ESP Lab Editorials 2000
January 2000 Hi! Spirit often demonstrates Its awesome power in quite spectacular ways. In my own experience it often happens as part of Their teaching me new applications of spiritual principles and so spurring spiritual growth in most practical ways This month’s editorial and self help program are designed to share a bunch of powerful stuff with you and so enhance your personal progress. Do dive in, enjoy, laugh, accept your highest good & WIN often. |
Most interesting! When I went out to get the paper the other morning I noticed that our White Unifawn (lawn statue) was missing. Reminded me of the time a little over 2 years ago when my altar got destroyed. That time I sat down at my desk completely devastated for about 10 minutes when Pan said: “Al, you don’t need that any more. Do it all from the astral.” I took that advice and everything has worked better ever since. This time I remembered that lesson and didn’t react negatively at all. I decided he must have grown up and left home to play from the astral. So I hadn’t lost him in consciousness. And lo & behold! The next morning he was right back in his old place, solid as ever. Reminds me of a story they told on me when I was about 2. I sort of disappeared so Aunt Maude went looking for me and pretty soon caught up with me just a whistling happily as I walked along. She asked me where I was going and I replied: “Gonna buy a duck.” (For those of you too young to remember Joe Penner, that was his trade mark – wanna buy a duck). I guess our Unifawn got his allegorical duck and so came home. But I still take it as a special test from Spirit which I passed with flying colors. Like unto Thomas Troward’s teaching of “Touching things lightly.” |
Spirit has never moved anything quite that heavy in play with me before, but I know that if They want to They can move anything, probably using a form of dimension shift which They have demonstrated so well for me. |
Let me share this feeling of confidence in the power of Spirit with a fresh thank you thoughtform. It’s a picture of an actual experience I had almost 30 years ago. Outside in a beautiful meadow, Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast are playfully playing catch with your body just like they did with mine all those years ago. The feeling is of delight and Wheeeeeeee! It’s fun. It’s also a magnificent lesson in the real omnipotence of our Spirit Friends, His Ministering Angels. Remember: “They will bear you up in Their hands lest ye strike even your foot upon a stone….” |
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program:” ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter ) |
February 2000 Hi! Now that we’re really into it, it’s time to get the Millennium into comfortable perspective and move ahead with our basic goals of keeping everything getting ever better and better with no upper limit. This month’s editorial and self help program are designed to share a bunch of super good stuff with you and so happily enhance your personal growth and progress. Do dive in, enjoy, laugh with us, accept your highest good & WIN often. |
One wonders what percentage of the earth’s population uses the Christian Calendar that we inherited from the Romans. There are Hindu, Chinese, Shinto & Jewish calendars that would interpret this millennium thing quite differently. We so called astrologers always celebrate 2 New Years days, the January 1st thing and the real one that coincides with the Vernal Equinox in late March. You reckon we might celebrate 2 millenniums as well? |
Every era has to have its fad stuff – back in the 1950’s it was moving into the Aquarian (or new) Age. We must be in it by now, but it was a gradual process not heralded by major landmarks. The really positive metaphysical way is to remember as you get out of bed each new morning: “Today is the first day of the rest of my life!” And decide to make the most of it. Symbols, milestones, landmarks, new millenniums and all that good stuff are fun but they have very little to do with our individual “real worlds.” Reality is stopping to enjoy a flower in bloom, your spouse’s smile, a good joke, or especially an extra Spirit Hug. So many of us (me definitely included) have worked at living life a lot harder than is necessary for success or particularly for enjoyment. It’s time to happily put this turn of the century stuff into perspective. Sure we will probably never see the next one while in these physical bodies but there is still here & Now to be enjoyed. |
Way back when, somebody said, “Take care of the little things & the big things will take care of themselves.” I’d like to rephrase that as: “Enjoy the little things and the big things will be enjoyable, too.” Jesus is accused of saying: “I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” That and: “These things I do shall ye do, and even greater things shall ye do……” |
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program:” ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter ) |
March 2000 “Hi! We enthusiastically begin our 34th year of service through E.S.P Lab this month. It’s a good opportunity to stress the timeliness of good timing. This month’s editorial and self help program are designed to share some special reminders and tips for you and so delightfully enhance your personal growth and progress. Do dive in, enjoy, laugh with us, accept your highest good & WIN often. |
There was a donut shop in Los Angeles that I drove past many times over the years. Never was much for donuts myself but I loved the big sign on the roof: “As you wander on through life, friend, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.” I still remember it because it’s such good metaphysics. The classic metaphysical law goes: “That to which you give your attention is multiplied in your life and that from which you withdraw your attention is diminished.” The donut thing is a more colorful way of putting it as is: The optimist’s glass is half full while the pessimist’s glass is half empty. Same glass, but who is happier? |
For years I’ve stressed timing as the essence of good magick. As in do your prosperity rituals after a nice dinner and after dinner drinks so you’re feeling very affluent, and multiply that feeling of financial well being in your life. Similarly the best time to do a healing/health ritual is when you’re feeling better than you have in a long time – multiply that feeling of physical well being and it will work magnificently. But what if you don’t want to wait and wait for the proper timing? |
We all know not to focus on your bills while doing a prosperity ritual, and not to focus on your pains while doing a health ritual. I like to play at leaving the bills outside of my Spirit Party door with the spoken word of “Wait here, I can’t be bothered with you right now.” Or I tell a pain: “OK I got the message, now just turn off while I do this happy healing ritual.” Every time it works, the ritual gets super good results. Try it, it will work for you, too. |
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program:” ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter ) |
April 2000 Hi! Simplicity is one of the major secrets of successful magick & metaphysics. Now seems like a good time to get back to basics so we can go onward and upward ever more wonderfully together. This months editorial (K.I.S.S) and self help program are designed to share some special reminders and tips for you and so delightfully enhance your personal growth and progress. Do dive in, enjoy, laugh with us, accept your highest good & WIN often. |
My almost sainted Grandmother (I say almost because she was a bit too pushy about sharing her beliefs) came to live with the family when I was about 13. She was quite a strong metaphysician and tried to indoctrinate us all. All the adults humored her but rejected her “teaching,” however I was sort of a captive audience. Very early on she force fed me a poem that I still remember: “We are building every day in a good or evil way, and the structure as it grows will our inmost self disclose. Build it well what ‘er you do. Build high, build wide, build broad. Build for the eyes of God.” |
I get a gold star for memory on that one – it was almost 60 years ago and was part of my first introduction to basic metaphysics. And I’ve been a’buildin’ ever since. From this I learned that if you want to help somebody you have to figure out what they know/believe already and start building slowly from there. My dear friend and next mentor, Joseph Murphy, always teased about “advanced truth students,” saying that there’s no such thing as an advanced class because metaphysics is all simple truth and doesn’t need to be complicated by so called advanced nonsense. So when you seem to be faltering, just turn back to the basics. That still works for me every time I need it and it will always work for you, too. |
Let’s do ourselves a special reminder of this truth with a fresh thank you thoughtform. The picture is of a huge sign reading only: “K.I.S.S.” Of course we know that that’s the abbreviation for: “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” Let it hang right above your altar or meditation place and it will present itself to your mind’s eye any time you’re getting restless and want “MORE.” Along with the picture will come a simple suggestion of the next step you should take in whatever project is bugging you. Just relax and assimilate the always helpful Spirit message that is also always there for you when you relax and give it your attention. Let this fun thoughtform spur you happily onward and upward ever more wonderfully. |
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program:” ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter ) |
May 2000 |
Hi! Challenge is a delightful spur to growth that can be enhanced by effective use of your Spirit Party play time. It’s time to enhance our Spirit Partynershipsmanship for making super progress. Let’s get serious about making the party ever more effective. This month’s editorial and self help program are designed to share some special reminders and tips for you and so delightfully enhance your personal growth and progress. Do dive in, enjoy, laugh with us, accept your highest good & WIN often. |
One of the old testament Psalms starts out: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…..” Sounds like a sneaky old fashioned way of starting a Spirit Party to me. My later version went something like: “Come one, come all to my party, come join in the joy and the fun. We’ll eat, drink and play very hearty. Our battles are already won.” Let’s see if I can remember enough of one of my pet poems that I wrote about 33 years ago to help get our fresh handles on Spirit Party Fun & Effectiveness: “Do you dream of a life that’s trouble free, all gold and ambrosia beneath a tree? With no fatigue or muscle ache and never another yard to rake? Sounds very tempting and that’s no lie, but beware! It’s a trap for you and I! Stark challenge is what helps us grow and stretch our wings while here below. To strive and strive sure is no sin – especially when it’s us who win. Strive on, good friend, though you be tired, though in confusion you seem mired. Victory is its own reward, and brings us all so close to God.” |
That’s as close as I remember it and the hard copy went the way of all flesh many years ago. But the idea remains that challenge is our spur to growth and without it we’d have nothing to celebrate. And our Spirit Party is a natural ongoing celebration of continuing achievement making all things better and better with NO upper limit!” That makes the singing & dancing with our Spirit Friends ever more enjoyable. If you’re hesitant about your own Spirit Party do drop in to Astral Lab any time and see for yourself how lovely and productive it can be. |
Let’s see what Ishtar, Pan, Puck & Bast may want to add in our self help program:” ( continued in the Member’s Newsletter ) |
June 2000 Hi! “Strive on, good friend, though you be tired, though in confusion your feel mired….” Don’t remember the rest of it, I wrote it too long ago, but it’s quite in point for the here and now. The theme of this month’s editorial and self help program is letting ambiguity and confusion enhance your progress not hinder it. Do give it a good looking over then dive in, enjoy, laugh with us, accept your highest good & WIN often. |
There was a fun cartoon in our local paper the other day – A long haired hippy looking type was carrying a sign that read “There are no absolutes in this world,” but he was corrected by Mr. Obvious: “Clearly you’re incorrect because your sign itself states an absolute.” Somehow it ties in with my pet interpretation of the Middle Path of Buddha. I call it: “Moderation in the practice of all things, including the practice of moderation.” (So it’s OK to dive off the deep end occasionally!) Or what is truth? And by whose definition? Thus we are deeply indebted to George Bernard Shaw for his definition of history as an agreed upon set of lies. But best of all to me was one of my very favorite philosophers, Abraham Maslow who while discussing his ideas of self actualized people, equated emotional maturity with ambiguity tolerance. I think it’s wonderful that our world is full of ambiguity – it gives us room to move around and express ourselves in our own individual ways. |
Of course we’re expected to be more “grown up” than Pavlov’s dogs who demonstrated virtually no ambiguity tolerance – they had learned that the circle meant food and the square meant an electric shock, but when confronted with an oblong, they exhibited symptoms of abject frustration — and isn’t it much more fun to be our serenely ambiguity tolerant selves! We all remember the vaudeville bit of: when you come to a fork in the road pick it up and put it in the silverware drawer. We all have our habitual methods of coping with perplexing problems. My personal pet way is to first defuse them with some form of ridiculous humor, then turn to our Spirit People for guidance, if at all possible in the relaxed atmosphere of your Spirit Party. |