Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; May 2017
Snap shot for May Mercury moves direct on the 4th – but continue to be cautious when signing contracts or purchasing electronics until he picks up speed in a couple of weeks. Venus drives full force ahead which means that making decisions about what you need in order to create harmony in your life and communicating what you need should start to get a little easier. Don’t forget you are not the only one, take others into consideration when making those major decisions. Jupiter – Saturn – Pluto still on an inward spiral, which means that opportunity, structure and changes continue to be made an a very personal and inner level.Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Geminis’ out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.Aries & Libra …Take care that you do not become to ‘I Want’ oriented, check in and make sure you are coming from an authentic place, watch for over-indulgences. Taurus & Scorpio … Taurus continue to soak in much Sun as you can, Scorpio’s may be feeling a little tired and restless, so plan for some quiet time as it takes you a little longer to rejuvenate. Gemini & Sagittarius … Gemini may be feeling a little restless as the Sun begins to peak over the horizon for you … get ready to amp up. Sagittarians begin to feel a little more tired than usual, rely on organization as the key to a successful month. Cancer & Capricorn … Cancer folk may feel a little disjointed this month as you prep for the return of the Sun to your sign, Capricorns are still working through deep and lasting changes as Pluto plods through your sign. Leo & Aquarius … Opportunity for insight into how events in the past potentially impact them in the future. Virgo & Pisces … Both need to breaking down illusions or disillusions that have been created. This is a long on-going process so take it one step at a time. Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are 6th, 28th… use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe. Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever 3rd, 7th, 13th, 17th, 21st, 23rd, 31st… Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing – moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation – silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching . Mercury , – Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury has travelled back into Aries, he will be standing still on the 3rd building up energy (hold your tongue) … then moves forward on the 4th, he will again enter Taurus. Take care in all contract signing during this first ½ of the month. Tie up loose ends and get yourself organized. It is better to take your time with your communication, slow down – get creative and certainly think before you speak. Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … Venus is picking up speed, you may need to go over some choices that you have made in the last few months. Take care that you are not being too ‘I’ oriented. Mars – Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars is in Gemini plan a trip to the book store to top up your collection. What until the middle of the month to make any purchases that are larger dollar items. Jupiter – Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires. We started our yearly pilgrimage to finding wisdom and growth from within at the beginning of February, we are now winding our way up the path to the top of the mountain. Jupiter has been traveling on a retrograde (inner spiral) where you can make/find your own opportunities. Saturn – Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wild-fiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Saturn is currently on an inner spiral which will last until the end of August. This is his last retrograde in Sagittarius have fun and focus on ways that will get you engaged in manifesting your dreams … test the edges of your boundaries.. Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world … Neptune… Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand your boundaries. The Dwarf Planets…, Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Pluto, Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto is moving direct through Capricorn. Slowly start to release your need to control the details around you … remember – the only control we truly have is to open and allow the destruction and disintegration of the old ways in order to get to the re-Birth, and move to the next level of Be-ing. Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; It may be time to use a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. As above So below. Traveling through Libra is also in a retro (inner spiral) supporting all the other aspects of your psyche as you travel deep within. Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke and balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving). Eris is in a tight relationship with Uranus, even though they are miles apart they are creating a dramatic build of energy – you may find that things that are no longer working (creating discourse) suddenly change. Try not to hold on to the old ways too hard … embrace the new – in the long run they will work much better. Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the underdog. Take the attitude that while we will give others what they need today and we can teach them to stand tall and learn how to provide for themselves in the future. She is also supporting all the other aspects of your psyche with a deep inner spiral in Libra. Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, moves to Gemini gathering more data and information on how to nurture the seeds she planted in the Spring. Solar/Lunar cycles … Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. As above So below. Full Moon (Wesak) May 10th at 20 Scorpio/Taurus 2:42 pm Pacific / 6:42 am Atlantic When the Moon is full – the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. This is the second of three full moons connected to stepping up our service and collective work. Snap-shot: A speaking engagement (you attend or give) may create a frenzy of inspired action. Don’t be afraid to show how empowered you feel, it may inspire others to step out of their own shadow and step up to the plate. During your Full-Moon meditation bring your pens, markers, coloured pencils and lots of paper – pick an area in your life that needs to get organized … magical things happen when you allow a downward flow of ideas onto the paper. Create a new way to organize and structure a successful venture.! New Moon May 25th at 4 Gemini 12:44pm Pacific / 4:44pm Atlantic.The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. The dynamic build toward something new, exciting & unknown. Snap Shot: Communication may be a little disconnected – what you think you are saying and what actually comes out may not be ‘one in the same’. As you are setting your new goals this month keep authenticity a #1 priority. Unexpected progress and movement forward as you begin to formulate how you are going to manifest a very important goal on your list. Take care not to over indulge. . |
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