Mercury turns Retrograde AGAIN on November 25th, 2024!
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“1/2 Price Tithes through the end of 2024!” Sami
ON– You can find our first digitized course… A NEW LIGHT OF HELP FOR YOU ! If you have never read Al Manning’s Light Course… then READ IT & you are in for a life changing experience!! Michael Manning says that it is the foundation of all of Al’s works. THE LIGHT COURSE online– is available to the general public for a donation of a dollar or more. Lab members can access the course work with the password, MAMAISIS . Let there be LIGHT!
Linda Savage, PhD, DD, known as our ESPLAB Wise Woman, writes THRU THE SEASONS:
“Enjoy all these aspects of abundance, Love Linda”
Follow Linda’s column of the turn of the Great Wheel at:
Mercury turns Retrograde AGAIN on November 25th, 2024!
And it stays Retrograde until the December FULL MOON, December 15th, 2024.
& Stay the course!
By Sami
Life has its challenges, as we all know! Maintaining a positive attitude is central, though sometimes difficult. Al Manning would say, ILLIGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM, which was his pet phony Latin Phrase for “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” Al’s humor makes me smile! This has become one of my favorite phrases, as I like to encourage myself to keep going. We must persevere, in spite of whatever comes our way. Though it ain’t easy, we still have to do our best to transcend the difficulties of a material existence, if our intent is to survive and then thrive with style. So let us be bathed in the LIGHT & GRACE of SPIRIT which will uplift us above the obstacles. Let’s smile and win! Find something to laugh at. In Al’s world, laughter is a light attunement. Laughter chases away evil spirits and brightens the aura. Laugh today, right now, as it truly is the best medicine!!
The great wheel of time is always turning, moving into seasons, always with something new and something old. Like the ebb and flow of the tides… like the waning and the waxing of the moon… like the rising and the setting of the sun. Fall changes to winter changes to spring and life is renewed with the green fire. We move into summer and the beginning of Harvest Season! and into Thanksgiving and the Holidaze! Huzzah! And the beat goes on, and the WHEEL keeps turning.
And it is always something…
and guess what folks…
Mercury is going RETROGRADE again… on November 25th, 2024!
And it stays Retrograde until the December FULL MOON, December 15th, 2024.
Here is my personal Survival Plan…
first, it is important to pray more, meditate more, and strive for a transcendent spiritual center during unsettling times. If you know what you are up against, you have a better chance to get through it. I will strive to focus on what must be done as I put one foot in front of the other. I will seek to avoid social complications and, as much as possible– wait for a better time! I will stay the course, knowing that these influences will pass! In the meantime, if the task is urgent then the time is always now!
Mercury Retro Survival Plan:
1) don’t panic.
2) say less not more.
3) stay in your spiritual center and know that while the mind is on vacation the spiritual self can soar!
4) be patient with all communications.
5) prune all unnecessary activity – especially travel plans and new projects.
6) avoid new purchases – especially computers, automobiles, and electronic devices.
7) know that this aspect has a beginning, a middle, and an end… keep plodding through it.
8) don’t quit your job, change your friends, or your location – save this for better times.
9) emphasize the “better” aspects of Mercury retro: Plan a future, see old friends, work on stalled projects, clean out closets, emphasize spirituality.
10) Focus on the ORANGE LIGHT—around your head and your whole being– to help promote mental clarity.
Consider things that bring happiness. Seeing grapes growing and roses flowering gives me emotional nourishment. Watching them scale back as first snow falls, these are daily miracles!! So, find YOUR MIRACLE! Mother Nature is the Great Teacher—spend time with Her every day. Remember you are Her child and that She loves you… Count your blessings and you can never count them all! As you count, miracles multiply. Thank you for the privilege of sharing the LIGHT!
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