Archive - 2024

Beltane Newsletter
Mercury Retrograde Newsletter
2024 Spring Equinox Newsletter
Breathing for Health and Spiritual Growth
THANKS for your Friendship, through the Years!
2024 Imbolc Newsletter

Beltane Newsletter


Celebrate Life Force Energy on May Day,


May Day is the time when nature has truly come alive. Our ancestors joyfully embraced the fertility of Mother Earth; flowers bloom, offering their pollen to the bees. The Celtic name for this period is Beltane, which means bright or sacred fire. During the festival, great bonfires were lit and animals and fields were blessed in hopes for an abundant year. Traditionally May Day began on the eve of May 1st and was celebrated with feasting, dancing, and merriment for two weeks. Lovers knew that sexual energy is a most powerful connection to Spirit as well as it plays an essential role in the abundance of all life. 


Beltane was a time when lovers ran off to the fields and woods together to honor the Great Goddess with ecstatic lovemaking.

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Mercury Retrograde Newsletter


FYI, Mercury turned Retrograde April 1! The New Moon in Aries with a Solar Eclipse is near, April 8th, 2024                                                                                           


HEY NOW, Al Manning would say, ILLIGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM, which was his pet phony Latin Phrase for “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” Al’s humor makes me smile! This has become one of my favorite phrases, as I like to encourage myself to keep going. We must persevere, in spite of whatever comes our way. Though it ain’t easy, we still have to do our best to transcend all the __________, if our intent is to survive on our way to thriving. So let us be bathed in the LIGHT & GRACE of SPIRIT which will uplift us above the obstacles.

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2024 Spring Equinox Newsletter


Celebrate the Green Fire my friends,


This year in the Northern Hemisphere, March 19th is the Spring Equinox. It is the time when day and night will be equal in length at the equator as the sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac.  Also known as Ostara or Eostre (the origin of the name Easter) light and dark will be balanced. It is the New Year for Persians as well as the Earth Honoring spiritual traditions that follow the ancient ways.


In these ancient traditions the Vernal Equinox is considered the time of Green Fire. It refers not only to sap rising, but also to all the electrical energy pulsing through the growing plants.

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Breathing for Health and Spiritual Growth

balance blur close up

Breathing is one of the most important of all of the functions of the body because so many other systems depend upon it. The survival rule of 3 says a person can survive 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, but only 3 minutes without air. Humans are the only species on Earth that can control their breath. Multiple studies have shown that breathing correctly can improve your health, prevent diseases, prolong your life, and other benefits.

Children and those of indigenous groups (unless they have developed the bad habits of modern society) tend to breathe correctly. Most contemporary adults have shallow, rapid breathing habits which inhibit their health and well-being.

Breathing is the most important influencer of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) which is one of the best indicators of overall health.

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THANKS for your Friendship, through the Years!



In the ESP LAB we say, “Thanks for your Love, Friendship, and Help.”  Today, I am adding, “through the years.”  Personally, I start a new year with Winter Solstice, as it is the beginning of a new solar year, as the LIGHT RETURNS.  Then much of the world celebrates the Roman Calendar, and we whoop and holler as we turn the page on ye olde year.  Soon thereafter, China celebrates its New Year, beginning on the new moon in February on the 10th— this one in the year of the auspicious Dragon.  Historically, Dragon years are said to represent good luck, justice, prosperity, and strength. Let us claim our share as we turn the pages of the past into the new.

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2024 Imbolc Newsletter


Embrace the Power of Hope,


Imbolc in ancient traditions is the time of hope for new life and the return of the light. For thousands of years, Imbolc, meaning “in the belly” was a sign of hope as there would be lambs born in the spring. In addition, the people saw the noticeable signs that the days were lengthening. Hope is not the same as wishing things were better but it is cultivating a strong ability to allow ourselves to anticipate joy, avoid thoughts that dash hope, and to celebrate life, even in the small things we can look forward to, keeping our focus on what gives us hopeful feelings. 


Hope is unique from other positive emotions because hope requires some degree of difficulty or uncertainty to be ignited.

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