and a nickel an hour raise was significant. When I started ESP Lab in 1966 first class postage was 4 cents an ounce! Enough looking back– the ideas is to remain relevant and grow and adjust to the times, heading onward and upward. (Maybe we should raise the dues?!?Sami)

Some of us old dinosaurs who lived through Pearl Harbor and the rest of WW II were of course shook up by 9/11 but our perspective helped us surmount it with the old metaphysical saying: this too shall pass. Then it becomes time to remember and employ our Silver Bells Chorus:

THANK YOU PAN, ABRAXAS, BAST, THANKS ISHTAR, PUCK, THOTH, AND ISIS. THANKS MARDUK, NERGAL, RA. ALL GOOD THINGS ARE COMING OUR WAY. That’s a wonderful psychological weapon and when you use it to bolster YOUR new enthusiastic serenity, we can make great progress. Al

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

September 2006

( A mini editorial by Al ! )

Some of the biggest businesses in this country started out in the founder’s garage or spare bedroom while he worked at some menial job to support his family. Or talk to almost any highly successful real estate operator and you’ll get a comment about his start: “Accumulating that first thousand dollars for venture capital was the hardest step along the way.” The age of the opportunity is not behind us; it is just beginning?

If you are not content with work, a couple of beers, TV, and bed so you can go back to work, now is the time to implement your individual plan of success. Keep firmly in mind the simple truism that the difference between accomplishment and daydreaming is the simple task of taking the first step. But you can’t take a step until you have decided upon a direction. And the first step is to build a thought form of personal purpose and direction? which takes us to:

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

August 2006

( Back to the basics info from the archives of
our founder Al G. Manning! )

The Mystic Light is REAL and will help You. No need to worry about over-exposure or taking more than your share. There is abundance for all. We suggest you tune in on this powerful spiritual energy at least upon arising and at bedtime. Just sit quietly and picture yourself basking in a beam of bright white LIGHT, as if a searchlight were beaming down on you from the ceiling above your head. Let the wonderful energy bathe you for a few minutes, then affirm “I accept the loving help of the Living Light. It flows into all areas of my life expression, making my path easy, healthy, prosperous, loving and meaningful. I promise myself and the Infinite to devote a significant part of the results of this help to promote my own spiritual growth and contribute to all the progress of mankind. I thank the INFINITE SOURCE OF ALL for this magnificent help.”

( For more details on the Light, see Al’s course “A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU” – use it to help yourself and loved ones. Available at www.ESPLab.com and at ESP Lab HQ. )

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

July 2006

Mercury Retrograde and You
( A mini-editorial from the Archives of Al G. Manning,
written for the website: www.ESPLab.com )

The science of astronomy grew out of the art of astrology. Astrologers still look at the universe from a geocentric point of view (the earth as the center of the universe with everything revolving around it).
Astronomy adopts the heliocentric viewpoint from which there can be no retrogrades. But it still appears from earth that the planets do occasionally move backwards in their orbits and that’s what we call a retrograde condition. Retrograde Mercury is the toughest to handle. It tears hell out of communication in general and presents a bad time to start new projects. But it’s a good time for cleaning out your closets and finishing off old or stalled projects. I knew one lady who got frustrated during retrograde Mercury and stormed into her boss’s office demanding a raise and she got it. We get a retrograde Mercury about 3 times a year. Each one lasts 3 to 4 weeks.
Retrograde Mercury is the toughest to handle. It tears hell out of communication in general and presents a bad time to start new projects. But it’s a good time for cleaning out your closets and finishing off old or stalled projects. I knew one lady who got frustrated during retrograde Mercury and stormed into her boss’s office demanding a raise and she got it. We get a retrograde Mercury about 3 times a year. Each one lasts 3 to 4 weeks.
Mercury is retrograde in 2006:
1) March 2, 2006 until March 25, 2006
2) July 4, 2006 until July 29, 2006
3) October 29, 2006 until November 18, 2006

Survive Mercury Retrograde with Style by Sami Merlyn, ESP Lab President

This was written originally as a personal survival plan. Mercury (also known as the energy transforming power Thoth) is the planet that rules communication and transportation. Accordingly when Mercury goes on vacation (retrograde motion) there can be extra delays and frustration.
Let’s have a great month anyway!! Play in the light! Know it’s all right!
1) don’t panic.
2) say less not more.
3) strive to stay in your spiritual center. Breathe! Believe!
4) be extra patient with all communications. Doubly review all contracts.
5) prune all unnecessary activity– especially travel plans and new projects.
6) avoid new purchases– especially computers, automobiles, and electronic devices, as they may prove unsatisfactory.
7) know that this aspect has a beginning, a middle, and an end… keep plodding through it.
8) don’t quit your job, change your friends, or your location– save this for better times.
9) emphasize the “better” aspect of Mercury retro: see old friends, work on stalled projects, clean out closets, emphasize spirituality.
10) maintain spiritual discipline… the Orange Light of RA and RAMA AGNI bring mental clarity. Spirit has a chance to soar when the mind is on vacation. RAMA AGNI bring the LIGHT that sets us free!

June 2006

( A mini editorial by Al )

Have you ever seen little lambs just jump straight up into the air for the sheer joy of being alive? Baby anythings really love to frolic and play as part of their joy of living. When you get into that mode – overflowing with joy, enthusiasm, exuberance, and zest for life, your thoughtform and dimension shift endeavors reach a magnificent peak of reality and certainty of manifestation. But how do we get and keep that wonderful feeling? The certainty of my answer was underlined recently in a class at our Lab when I caught myself saying: “I’m so full of enthusiasm and exuberance that I sometimes almost drive myself nuts.” But that’s indeed a lovely way to live! True we need to exercise discipline to keep our exuberance from turning into anxiety, impatience and tension, but it’s still wonderful to have that delightful energy to harness for manifesting your highest good! Let’s get to courting and achieving the super enthusiasm and exuberance first. We’ll talk about how to harness it later. For me the lovely energy comes with Spirit hugs, dancing, and overall super camaraderie. Then I accept the joyous feeling that “somebody, better yet everybody, up there loves me a whole lot.” I call it making friends and lovers out of my Ministering Angels (after all, that’s what our Spirit Friends, Lovers and Teachers are really all about). And there’s something extra joyful about the idea of a love affair with your most important Teacher!

Let’s get you some extra sharing with a special thoughtform attached right to this part of the page. The picture is of YOU, surrounded by your personal Spirit People, your TexLab Spirits and Astral Al. We’re all engaged in a delightful group hug and singing: “All of us love you, this you know, ’cause we Spirits told you so. Let’s all laugh and sing and play. There’s joy and love our Magick Way.” (I’m sure you’ll recognize the tune, we’ve used it many times before.) As you read this, hear and feel a super surge of extra love and affection. Thrill to it and let it allegorically bounce you up like a frisking little lamb. Enjoy it, wallow in it, and we’ll talk about how to harness it in our self help program.

May 2006

( A mini editorial by Al )

Bast is a magnificent teacher of discipline and order in one’s daily life. You get a nice pat on the head so to speak when you dive in and complete that task you were dreading right on schedule. But discipline and schedules also need the balance of flexibility. This goes back to my interpretation of the Middle Path of Buddha as “Practice moderation in all things including the practice of moderation.” We all need our little flings or something to keep from burning out or just plain going nuts. The older we get the more we need to cultivate spontaneity to avoid moldy stodginess. That’s where Pan & Puck and our Gronkydoddles & Leprechaun’s come in. For a good 35 years I’ve progressed through life with a Leprechaun perched on my right shoulder and a Gronkydoddle on my left with H.P (short for Horney Pegasus, my pet White Unicorn) hovering close by. It’s important not to take ’em for granted. Back to basic metaphysics: “That to which you give your attention is multiplied in your life while that from which you withhold your attention is diminished.(pain and hurt included).”

Let’s play at keeping everything fresh and alive by sharing a spontaneous thoughtform. The picture is of a fun dance at your Spirit Party. You find yourself dancing with Pan & Puck, your personal Leprechaun & Gronkydoddle, your White Unicorn, Astral Al & all of your personal Spirit Friends. Along with the picture comes the singing: “Yes we’re dancing ’round the May Pole our beautiful our wonderful May Pole, dancing with all our friends around the May Pole, it brings us fertility, prosperity, abundance & delightfully enhanced wonderfully loving camaraderie.” Let it help you start your fun meditation periods whenever. The more fun you have with your Lab Spirit people the better your overall life expression will become. “Lucky” breaks and all manner of spontaneous good things are there for you the more you ENJOY with Spirit.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

April 2006

( A mini editorial by Al )

In High School Physics we learned that “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” It is equally true on the material, emotional, psychic and physical levels. Think what this means – if you define someone as your enemy, you are equally defining yourself as their enemy. Not good. But isn’t there a positive side of this? If defining yourself as their friend. How well can this work in affairs of the heart? Well, defining another person as your love object doesn’t necessarily bind them to you as their love object. Then again, it might be worth the try. OK we know it probably wouldn’t work on a Zaza Gabor or Jacklyn Smith, but in “normal” life there are all sorts of possibilities. Look at the L.A. Law couple who in “real life” are actually married – She’s taller than he and projects a lot more charisma, but they do well together by not fighting the law of polarity.

The trick here is in definition. The correct definition of a problem is 90% of the way to finding a viable solution. We must turn loose of the past. Bast put it “Reminiscence is arsenic for the arsholes.” Meaning that any clinging to the past is poison to the now and future. The polarity works very well here. Release the past and all of its disappointments and resentments and it will release you, giving you a clean slate to make today and the future the paradise you so naturally seek. It takes lots of Ra’s Orange Light to clean away the accumulated mess of resentments, but you can do it to bring your highest good.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

March 2006

( A mini editorial by Al )

Of course the Englishman who told me about this called it “Hare and Rabbit Stew” but Hare seemed more appropriate for this issue. It has to do with your partnership with Spirit. Is it 50/50? And by whose definition? See, according to my Enlgishman who ought to know ’cause he was a Chartered Accountant in the old country, Horse and Rabbit stew is made 50/50 – one horse, one rabbit. The question at hand is: What are YOU contributing to the Spirit Partnership – the horse? Or the rabbit?

We could paraphrase Jack Kennedy and say “Ask not what Spirit can do for you, but what can you do for Spirit.” Or from Jesus, “Consider the lilies of the field, they toil not neither do they spin, yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed such as these. Your Father ( I’d say Spirit People here ) knows what you need – before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.” We don’t need to be writing Santa Claus Letters, it’s just a matter of getting ourselves better in tune with Spirit, We must learn how to turn loose of the obstacles to our progress and ability to properly serve Spirit. We’ll learn more on how to do this in our Self Help Program.

Pan and his company of gnomes, trolls, and other nature spirits will be happy to play at helping you. They are always happy to attend your Spirit Partynership meetings and join in the fun. Remember we sometimes need to be the horse of our stew to help Spirit produce the positive outcome we want. You only have to invite them to join in, they will happily play.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

February 2006

( A mini editorial by Al )

Can we top last month’s batch of lovely personal miracles? It will be both useful and fun to try. In my book MIRACLE OF UNIVERSAL PSYCHIC POWER I talked about building an army of positive thoughtforms to march and/or fight for your good. We’re gonna update it just a bit. Why should you need a whole army of thoughtforms? The answer is quite obvious. Your doubts and fears operate to negate many of your positive thoughtforms, otherwise you’d be so successful you would have no time to even read this little discourse. This idea becomes the building of a sufficient army of good that it can overwhelm even your strongest doubts and fears, while happily winning the biggies for you.

In my Navy days a platoon was 88 men and 2 platoons made a company. So let’s go with that and decide that one month of 3 new thoughtforms a day will produce a strong, vital platoon to work for your highest good. With a whole platoon we can handle many recon missions as well as search and destroy missions to get rid of the blocks to your progress.

Is this nonsense? From the level of pure logic ALL magick is, but that’s OK just so long as it WORKS. Let’s take a look at your miracle seeking of last month, see where you may need to regroup, and let’s get ready to win often and BiG!

Pan and his company of gnomes, trolls, and other nature spirits will be happy to play at helping you. They are always happy to attend your Spirit Partynership meetings and join in the fun. Remember a good group hug always produces a ball of power that you can program into a thoughtform. You only have to invite them to join in, they will happily play group hug with you 3 times at each of your daily sessions. So we can make our whole platoon in just one month.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

January 2006

( A mini editorial by Al )

As we prepare for another calender year with all its pressures and demands, I am strongly reminded of those special words blamed on Jesus. “The poor are always with us.” W. C. would have probably put it, “Let them buy thier own drinks.” The theme here is the non-acceptance of that old manipulators ploy “I have a need, you have what I need, therefore you should give it to me.” This is pulled on us in thinly disguised form nearly every day. And if you sucker for it, you naturally become one of the poor who are always with us. In “Hamlet” it came across as “This above all else, to thine own self be true….” and the gentleman was not talking about selfishness. Nor am I. But we ARE talking about the inner security that doesn’t have to try to BUY love, acceptance or affection by saying “yes” when you know damned well the best answer is a flat “NO!” Let’s make this a special New Year’s Resolution. We will be true to our inner guidance, – if your Spirit People suggest that you give something, do it joyously, but if you are subjected to pressure the stock answer is not just no, but HELL NO! Then you can live more comfortably with yourself. You are your OWN being, following Spirit Guidance happily to grow on and win ever more wonderfully.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

December 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

Remember the old song: ?Hey Daddy I want a diamond ring, bracelets, everything, Daddy you want to get the best for me. Daddy I want a brand new car, champagne, caviar, Daddy you want to get the best for me??.? Many people try to work their God as a sugar daddy. But that only leads to disappointment. We know better ? we have to be good metaphysicians. I just read an article on Russian DNA research that seems to neatly verify the effectiveness of chanting, affirmations and the like. My first reaction was ?good, they?ve scientifically verified my 3rd book ?Helping Yourself With PsychoCosmic Power? and the value of the ?Om mane padme hum.? My basic purpose for founding ESB Lab was to: ?Plant ourselves squarely between religion & science and throw a rope to each.? Russian ?scientific? research has helped our progress many times over the years. It?s interesting to note that the Russian research claims that the DNA has a better network than our current computer network. It?s a good time to take heart and strive ahead with our use of chanting, affirmations, clairvoyance, absent & hands on healing and it all.

This should give added life and dancing to our on going Spirit Party. Picture Pan entering the ?pulpit? to announce: ?We have been verified by Russian scientific research on DNA ? let?s have a celebration dance!? ?A tingling red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor, a moonbeam from dear Isis while Puck plays by the door. Now Pan & Bast are dancing & we all fill the floor, we?re making super magick at TexLab evermore. Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we?re making better magick every single day. With Light & love & laughter & Spirit fun galore, we?re making summa magick at TexLab evermore.? Let?s keep enjoying our Spirit Party, the dancing & fun & love & the fall out of avalanches of good of all kinds. It?s fun, too.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

November 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

About 40 yeas ago I got a card that said: ?to err is human , but to really foul things up it takes a computer.? That?s more true today than it was back then. In that same time frame I got a black bordered card that looked like a death announcement ? it read:? If you died tonight could anybody clean up the mess you?re making?? Because we have more powerful computers now, that?s also truer today than it was back then . Equally important is to keep your balance by using a better developed sense of humor. I laugh every time (and it?s frequent) I stumble over a chair leg or table leg and every time I drop or spill something. I guess I?m clumsy enough to keep me laughing all day, but the clumsiness is largely from lack of careful attention. Putting the lid back on a bottle quite regularly lands the lid on the floor Sort of back to to err is human ? don?t cry over the spilling or dropping, just laugh at it. Or as Christian D. Larsen said in his Optimist Creed. Promise yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future . And remember ? 10seconds ago is in the past also, so just laugh, pick up the lid and go happily onward and upward. That?s the easy way to keep everything getting better and better.

Let?s try a thank you thougtform of fun. The picture is of your Spirit Party. Bast is addressing he multitude: ?Laughter beats the hell out of cussing.? Every time you stumble, drop or spill something this little catch phrase will flash on your mental screen and help you to laugh first and then decide if I was worth cussing. I?m even trying to learn not to cuss the computer when it does what I tell it, not what I want it to do. It?s all part of onward & upward and better and better together. Try it, you?ll like it.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

October 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

Lets keep ’05 looking better and better all the time. In one sense it’s a tall order, but in another it should be a natural expectation. Of course I opt for the natural expectation bit and in my opinion so should you. The Apostle Paul said: Whatsoever things are beautiful, true, lovely and of good report, think on these things. I may prefer Christian D. Larson’s: Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. But to me the best is Pan’s: If I can’t have a good time I aint goin’. I prefer not to have a funeral, but if the living insist I want the highlight of the funeral to be a busty 18 year old in a string bikini doing the twist to the Cow Cow Boogie. That just might be enough to get me to come there. Except I’ve donated my carcass to medical research when I no longer need it. The whole idea of life is to give yours positive meaning and keep making positive progress.

The old cartoon comes to mind. The seeker struggles up the mountain to ask the guru what is the meaning of life? The answer: “Mashed potatoes”. I do prefer the positive progress. Or as the Nancy School put it: “Day by day in every way I’m getting better and better.” And we’re a’gonna KEEP EVERYTHING getting better and better. And the Light getting brighter and brighter as we court it ever more zestfully and playfully. It seems to take years to get the seriousness dumped in the garbage can where it belongs, but its well worth the effort to keep trying. The real meaning of life is simply ENJOY getting better and better.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

September 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

Let?s re-examine my pet phrase, “enthusiastic serenity” At first it sounds like an oxymoron (mutually conflicting terms) but a bit of careful consideration will convince you otherwise. Remember the root of enthusiasm is “entheos” meaning full of God. And when you?re really full of God it brings its own serenity with it. The psalmist said “The Lord is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” Real enthusiasm means a very present help all the time. Enthusiastic serenity can be a very powerful positive weapon – it?s just a matter of getting used to using it. Anytime 2 or more people come together there?s an astral battle for mood dominance. If someone is negative it becomes a matter of either you lift them up or they drag you down. With awareness of what?s going on reenforced by your enthusiastic serenity you should happily win that battle every time. Virginia sometimes teases me that I?m disgustingly cheerful early in the morning, but in truth she pretty well relies on it to help handle her own moods. And my enthusiastic serenity is rubbing off on her quite nicely. A wonderful way to live & love.

It?s a wonderful thing to take to your Spirit Party, too. Pan & Bast will stop their dancing to let one or the other dance with you. And while you?re dancing with these wonderful People many nice things and creative ideas will come to you. The more you join in these fun pursuits the more your imagination grows into reality and the better your whole life expression becomes. I like to call it living the triumphant life with enthusiastic serenity. It is definitely yours for the taking. Keep getting more and more full of enthusiastic serenity and let it improve every area of your life as you grow onward and upward with us to an ever more wonderful life expression. Try it – you?ll like it.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

August 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

“Hail hail the gang?s all here now?s the time for dancing and for happy prancing. Hail Hail the gang?s all here. Let the dancing start right now. Happy dance renewal and love in renewal.” That?s the way Virginia and I start the second half of our 3 times a day in house meditation/Spirit Party. You might call it our celebration in advance for the joy of the answered prayer. On a lark I told Sami Rose that when he hit 77 I would be 100. So we started a daily celebration of his 77th & my 100th that we intend to continue for the next 23 years. Sami said “I?ll drink to that” and so will I. Besides I?m shooting for 114. And I expect to enjoy every moment along the way. How about you? It?s all in keeping with Pan?s and my motto: If I can?t have a good time, I ain?t going! And years ago I willed my physical body to a cadaver collection agency for medical research – thus no boring funeral, just the long term enjoyment of social security in the meantime. It?s a great life if you LET it be

Let?s stress the joy of your Spirit Party and the 24/7 enjoyment of the fun & games and celebration in advance of the joy of the answered prayer. In metaphysics we called it being “prayed up” in advance and that?s as good a bit of terminology as we might need. Anyhow the party approach to life as a whole is a good way to make it all worthwhile. It doesn?t mean that we don?t “work” but we make it fun by playing at it. I play at my “work” from about 4:00 AM ?till 3 PM 7 days a week – that?s part of keeping the dues and fees within reach to all people. And it stays FUN too! Every day becomes a fresh adventure and it keeps getting better and better. Let?s make it so for YOU, too.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

July 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

What?s the modern equivalent of “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse?” Virginia answered, “Are you gonna eat it, ride it or just clean out its stable?” For sure horse meat would be better eating than motorcycle parts. Seems like the idea we?re teasing with is keeping up with the times. For years I bought close out models of computers at less than half the price of a new state of the art computer that would in turn be obsolete in 6 months. Now are CD?s being obsoleted by DVD?s? Back in the early 1960’s I was in the same computer club with Bill Gates, but we sure went in different directions from there. And I don?t envy him at all – I?ll bet my Spirit People are more fun than his. I wonder if he has time to stop and smell the proverbial flowers. Here is where Pan?s motto comes in especially well: “If I can?t have a good time I ain?t goin?.” This carries the responsibility to take your good time with you. As in my pet response to the question what?s new – my answer remains “ME I?m always new and exciting.”

Seriousness remains the major stumbling block to magickal progress. In most cases we must appear serious to the outside world, but that has nothing to do with your inside world. If you can keep the whole thing going as a fun game inside you?ll avoid all the tension and anxiety and so win a lot quicker than otherwise. Let?s try a reminder thoughtform – the picture is of your/our Spirit Party in full swing. Pan is cutting up all over the place as he lives up to his motto. He taps you on the shoulder and says: “Let?s play at this and win NOW.” Dance with him and feel all the tension dissolving into the nothingness of its origin. Relax and let your victory slip through sweetly and easily. It works magnificently every time you LET it.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

June 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

About 30 years ago Carlos Castenada was one of my favorite authors. His very popular books brought him much flack from the academic world because he described some very wild experiences without differentiating between the astral and physical ones. Apparently those snooty academic people had little or no concept of the astral realms. I just finished scanning an article about “fancied” traveling from ICU mostly the last week before the terminal patient?s departure. I remarked again that the authors had little or no concept of the astral. At an early age I had lots of experience with Spirits and the astral. A good 45 years ago I was driving my brand new Renault Caravel down the Long Beach freeway on a lovely Sunday morning. It still had a throttle block so my top speed was about 45. I carefully stayed in the right hand lane but some guy in a big black car doing about 90 hit me from behind. As I was spinning down the freeway looking at a seeming thousand cars that were about to hit me, my reaction was: “Well guys (my spirits) are you gonna meet me” I wound up in the center divider with no injuries except to the car.

There?s a special serenity that comes with seeing how you react with danger. Now I call it enthusiastic serenity. And it?s part of our cleansing vestibule – no caring, no doubts, fears or discouragement, no impatience, frustration or resentment, no seriousness. Just fun, love joy, ectoplasm & enthusiastic serenity delightfully shared. Virginia and I go through that vestibule at least 3 times a day to be sure we stay positive in all of our spiritual and magical work. We commend this idea to you. You?ll be amazed at how much positive power there is in enthusiastic serenity. ENJOY and enjoy producing the magnificent progress.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

May 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

The little girl on Family Circus said God wants us to study math – he said Go forth and multiply. What a delightful misinterpretation of a Bible passage! Much better than King James. We all tend to misinterpret all sorts of things, not just Bible passages. Sometimes it?s both positive and funny, other times it gets us into big trouble. Reminds me of a secretary who accepted a big cut in pay to take a job with a new company because she was afraid of being fired where she was. In truth she was up for a raise and quite well thought of. That?s pure insecurity in negative action. Many people develop major anxieties over meaningless dreams. Dream books abound and seldom agree on interpretation. I have my own technique – if I don??t like the way a dream is going I simply open my eyes and let it disappear. If a negative feeling tries to hang on I zap it with the blue Light until I?m sure it?s safe to go back to sleep. Dreams happen on the lower astral where everybody?s fears and mental garbage accumulate. Use lots of White Light and float higher to where the beautiful dreams abide – then enjoy!

We have our evening meditation just before bed time and strive to clean our auras beautifully. Then on getting into bed we set a shimmering blue pyramid and clean it out with blue Light. Then we picture a bright flourescent tube bending way out and around us and rotating to make a sphere of bright White Light. Nothing of a negative nature can penetrate it. They hit and bounce off harmlessly or get reflected back to the sender – that?s Spirit?s choice ?cause They know what They?re doing. To me this is a normal extension of our Spirit Party and a very positive and happy way to live. We commend it to you. It goes with our enthusiastic serenity. Enjoy it in ever improving good health.!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

April 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

Spirit loves to be and have fun. Pan says the dirtiest 4 letter word in our language is WORK. In order to enjoy it all together we need to shift our focus to play. Seriousness is just a cover up for fear – fear that you can?t achieve your immediate goal. Playing at a task changes the philosophy from work to fun. That?s the way life ought to be and everything goes much better that way. OK I sound like a broken record prattling about fun and play, but that?s only because it works. Back in the early 1950’s I spent a couple of years worshiping at the altar of my own intellect – and it was miserable indeed. But since I switched to playing with Spirit, life is fun and well worth the effort, numerous setbacks and all. Let?s just say that all the setbacks were caused by excess seriousness. The more we play with Spirit and at life, the better it all gets.

Let?s do a fun thank you thoughtform. The picture is of your/our Spirit Party in full swing as usual. Pan ascends the podium to play lecturer. He begins with his classic: ?The dirtiest 4 letter word in the English language is WORK – (or Trabajar in Spanish) we must stamp it out and create a more civilized society. PLAY is the nicest 4 letter word – enjoy it and keep going onward and upward to victory after victory!? Any time you?re starting to feel over worked this picture will present itself to your mind?s eye along with Pan?s discourse. Let it give you that step back for perspective and get the fun back into your routine activities. Play on and win bigger and bigger!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

March 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

One of our single members commented on our cartoon ?One good turn gets the covers? saying he laughed a lot even though he was single. Humor is still the best way to keep our Spirit People entertained and therefore interested in our projects. Probably Pan expressed it best when he shared his motto with me: ?If I can?t have a good time I ain?t goin?? That aptly describes the whole basis of our positive Spirit contact. It reminds me of a student whom I labeled a retired U Boat Commander – he came to class to learn. The second class he commented that his Spirit contact was excellent and had brought him a raise in salary and lots of other good things. By the 3rd or 4th class he asked ?Why won?t the Spirits obey me any more?? When I explained that the initial contacts were fun for his Spirits – they took him for a good positive ride, but the more he barked orders at them the less interested they became. – and finally they ignored him completely, he left in disgust and never came back. Pan and Friends kept true to that motto. Keep the focus on fun for you and Spirit.

One of our single members commented on our cartoon ?One good turn gets the covers? saying he laughed a lot even though he was single. Humor is still the best way to keep our Spirit People entertained and therefore interested in our projects. Probably Pan expressed it best when he shared his motto with me: ?If I can?t have a good time I ain?t goin?? That aptly describes the whole basis of our positive Spirit contact. It reminds me of a student whom I labeled a retired U Boat Commander – he came to class to learn. The second class he commented that his Spirit contact was excellent and had brought him a raise in salary and lots of other good things. By the 3rd or 4th class he asked ?Why won?t the Spirits obey me any more?? When I explained that the initial contacts were fun for his Spirits – they took him for a good positive ride, but the more he barked orders at them the less interested they became. – and finally they ignored him completely, he left in disgust and never came back. Pan and Friends kept true to that motto. Keep the focus on fun for you and Spirit.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

February 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

We can never over stress the positive value of humor. A prime problem is getting so wrapped up in a project that seriousness creeps in to replace humor. Then your Spirit helpers follow Pan’s motto: “If I can’t have a good time I ain’t goin’ and the project starts right down the drain. You might say the trouble with success is the tendency to forget what caused it in the first place. At the first sign of things messing up we need to be nudged back to the good humor. I find it quite useful to laugh at myself at a time like that – like I got serious and therefore screwed up the works, but it can be fixed. I’ll laugh my way back to super success. In all of our work I try to stress PLAYING at growing, achieving and winning together. The play mode is the catalyst for all successful white magick. And the dark side is always defeated by the Light. When you turn on a light switch where does the darkness go? – back into its basic nothingness where it belongs.

There ought to be a super special laugh track as part of a thank you thoughtform this time. It comes as your Spirit Party in high gear – Pan, Puck Ishtar and Bast are doubled up with laughter as are all the other participants. It’s from a silly cartoon where a very slob looking gentleman is saying: “It’s her job to bitch, it’s my job to give her a reason,” Any time seriousness is creeping up on you, this picture and laugh track will present itself to your mind’s eye along with a virtually irresistible feeling of laughter. Let it nudge the seriousness out of the way and get you right back on the path of victory after glorious victory. Do let it keep you bright eyed and bushy tailed and happily on the winning path. It will work as often as you LET it. Let’s keep laughing our way to winning over and over again.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

January 2005

( A mini editorial by Al )

Remember the Peanuts strip where Linus asks ?what if you dial a number and nobody answers?? to which Lucy responds: ?Dial louder.? I added one of my own – when you get to bed later than normal but have to get up at the same time, what do you do – sleep faster. It works when you remember to use it just as you?re finally laying down. Then there was the sales manager at a company where I was financial VP – He?d come in late in the morning and say ?I had car trouble – I didn?t get in it soon enough. I?m late, so I?ll leave early to make up for it.? What I?m looking for here is a comfortably relaxed attitude to life – no deadly serious stuff at all. Seriousness causes stress which is the greatest killer of all. Stick with Pan?s motto: ?If I can?t have a good time, I ain?t goin?? This doesn?t make life at all shallow – just gets the mess out of it so we can function as nature intended.

Seems like there should be a good thank you thoughtform in there somewhere (as in ?It?s 5 O?CLOCK somewhere). As usual the picture is of your/our Spirit Party in full swing (that?s reasonable ?cause it goes on 24/7) Pan is holding forth with His motto, Lucy is saying dial louder while I?m saying sleep faster – all to the tune of It?s 5 O?CLOCK somewhere. Enjoy it and let it lift you to new heights of enjoyment of life and success in all areas. I use this one several times a day – it works wonders for your morale and so for your success. Try it – it will work for you.b>

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

December 2004

( A mini editorial by Al )

My younger son (now 50) used to enjoy singing “Jingle bells, Santa smells Easter’s on its way” I guess he picked up that trait from me. Back in high school we had awful parodies on everything – like “Missed the toilet last night, s… all over the floor, cleaned it up with my toothbrush. Don’t brush my teeth much anymore.” In later life it led to good parodies like “Ishtar loves me this I know. Mama Isis told me so, Pan Ra, Puck, Marduk & Bast make our love unanimous. Yes Isis loves me yes dear Thoth loves me, yes Nergal loves me, brother Ishtar told me so.” Or our real classic from silver bells: “Thank you Pan, Abraxas, Bast. Thanks Ishtar, Puck, Thoth & Isis. Thanks Marduk, Nergal, Ra, all good things are coming our way.” Music in its most fun forms is quite important to our psychological and physical health. It fits into Pan’s classic comment: “If I can’t have a good time I ain’t going.” Thus I don’t attend funerals I’m not conducting, so obviously I won’t go to my own. But when I’m through with this physical body who cares what happens to it.

This attitude makes for a happy, trouble free life which I’ve always felt is the only way to live. Let’s have a go at enhancing it for you with a fun thank you thoughtform. Of course the picture is of your/our Spirit Party in full swing – Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we’re making better magick every single day. With Light & love & laughter and Spirit fun galore we’re making summa magick at TexLab evermore. Yes that’s the second verse of our Wabash Cannonball parody – here’s the first: A tingling Red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor, a moonbeam from dear Isis while Puck plays by the door. Now Pan and Bast are dancing and we all fill the floor. We’re making super magick at TexLab evermore. Any time you’re feeling a bit sluggish or down, just wallow in this good energy and let it uplift not just you but all who are around you.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

November 2004

( A mini editorial by Al )

Way back there when I was still in industry I had a bookkeeper who’s son was just 6 months younger than me. Her favorite expression was: “It’s a great life if your DON’TS weaken.” I’m older now than she was then, but I still appreciate the philosophy of being fresh and alive and playful. Hence with the help of Pan, Puck, Ishtar and Bast we invented the 24 hour a day 7 days a week Spirit Party – of course we often call it our 25hour/8days/week party, but that’s just part of the Spirit of no limitations. Don’t remember who said it but it’s good metaphysics: “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Reminds one also of Frank Sinatra and High Hopes. – just what makes that little old ant think he can move that rubber tree plant – oops there goes another rubber tree plant. When I signed the contract to write my first book (on my 35th birthday) I didn’t have any idea how to write a book, but I was game to try and Prentice Hall did a good job of making a journeyman out of me. Seems like another manifestation of: ” Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

How lively is YOUR Spirit Party? How about we liven it up with a very enthusiastic thoughtform. OK the picture is naturally your/our Spirit Party in full swing and the song that goes with it is our version of the Wabash Cannon Ball: “A tingling Red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor, a moonbeam from dear Isis while Puck plays by the door. Now Pan and Bast are dancing and we all fill the floor. We’re making super magick at TexLab ever more. Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say, we’re making better magick every single day. With Light & love & laughter and Spirit fun galore, we’re making summa magick at TexLab ever more.” Ethel Merman is belting it out in her classic style – let it fire you up with enthusiasm and joy and lift up your whole life to greater success and accomplishments.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

( A mini editorial by Al )

Recently started a morning by downloading 88 messages. Not a bad problem, but it became so when it downloaded the same 88 messages a second, third & forth time. A real test of one’s frustration levels. Called the server and got those 88 wiped out and there were 20 more left. Anyhow I did manage to avoid abject frustration – you just have to be used to the foibles of computers and after at least 45 years of “using” ’em I guess I should be. The transition from punched cards to pure computer was probably the hardest, but that was long enough ago that I don’t remember. All I do remember is the move from California in early 1984 that put the capper on the transition..Didn’t have time to get frustrated then, it was way too busy for that. It took 17 hour days 7 days a week for well over a year to get settled. But we have to do what we have to do, and frustration is not part of it – there’s no room for it. Still start my days about 4 AM but it makes for a relaxed day, and keeping relaxed as a major key to comfortable, productive living.

Ishtar is not just a good friend, He is essential to effectiveness and so a bar against frustration. Let’s try a thank you thoughtform with Ishtar presiding over your Spirit Party and “preaching” those immortal words of the I Ching: Perseverance furthers. Any time you feel your frustration level rising the picture of Ishtar will present itself to your mind’s eye along with the immortal words. Let it get your attention and remind you that indeed perseverance is the answer in almost all cases. If an end run becomes necessary, Ishtar will suggest that, too. Let cooperation with Ishtar, Spirit in general and Yellow and Orange Light keep you free of frustration and so super effective as always.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

September 2004

( A mini editorial by Al )

Around these parts we have Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wild Wednesday, Laid back Thursday and Fabulous Friday followed by a fun weekend. Sometimes it becomes necessary to play at it pretty hard to keep each day living up to its nickname but it’s a fun challenge and we do play the game to win. We often borrow from Christian D. Larson for his forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Or my favorite from Macbeth – once done is done and cannot be undone and so to bed. I always call that a provocative proposition. Like my favorite suggestion – always keep a smile on your face, it comforts your friends and makes your enemies wonder what the hell you’re up to. And of course my favorite response to the question: What’s new? Remains ME. I’m always new & exciting! I’m trying to impart a fun metaphysical approach to life – hoping it will rub off on your more and more.

Let’s work on reenforcing it with a happy thank you thoughtform. The picture is of your/our Spirit Party in full swing. Good old Johnny Mercer is singing my all time favorite positive thinking song. You gotta accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative and don’t mess with mister in between. I like to think of this one sneaking up on you when you’re in a vacant or pensive mood and hitting you hard with those lyrics. Any time your enthusiasm starts to wind down a bit, this picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with the words & music to Johnny’s song. It’s lifted me out of many a would be depression – let it work for you often.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

August 2004

AD ASTRA PER ASPERUM   ( A mini editorial by Al )

In almost the first class in beginning Latin we were given the phrase: Ad astra per asperum – which they translated as “to the stars through difficulties.” Or as I said in my first book: Victory can only come if you get up one more time than you’re knocked down. Life would be dull indeed if everything always went smoothly & perfectly. But we don’t have to worry about that – Murphy’s Law seems to apply right along (Murphy is credited with: Whatever can go wrong will.) I don’t really agree with it, but we do have to have our coping hats on at all times. How do you react to a fresh problem? Reminds me of a Trigonometry teacher I had in high school – he never gave a test – he gave us OPPORTUNITIES to display our new knowledge. Computer glitches are a good example – they’re not aggravations, just opportunities to display your overall control of the situation. Hard to remember sometimes, but it’s a real asset to do so. It’s also OK to cuss a little bit, and with my Navy background I can do that well, too.

Seems like a good place for a thank you thoughtform. The picture is of your/our Spirit Party in full swing. Ishtar mounts the podium and addresses you directly: “These are not difficulties but opportunities to display your growing control of your life and conditions. ENJOY and win.” Ishtar is a super good teacher – any time your frustration level is being tested this happy picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with Ishtar’s advice. Let it sink in and convert the frustration into good old fashioned fun. It will work as often as you LET it. ENJOY & win!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

July 2004

NON MECHANICAL MAGICK WORKS BEST   ( A mini editorial by Al )

Parrots and even Mynah birds make lousy magickians. I remember wearing out 4 tape recorders and a least 10 tape loop cassettes trying it out. I made a 6″ pyramid to cover my thoughtform and set up the tape recorder just beneath it with a hole in the base to let the sound flow freely into the pyramid. Did some fancy chanting on the loop and set it up to play continuously – until the loop or the tape recorder died. Even though I got lots of feeling on the tape it didn’t have the personality necessary to do any magickal good. Your presence and your enthusiasm are the essence of your positive magick, all the props are essentially worthless. I still remember one Wednesday afternoon in Los Angeles. I sat at my desk visualizing a ritual I planned for Saturday morning when the building would be empty. I visualized it so well that I never got to do it on Saturday because I got the manifestation on Friday. That was my first real lesson on where the magick really is.

There’s no amount of discussion that will teach you nearly as well as you can teach yourself. Picture each step of your ritual in great detail, then go on to the next step, etc. and win without ever touching the physical prop. Let’s try a reminder thoughtform for this – the picture is of your/our Spirit Party in happy swing. Pan, Ishtar, Puck & Bast are with you planning your next major breakthrough. Join them in visualizing what magickal steps need to be taken, then take them right there at the Party, and enjoy the manifestation – the good ones take about 3 days of earth time to come through – and the mind that you open will clearly be your own. This thoughtform will present itself to your mind’s eye any time you’re starting to get stodgy and materialistic. LET it work for your wonderful progress and be sure to thank all your Spirit Friends for their help. Let’s keep winning & winning & winning!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

June 2004

REMEMBERING SPIRITS’ GOOD HUMOR   ( A mini editorial by Al )

Whenever I sit down to produce a new thoughtform letter, Spirit has Its ways of teasing me. Like “Twas the night of the Kings castration……” They love to tease me with things a little too risque to be used in polite company, but it just goes to show Their fullness of life. They generally follow on with Their takeoff on the 23rd Psalm – “Surely the sisters Shirley Goodness and Mercy will stalk me all the days of my life….” It’s very comforting to know that our Spirit People are not the stuffy old farts you often meet in Spiritualist Meetings. I had that trouble with Prof. Reinhardt about 40 years ago. He had become accustomed in previous years to very stuffy type Meetings and was ever so formal. I started to tease him about it and it took just about 6 months for him to become really one of us – that’s when he first started topping my jokes. Let me stress that our Spirit Friends are real and just as feeling and sensuous as we are.

How about a nice feeling thoughtform of positive Spirit Contact and shared love and fun. The picture is of your Spirit Party in full swing(as it should be 24/7). Prof Reinhardt is addressing the assembled multitude: “Good friends, it is delightful to see how much change has taken place in our meetings. It used to be that stuffiness was all that was acceptable, but now we can relax and be our selves – even tell an off color joke from time to time.” Then Ishtar cuts in with a joke of his own: “The Amish woman heads out to the barn where her husband is supposed to be milking the cow. Instead he has been humping her and is just pulling up his pants to proceed with the milking. The wife says I’m gonna tell everybody that you were humping the cow before milking her. He replies OK then I’ll tell everyone she’s better at sex than you are.” Or shall we say what goes around comes around.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

May 2004

KEEPING THE POSITIVE FOCUS   ( A mini editorial by Al )

Back in my aerospace years a sign frequently seen over an engineer’s desk read: “If you can remain calm while all around you are screaming and tearing their hair, you just don’t understand the situation.” About that same time the CEO of our parent company paid our little computer place a visit and didn’t understand why we couldn’t run our business his way – so we tried it and went right down the tubes. Hopefully there’s a balance in here somewhere. A good metaphysician often goes with good old Admiral Faragut’s classic command: “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” Or in a more relaxed approach “keep on keeping on until you win.” Why did the boy stand on the burning deck while all the others fled – ?cause it was too hot to sit down. It’s something of a Zen thing to get a positive orientation and that brings us our balance. But as the I Ching so neatly puts it: “Perseverance Furthers.” And that says enough to keep us on our toes, huh.

Or the sign over my long ago favorite donut shop read: “As you wander on through friend no matter what your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.” Or we might say once more It’s a great life if your DON’TS weaken. With all this nonsense I’m trying to get across my pet idea of making life magickal & fun. Pan and his Nature Spirits taught me their motto well: “If I can’t have a good time I ain’t going.” This should be especially true of your ritual work, ?cause if the Spirits can’t have a good time they’re not coming and results won’t either. Singing and dancing at your/our on going Spirit Party is the best approach. Leave your seriousness down on the flat earth where it belongs, have a happy party and let’s keep winning ever more wonderfully.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

April 2004

HAPPY SPIRIT PARTY 24/7   ( A mini editorial by Al )

When I was in college -1946-50 we delighted in “smokers” where we drank, recited what I thought was dirty poetry – now it would be classified as just a bit risque – times and humor have changed over the years but the party approach has persisted very nicely. For the last 40 years or so every time I’ve asked Pan for inspiration he started reciting risque poetry or singing a risque song to set the party atmosphere. Then it’s “Come one come all to our party, come join in the joy and the fun, we’ll eat drink and play very hearty. Our battles are already won.” Virginia and I start each of our shared meditation periods with that little party song to help us all get in the mood for good magickal work/fun. We’re still good dancers on the astral even though our physical bodies are no longer limber enough to join in. Song and dance are very important parts of positive magick. Enjoy it with your Spirit and Nature Spirit friends and everything will keep coming out better. As in “I share all my problems with Bast as we dance the astral together, then with justice true she gives each our due and it always turns out better…”

It’s nice to call it metaphysical magick as we accentuate the positive with fun and astral dancing. As the fun overrides the seriousness the magick has the window to work and success is the happy result. Let’s reenforce these ideas with a happy thoughtform. The picture is of your/our Spirit Party with the dancing in full swing. Pan and Bast are dancing together and inviting you to cut in. Try it and feel your pressing problems fall away as the solutions pop into your head. It will be impressive enough that you will remember them for sure when you get back to your physical body. This picture and party feeling will present itself to you any time you’re starting to get serious. Remember seriousness is just a disguised form of fear that you can’t achieve what you’re trying for. So go ahead and dance and play and let it all hang out in glorious results. It continues to improve your rapport and contact with your Spirt friends as well. ENJOY!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

March 2004

TIME WOUNDS ALL HEELS OR SOMETHING   ( A mini editorial by Al )

There’s an old expression “Time wounds all heels” or was it heals all wounds. It is quite true that memory tends to fade with time. It’s extra nice to have all your bad memories fade away so they leave more room to hang on to the good ones. Reliving one’s negative experiences can be very debilitating, or as Bast once pronounced: “Reminiscence is arsenic for the arseholes.” But to look back at one’s positive accomplishments can be nicely comforting. Now at the age of 76 I’m amazed at how much I’ve accomplished in my short span of years, and look forward to a good 30 more years of productivity and the joy and fun it brings. Back in our early forties we had a pet expression: “I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.” Now in the mid seventies the emphasis has shifted to body strength and stamina. So one has to be more careful about diet and rest and focus the exercise on positive productive tasks. No more pushups or aerobic stair climbing, but hopefully there’s still enough energy left for the love making and cooking and such.

As we get older the theme becomes work smarter, not harder and party ever more zestfully with Spirit on the astral where it’s all effortless. The metaphysical theme of effortless effort fits in here somewhere, too. Let’s try a thank you thoughtform with a happy picture of your Spirit Party in full swing. “A tingling Red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor a moonbeam from dear Isis while Puck plays by the door. Pan & Bast are dancing and we all fill the floor. We’re making super magick at TexLab evermore. Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we’re making better magick every single day. With Light & love & laughter & Spirit fun galore we’re making summa magick at TexLab evermore.” Bask in it, enjoy it as often as you can and let’s keep everything getting ever better and better.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

February 2004


Politically correct terminology is still a big fat pain in the rear end to me. For instance my 4 strong Spirit Guides who handle the watchtowers, Cunning Fox, Wild Eagle, Thunderbird & Wise Owl, introduced themselves to me about 50 years ago as American Indian Spirits and they still seem to like that term better than Native American. Wasn’t it Shakespeare who said: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” When I was tromping around in that graveyard for part of my appearance on the “In Search Of” TV show about 25 years ago I quipped: “No self respecting spook would want to be caught dead in this place.” To which the President of the Orange County Psychic Research Society replied very formally: “We call them Spirits.” I pretty well ignored the “reprimand” ?cause I was just there as part of the show where Leonard Nemoy said that Al Manning was the logical man to carry on Thomas Edison’s research on Spirit Contact.

Seems to me the object lesson from all of that is Lighten up and enjoy life in as non stuffy a manner as possible. When things start to get too stuffy I remember my favorite phony Latin motto: “Illigitimi non Carborundum.” (Phony translation: Don’t let the bastards wear you down.) We know that stuffy is another form of seriousness and seriousness is simply fear that your can’t accomplish your goals. That’s the reason for our ongoing Spirit Party and all the astral dancing – to keep it Light hearted and fun and help make us super successful. Any time things start to stuffy up or serious up, the Latin motto will flash on the screen of your mind’s eye with a reminder to focus on our Party and go happily forward in a nicely relaxed manner.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

January 2004

PERSEVERANCE FURTHERS      ( A mini editorial by Al )

How long does it take to complete a creative task. The only rational answer has always been – it takes as long as it takes. Back in Aerospace a contract to extend the state of the art in anything was always taken on a CPFF basis (cost plus fixed fee). My daily routine is pretty much that way, too – it takes as long as it takes. Some days I get a big bunch of mail to handle, other days can be very light. And there’s no telling which until it gets here. That’s what I call keeping life a happy adventure. On a light day I go forward with the creative work on the newsletter and stuff while on a heavy day I focus on one letter at a time. It’s sort of like playing the lottery – any day could be “Christmas” but I go to bed before the drawings so I don’t find out until I get my paper the next morning. Regularly I get small wins, but one of these days it will be a real “Christmas”. Funny how that Christmas idea carries over from our early childhood expectation of nice presents.

The life is a happy adventure idea is what I want to stress here. Not tweedle/tweedldum, but high adventure in our day to day living. Like I get up shower and dress and head outside to see how much we won last night. And expect a wonderfully magick day and night. Job said what I feared most has come upon me, but Al says what I expect the most enthusiastically is manifesting for me. That’s a lot more fun way to live. Let’s flash to you/our Spirit Party and our little song: “Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we’re making better magick every single day. With Light & love & laughter & Spirit fun galore we’re making summa magick at TexLab evermore.” Enjoy and let’s keep the spirit of happy adventure in every moment of our daily lives.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

December 2003

BETTER AND BETTER        ( A mini editorial by Al )

From the old Nancy school in France a little over 100 years ago came the affirmation “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.” I recon I pretty much borrowed it about 50 years ago along with Johnny Mercer’s song: “You gotta accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative and don’t mess with mister in between.” Or as we say in basic metaphysics, when you run into an obstacle just shake it until your good comes out. Somewhere in the Bible it says there will always be war and rumors of war – my response is it sounds like a good time to buy stock in a munitions manufacturing plant. The recent loss of the Columbia and her crew was tragic, but NASA got a whole bunch of publicity out of it and a real boost of enthusiasm for what had become a pretty much humdrum set of programs. The example I liked least was: “2 men looked out through the prison bars, one saw mud the other saw stars” my response was what did they do to get in prison in the first place.

We all encounter at least an occasional bump in the road – that’s a good time for a strong accentuate the positive thank you thoughtform. Let’s do it with a picture of your/our ongoing Spirit Party with Ishtar and Bast doing a duet of You gotta accentuate the positive. When we were younger it was fun to tease the next line – you gotta spread joy up to the maximum – the tease was joy who?? Anyhow any time you hit a seemingly serious bump in your life road, this picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with the delightful old song. Enjoy & let it help you get enough perspective to find the good in it. Like the little kid with the pitchfork shoveling manure. “With all this horse manure there must be a pony in here somewhere.” Keep your positive sense of humor keep going forward and you’ll keep winning.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

November 2003

NO MORE DOWNERS        ( A mini editorial by Al )

Bast has often told us: “Reminisce is arsenic for the arsholes.” It’s quite true that looking back eventually leads one to a downer. We must basically stick to the other bromide “The good old days are now.” But when you run into what seems to be a new problem, it can be quite useful to backtrack around the spiral of growth to see how you solved a similar problem before. Remember the spiral of growth – you get to face the same problem again and again until your finally solve it – then you’re free to take on a fresh set of problems. Growth in this sense is gaining spiritual problem solving capability. There’s another old saying: “The student in tears kneels before the teacher and asks plaintively How long must I endure this problem???” Of course the teacher’s answer is: “Until you have solved it my child.” Might sound mean but we live on a mean planet – happily at about the top of the food chain. You might recognize that this life is the only game in town – so let’s play it to WIN!

Let’s conjure up a nicely helpful thoughtform for those times when you seem to be hitting a downer. The picture is of your/our ongoing Spirit Party. Bast is up on the soapbox again reminding us that reminiscence is not all that useful except for special situations of remembering problem solving techniques. Of course she concludes her remarks with “Let’s head onward and upward around the spiral reaching closer and closer to the ultimate.” Any time you feel like crying over spilt milk or a lost love, this picture will present itself to your mind’s eye along with Bast’s nicely spiritual pep talk. ENJOY and let it get you back on the onward and upward trail. The life you uplift will be your own but it will rub off and help all those around you. Smile pretty & WIN!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

October 2003

SHARING THE FUN        ( A mini editorial by Al )

When in danger or in doubt, steam in circles scream and shout. Or the Navy is a grand master plan conceived by geniuses to be executed by idiots. Back in Navy Supply Corps School in about 1951 if you had not read or at least were reading THE CAINE MUTINY and/or MR. ROBERTS you didn’t fit into the conversations at all. Later in business it was Lil Abner and later Peanuts. It’s all the same – the idea of sharing the fun in conversations. It still fits my idea of a day without laughter is a total disaster. Of course I adopted Pan’s pet motto: If I can’t have a good time I ain’t going. And it works well if you accept the responsibility of taking the good time with you. There were very boring lectures that we had to attend to fulfill the continuing education requirements for maintaining our CPA certificates. The Nature Spirits were a wonderful help in those times, pretending to pull the arm out from under the chin of a nearby comrade who was pretty much doping off or manifesting all sorts of fun and games not noticeable to the speaker or the rest of the audience. And They have stayed fun ever since.

How about renewing our special relationship with the Nature Spirits with a tribute to Their ingenuity in keeping our lives full of fun and productive games. Pan & Puck are the sort of ringleaders, but the Undines, Zephyrs, Gnomes & Trolls and Salamanders are super creative on their own, too. How many Angels can dance on the point of a pin? As many as want to. Hey maybe it should be The Navy is a grand master plan conceived by idiots to be executed by geniuses. Anyhow the idea of keeping our perspective with good humor is one of the strong points of the Nature Spirits. They play with me in lots of ways every day and They’ll play happily with you, too. Just give them your happy attention and watch ’em cavort and play in most entertaining manners. They’re just as real as humans are – watch for their antics and let ’em uplift your every day. Let’s see what Spirit wants to add in our self help program:

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

( A mini editorial by Al )

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary……” That’s all I remember from when we studied the Declaration of Independence I think in grade school. It’s quite refreshing however to remember that our nation’s ‘Founding Fathers” were very good with the use of the pen (I’m sure the typewriter hadn’t been invented yet). Overall they were a pretty wild and resourceful group – we might look upon our admiration of them as akin to ancestor worship. But if you look at those days carefully we find that they were quite human with very human fallacies. And that might be the best part of our heritage. Like the symbol on the Phi Beta Kappa key of the finger pointing upward at the 3 stars. Or the Latin motto: Ad Astra Per Asperum (in English – to the stars through difficulties) I guess ASPIRATION is the key thought – we all aspire to be better and do better and that’s the best motivation for positive progress I can think of.

Reminds one of Gilbert & Sullivan and he polished up the handle so carefully that now he is the ruler of the King’s Navy. So let’s go ’em one better and polish up our aspirations so happily that we can be the masters of our destiny. The thank you thoughtform with this one just has to be a picture of a big celebration at your/our ongoing Spirit Party. We’re all dancing around the maypole and singing “we’ll polish up our aspirations so happily that we will be the rulers of our destiny.” Feel the fun and joy in it and let it help open the doors of happy positive progress for us all.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

August 2003

( A mini editorial by Al )

Courting the muse is a phrase we don’t hear much anymore, perhaps because we’re more apt to say contacting our Spirit Guides, but then that’s the same difference. And a good rapport with your Spirit Friends makes for a lot better contact than just courting the muse. Your/our ongoing Spirit Party is a lot more fun than just eating grapes on a chase lounge or something and hoping for inspiration. It’s nice that the loving contact goes on constantly like 25 hours a day 8 days a week. I consider that my most important job is keeping the party fresh and alive. But that’s always been my motto or stock answer to the old question: What’s new? My response has always been: ME I’m always fresh and alive. That’s nicely in keeping with Pan’s “Law” – if I cant’ have a good time I ain’t going. The more fun and alive the party, the better the rapport with our Spirit Friends and the more inspiration and help is forthcoming.

Now how do we keep our Party fresh and alive? Singing and dancing really help – as in our Wabash Cannon Ball song: “A tingling Red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor. A moonbeam from dear Isis while Puck plays by the door. Now Pan and Bast are dancing and we all fill the floor, we’re making super magick at TexLab evermore. Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we’re making better magick every single day, with Light & love & laughter & Spirit fun galore, we’re making summa magick at TexLab evermore.” Don’t just sing it like a parrot, DO IT, dance and mingle and enjoy – have a super good time and the better time you have the better time your Spirit People will have too. Keep it fresh and inspired and alive and keep winning ever more wonderfully!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

July 2003

( A mini editorial by Al )

Remember “All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebody else’s name.” I’ve been working on a parody of that for Virginia for almost 5 years: “All the treasures of my Virginia are in a basement in Missoula (MT) just waiting to be claimed.” The treasures are a set of antique dishes and a whole bunch of souvenirs and other memorabilia. We finally devised a way to get ’em down here without driving 2,000 miles each way. On Tuesday four huge boxes arrived by UPS. It took ’till late Wednesday afternoon to get it all unpacked and out of the shipping wrappers. Then Virginia happily announced: “It took almost 5 years, but now I’m fully moved in.” We had a good laugh together and commented that once again patience and perseverance have prevailed. I’ve always said that this is my incarnation to learn patience, but most all of us have that problem, huh.

Time was when I thought patience was just an excuse for laziness, and the difference between the virtue of perseverance and the vice of stupid stubbornness was just one word VICTORY! The many years of experience have mellowed me a bit, giving me a better perspective on the old bromide: “Lord give me the courage to change the things that should be changed, the patience to endure the things that cannot be changed and the wisdom to tell the difference.” Telling the difference is the key, including recognizing the things that can’t be changed YET. That’s where my pet thoughtform comes in. When pondering a situation mentally holler at Bast – What’s my best course of action. You’ll see a picture of a traffic signal. Green is for go for it. Amber(Yellow) is for caution meaning not yet, and Red is for stop, meaning don’t try it for a long time, then ask again. This can be an infallible guide and keep you out of lots of trouble if you just remember to use it. It will work as long and as often as you do.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

June 2003

( A mini editorial by Al )

My favorite answer to an either or question is: YES. My second favorite is WHY NOT BOTH? Like in human relations – “Should I focus on Bob or George?’ Why not date both until you’re offered a solid commitment from at least one of them. Or don’t take this as too risque’ but we always said if you’re shopping for a used car at least drive it(them) around the block before you make any decisions. Or me pappy used to say: “You can’t tell what a monkey eats until he defecates, and then you can’t tell unless you dabble in it.” (And wow did I clean that up) A fun upbeat approach to life gives you a big leg up on overall success, I’ve often said Keep a smile on your face and a bounce in your step – it’s comforting to your friends and makes your adversaries wonder what the hell you’re up to. The vestibule for cleansing before entering Astral Lab goes: “No caring, no doubts fears or discouragement, no impatience, frustration or resentment, no seriousness. Just fun, love joy, ectoplasm and enthusiastic serenity ever more delightfully shared.” You are always welcome to come in through the vestibule and dance with us in Astral Lab. It’s fun and joyous too.

Let’s share part of our afternoon meditation: Come one come all to our party, come join in the joy and the fun, we’ll eat drink and play very hearty our battles are already won. Then we do the Blue Light chant (Blue Light blue Light blue Light blue, cleansing soothing healing too sweeps away what don’t belong in tune with this most joyous song) We follow with three good Ohm Mane Padme Hums (unless we ham it up a bit and throw in an Ohm Mane Potty Hum) Then it’s everybody cuddle and let’s dance around our goal poles followed by the Green Light chant (Green Light green Light green Light green makes us loving never mean, fun love joy big money, too flow to we we sure thank you) The whole idea is to keep our meditations and our life expression upbeat, happy and full of success. You’re welcome to borrow all or any part of it. The key word is ENJOY!

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

May 2003

( A mini editorial by Al )

Bast is a magnificent teacher of discipline and order in one’s daily life. You get a nice pat on the head so to speak when you dive in and complete that task you were dreading right on schedule. But discipline and schedules also need the balance of flexibility. This goes back to my interpretation of the Middle Path of Buddha as “Practice moderation in all things including the practice of moderation.” We all need our little flings or something to keep from burning out or just plain going nuts. The older we get the more we need to cultivate spontaneity to avoid moldy stodginess. That’s where Pan & Puck and our Gronkydoddles & Leprechaun’s come in. For a good 35 years I’ve progressed through life with a Leprechaun perched on my right shoulder and a Gronkydoddle on my left with H.P (short for Horney Pegasus, my pet White Unicorn) hovering close by. It’s important not to take ’em for granted. Back to basic metaphysics: “That to which you give your attention is multiplied in your life while that from which you withhold your attention is diminished.(pain and hurt included)”

Let’s play at keeping everything fresh and alive by sharing a spontaneous thoughtform. The picture is of a fun dance at your Spirit Party. You find yourself dancing with Pan & Puck, your personal Leprechaun & Gronkydoddle, your White Unicorn, Astral Al & all of your personal Spirit Friends. Along with the picture comes the singing: “Yes we’re dancing ’round the May Pole our beautiful our wonderful May Pole, dancing with all our friends around the May Pole, it brings us fertility, prosperity, abundance & delightfully enhanced wonderfully loving camaraderie.” Let it help you start your fun meditation periods whenever. The more fun you have with your and your Lab Spirit people the better your overall life expression will become. “Lucky” breaks and all manner of spontaneous good things are there for you the more you ENJOY with Spirit.

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

April 2003

( A mini editorial by Al )

In the shower this morning I found myself singing: “I’ve been eating beans and beans enough to feed the Navy. Wilbur Force get off that horse and bring him in for lunch…..” Most of our members are not old enough to remember that fun novelty song from wartime 1943/4 but that’s also when the Harvard University dining room featured a horse meat steak on Fridays because horse meat was not rationed. Gasoline, meat and canned goods were all rationed as part of wartime price controls. Produced a thriving black market, too. I remember squawking to high heaven about paying 25 cents a gallon for black market gas (the rationed kind was 18 cents a gallon). But we handled it all with good humor – “…… now I’d like a little meat with my taters and my gravy. Wilbur Force get off that horse and bring him in for lunch.” Let’s keep our fun memories of all the past and relegate the negative parts to the astral garbage bin by burning them away with the electric Blue Light.

It’s a much more delightful way to live that opens the doors to more fun, good & prosperity for us all. Any time a negative or bitter memory pops into your consciousness, it’s just the right time to zap it with the Blue Light and get a full release from it all. Let me remind you to use our Blue Light chant as often and long as it takes to get rid of all your old resentments and bitterness. “Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue, cleansing, soothing healing too. Sweeps away what don’t belong in tune with this most joyous song.” It will work whenever you really mean to clean up your act. For sure it beats 8 years or so with a psychiatrist. And the life you uplift will help uplift all your loved ones and associates, too. Sometimes it’s nice to change the end of the chant to “sweeps away the residue, cleans and brightens all our auras, too.” Let’s keep vigilant and ready with the Blue Light to keep our auras clean. Let’S see what Spirit has to add in our self help program:

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

March 2003

( A mini editorial by Al )

As I sat down to write this I heard a Spirit glee club singing the Whiffenpoof Song. “….. and the magick of their singing casts a spell….” It’s a fun reminder of the power of music in magick. Way before I founded ESP Lab some 37 years ago I was writing new words to old songs to make them magickally and metaphysically useful. Never got out of the habit either. Virginia’s all time favorite is the Alice Blue Gown one from Golden Key “Wow! My Spirit giv’n key just turned gold. You can bet that it’s made me feel bold. Now I know I must try feats I used to pass by ’cause my spiritual power will never run dry. So I’ll tackle each task with great zest and I know I will come out the best. I’ll win each time I use it; I’ll never abuse it. My spiritual key made of gold.” My favorite is whichever one I did last, but my all time favorite would have to be: “The eyes ofIshtar are upon me (we) all the livelong day. The eyes of Ishtar are uponme, please never look away. Light & love & sure protection from dawn throughout the night. The eyes of Ishtar are upon me while dear Pan playshis pipes.” (Of course the tune is The Eyes of Texas or I’ve Been Workin’on the Railroad – your choice)

There’s another oldie – With a Song in my Heart…. That’s the only way to approach life. All the way from Johnny Mercer’s You gotta accentuate the positive to whatever helps you stay upbeat should be running around in your inner dialog all the time. Let me suggest another – to the tune of the Wabash Cannonball: “A tingling Red from Nergal, a thunderbolt from Thor, a moonbeam from dear Isis while Puck plays by the door. Now Pan and Bast are dancing and we all fill the floor. We’re making super magick at TexLab evermore. Ishtar leads the chanting while Marduk helps us say we’re making better magick every single day. With light & love & laughter and Spirit fun galore, we’re making summa magick at TexLab evermore.” Or our Silver Bells chorus: “Thank you Pan, Abraxas, Bast. Thanks Ishtar, Puck, Thoth & Isis. Thanks Marduk, Nergal, Ra all good things are coming our way – and only good things are coming our way.” Let’S see what Spirit has to add in our self help program:

Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program: ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter )

February 2003

( A mini editorial by Al )

It’s been a long time since I have written about the spiral of growth. We took our first trip around it in my first book, “The Miraculous Laws of Universal Dynamics, ” then two more trips in my second book, “Helping Yourself with ESP.” I still experience it in my personal life, but the concept is well worth reviewing. Sometimes it seems like we’re just running around in circles, but in truth we’re playing on the spiral of growth. You get to face a problem in its various forms until you learn to solve it, then you move forward to a fresh set of problems. Solve them and pretty soon you get to encounter the first set of problems all over again, but on a higher level. And so we go round and round but always trending upward with the spiral tightening ever more delightfully. It goes along nicely with our idea that growth/progress is not a straight line but rather a sine curve happily trending upward. Both concepts help us keep our perspective in the wild contemporary world. And perspective is very important to our peace of mind and sense of well being.

It as been said that everybody has 20/20 hindsight, but foresight is another can of worms. The antidote for hindsight is to remind yourself that you did your best with what you knew and felt at the time. It’s a time to heed Christian D Larson’s: “Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.” Or as the bible blames on Jesus: “Let the dead bury the dead, leave it and follow me.” Let’s do a quickie thank you thoughtform with this; the picture is of a victory celebration at your/our Spirit Party. Remember: “We’ll eat, drink & play very hearty, our battles are already won.” Any time a hindsight attack is threatening your positive perspective this picture will present itself to your minds eye along with the feeling of our spiral of growth. Let it reset your perspective so we can get happily about another trip around it.

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