Navigating the Stars October 2019
Navigate the stars and ride the planetary waves
The following information describes the general movement of our planets, for some of you – this monthly planetary movement will have a direct hit on your personal or birth planetary configurations – and in doing so you the energy will be amplified for you. For others it will manifest through the environment and not necessarily hook into your day to day experiences. Everyone can take advantage of the activities listed below & corresponding days.
Highlights: Mercury is going retrograde (moving back through the sign of Scorpio) at the beginning of November, which means the last week of October you should have your computer and phones backed up as well as be cautionary about any large new purchases, especially electronic. Mercury will be standing still on October 31st.
Pluto is moving direct so don’t be surprised if a little bit of drama crops up, remember to keep the ego out of it 😊
Double Whammy and challenging days are … 7 ,12, 13, 21, 27 take short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.
Meditation or relaxed days – take advantage of smooth flowing energy and make them the best days ever … 9, 10, 19, 29.
Take advantage of Communication – talk it out but be cautious your words they may cut deeper than you anticipated. 10th
Opportunity to attract and evoke harmony in your life & create something beautiful… Know what you want … 9th, 29th
before you can action a goal you need to connect passionately, you need to want it go for it on the 2nd, 29th, 31st
Take the Opportunity and connect Action with Passion … 31st
Set healthy boundaries and face your fears move forward with confidence on the…10th.
Unleash your genius on the 9th, 19th
Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. …16th, 19th , 29th.
Solar/Lunar cycles
The dance between the Sun, the giver of life and light and the Moon, who projects the light into patterns and habits that can be experienced individually.
Full Moon – Wrapping up projects, competition of Goals. October’s Full Moon is on the 13th at 20 degrees Aries, at 2:08 pm Pacific / 6:08 pm Atlantic
Theme: Defining your needs vs what others want from you
This Full Moon can support you in creating a balance between what your client feels they need as opposed to what your schedule can handle. Be aware of giving up too much in order to please others, in other words don’t allow others to push you and try to exert their ego-power over you. How you approach this subject and the words you choose will be very important as your words may have a lasting effect that penetrates deeply.
There may also be unexpected surprises and resistance to aligning your day to day activities with your higher values. Try to create a balance between your higher ideals and an exaggerated desire of wants compared to actual needs.
New Moon – New Beginnings – Setting New Goals, choosing New paths creating new time lines. The October New Moon is at 28th at 4 degrees Scorpio on the 27th at 8:38 pm Pacific & 12:38 am Atlantic Time.
Theme: Unexpected Changes on the Horizon
Others may find it difficult when goals unexpectedly surface, that you have held in a very deep and private space until now. Be organized and plan ahead in order to stay on course. It may be difficult to create action when others may not agree with the boundaries you need to put in place in order to achieve your new goals.
The Astrology of it All
Sun is in Libra until October 23rd in the afternoon when the Sun moves into Scorpio
Moon cycles through each sign approx. every 2 days.
Mercury (Communication) is in Libra and moves Into Scorpio on the 3rd, and at the very end of the month goes stationary (stands still) making communication very powerful.
Venus (Harmony & Love) is in Libra and moves into Scorpio on the 8th.
Mars (Action) starts the month in Virgo moving into Libra on the 4th for the remainder of the month
Jupiter (Opportunity) and continues traveling through Sagittarius all month
Saturn (Boundaries) is still in Capricorn for the month
Uranus (Higher Mind / the Unexpected) between 4 & 5 degrees Taurus for the duration of the month, in retrograde all month.
Neptune (Dreams / Art / Removing Boundaries) is slowly moving through Pisces, where we are learning to let go of our physical reality and learn to expand our reality. Still retrograde for the rest of the month
Pluto (Change / Transformation) moves Direct on the 3rd and for the first week will be standing still, watch your ego 😉
The Navigating Team … Julia and Tamira … You can find us or email