Archive - 2017

“Illigitimi non carborundum” Don’t let the bastards wear you down
Mercury Retrograde March 22, 2018
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; August 2017
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; July 2017
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; June 2017
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; May 2017
Self Help Exercise

“Illigitimi non carborundum” Don’t let the bastards wear you down

by Sami Rose
LIFE IS CHANGE– and as we experience one cycle after the other, let us take forward that which is useful and leave behind the rest. Cosmic Awareness (as revealed through its channel at the Aquarian Church) has indicated that the Universe is re-born every micro-second. What will you choose to take with you and what will you choose to lose as we move forward into the new moment?
I am glad to leave behind these recent Venus Retrograde & Mercury Retrograde periods– with their heart break dis-satisfactions and confusion, communication challenges, with extra frustrations. I still managed to have a fun time. We have to do what we have to do–when it must be done– no matter what the influence or distraction of the day
Our good buddy Al Manning used to quote the I-CHING, especially “perseverance furthers.”
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Mercury Retrograde March 22, 2018

Mercury goes Retrograde three times in 2018…

•March 22 to April 15
•July 25 to August 18
•November 16 to December 6

What does this mean, you may ask… it appears, when you look at the night sky that Mercury is moving backwards.

General influences are confusion, mental and communication challenges. However Mercury Retro can be good for cleaning out closets, and planning.

Intuition can be high, as the mind is not as dominant.

The planet Mercury rules the mind and communication and so when Mercury is “on vacation” it is a time for concentration, patience in communication… and pruning unecessary activity as travel, contracts, social engagements can be challenged.

Mercury is Retro some 20% of the time… but that leaves 80% of the time for directed motion!

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Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; August 2017

Hold that thought … Mercury is beginning another retrograde on August 13 which will last until September 4th. This is the time to dig out those projects you left on the shelf for another day. All the re-words will best describe how you can take advantage of this time period. Re-work, Re-do, Re-align, Re-build, Re-apply (just to remind you of a few).
It is often during the shadow – when Mercury is direct but retracing his steps from the 5th to the 29th of September when we experience the break down of electronics (including computers and especially software and malicious viruses) and vehicles. Uranus begins its years retrograde – pulling its energy of radical change, authenticity and innovation toward a more inner level.
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Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; July 2017

Snap shot for July
Neptune, Saturn & Pluto are on an inward spiral, facilitating the introspective energy flow of these big giants. Mercury will be retrograding on August 13th – so if you need to buy a new car or computer equipment do it this month rather than wait until it breaks down in August when the retrograde puts pressure on you.
Aries & Libra … You may find opportunities are abundant but the time of re-inventing yourself is soon to be over – get ready to bring results in a tangible form.Taurus & Scorpio … This is another month of relaxation, fun and frivolity … ok well at the least relaxation. Get outside and warm up.Gemini & Sagittarius … Peace, Harmony and a good book is all you need, time to get your library organized.
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Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; June 2017

Snap shot for June
Jupiter moves direct on the 10th of June Neptune joins Saturn & Pluto are on an inward spiral, facilitating the introspective energy flow of these big giants.Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Cancerian’s out there. You may notice your energy levels begin to increase and by the end of the month you will start to revitalize your energy by soaking in the Solar rays that infuse you with health and vitality. Get active and moving – hugs all around.Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are … 2, 24, 27 … use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever 3, 6, 14, 19, 20, 26… Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing – moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation – silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching .

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Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; May 2017

Snap shot for May
Mercury moves direct on the 4th – but continue to be cautious when signing contracts or purchasing electronics until he picks up speed in a couple of weeks. Venus drives full force ahead which means that making decisions about what you need in order to create harmony in your life and communicating what you need should start to get a little easier. Don’t forget you are not the only one, take others into consideration when making those major decisions. Jupiter – Saturn – Pluto still on an inward spiral, which means that opportunity, structure and changes continue to be made an a very personal and inner level.Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Geminis’ out there.
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Self Help Exercise

SELF HELP EXERCISE:TURN to the Universal SPIRIT CONTACTOf your POWER STAR in your newsletter opening paragraph. Thousands of years ago ancient people used an 8 pointed power star as an invocation of Universal Energies… centered in the power of the LOVE PLANET, VENUS, with the SUN & MOON all in the infinite center, surrounded by the celestial bodies of Mars, the Sun, Venus, the Earth, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and the Moon. These power points represent the chakras from the red root chakra, the orange sun chakra, yellow for Venus, green for earth, blue for Jupiter, indigo for Mercury, violet for Saturn, and white for the Moon. Put your receiving hand on your opening paragraph power star, meditate upon it & feel the energies of the Cosmos pour into you as you say “I accept the BOUNTY of the Universe.”

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