Navigating the Stars September 2019

Astrology sky moon stars

Navigate the stars and ride the planetary waves

The following information describes the general movement of our planets, for some of you – this monthly planetary movement will have a direct hit on your personal or birth planetary configurations – and in doing so you the energy will be amplified for you. For others it will manifest through the environment and not necessarily hook into your day to day experiences. Everyone can take advantage of the activities listed below & corresponding days.

Double Whammy and challenging days are … 2, 5, 6, 8, 10 , 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 29 take short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Meditation or relaxed days – take advantage of smooth flowing energy and make them the best days ever … 3, 9, 11, 18, 19, 20, 28.

Take extra care on the 6th, the 8th and the 21st as we have the potential to be knocked off our game with multiple whammies, don’t let things spiral out of control, practice your breathing and don’t jump to conclusions or dive into the deep end.

  • Take advantage of Communication – talk it out … 3rd, 20th
  • Opportunity to attract and evoke harmony in your life & create something beautiful… Know what you want … 9th , 20th
  • Before you can action a goal you need to connect Action with Passion, you need to want it go for it on the 3rd 9th
  • Take the Opportunity … 11th, 28th (which is also a Super New Moon)
  • Set healthy boundaries and face your fears move forward with confidence on the…3rd, 9th, 18th (Saturn moves direct and unleashes structure, boundaries and organization)
  • Unleash your genius on the 17th
  • Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. …19th

Solar/Lunar cycles

The dance between the Sun, the giver of life and light and the Moon, who projects the light into patterns and habits that can be experienced individually.

Full Moon – Wrapping up projects – completion of Goals. September’s Full Moon is on the 13th in the Pacific at 21 degrees Pisces (9:33pm) and will be exact at 1:33 am Atlantic on the 14th

Theme: It is all in the details

You may struggle to action opportunities that come up – due to a lack of understanding of where you are going or what you truly desire. If you carefully map out the direction you want to go based on what you have learned, then add a dash of organized structure to support your decisions you may find the compass pointing to the path.

If you are diagnosing client issues or problems, you may at first need to solely rest on your inner compass, waiting for an opportunity what will provide some clarity. In the interim don’t be afraid to collect detailed information to help you work out the solutions.

New Moon – New Beginnings – Setting New Goals, choosing New Paths that can create new fields of operation. The September New Moon is on the 28th at 5 degrees Libra and will be exact at 3:26 pm Atlantic Time.

Theme: This is the last Super New Moon of the year

You may find opportunity to actualize and bring into harmony, an untethered dream that you have struggled to define.

As a practitioner working with clients that have had problems restoring their vitality you may have a breakthrough or solution to a very old and deep seeded concern that your client has struggled to resolve. Create a detailed action plan.

The Astrology of it All

Sun is in Virgo until September 23rd in the morning when the Sun moves into Libra Happy solar Return!

Moon cycles through each sign approx. every 2 days.

Mercury (Communication) is in Virgo and moves Into Libra on the 14th

Venus (Harmony & Love) is in Virgo and moves into Libra on the 14th.

Mars (Action) stays in Virgo for the month

Jupiter (Opportunity) and continues travelling through Sagittarius all month

Saturn (Boundaries) is still in Capricorn, moves direct on the 18th

Uranus (Higher Mind / the Unexpected) between 5 & 6 degrees Taurus for the duration of the month, in retrograde all month.

Neptune (Dreams / Art / Removing Boundaries) is slowly moving through Pisces, where we are learning to let go of our physical reality and learn to expand our reality. Still retrograde for the rest of the month

Pluto (Change / Transformation) is retrograding through Capricorn for the entire month.

The Navigating Team … Julia and Tamira … You can find us or email

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