Yuletide Blessings my Friends
Yuletide Blessings my friends,
I send my heartfelt wishes for a meaningful holiday and a hope filled New Year. December 21st is the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. The Winter Solstice is honored with ceremonies using some form of light all over the world. Folks have burned Yule logs, gathered for bonfires, and lit torches, candles, and oil lamps. The traditions reassured them that the days of more light would be returning. We string electric lights around our homes at this time but rarely do we appreciate what the effect of long dark nights would have been because it is so easy to switch on a light.
This year, December 21st will be a powerful time and not only because it is the longest night. Astrologically, Jupiter and Saturn are in Grand Conjunction in Aquarius. The next day we have a beautiful trine from the Moon to Venus; symbolizing love and connection. Many are calling this Solstice the beginning of the new age we’ve been waiting for.
Another theme for the Winter Solstice is finding the light within the dark and if there was ever a need for hope it is now. Dark days often trigger depression, and when worldwide pandemic, job losses, and isolation from loved ones are added to this, the need to practice finding your personal alignment is essential.
Let the theme of finding the light within the dark begin within ourselves. Let ritual, prayer, breath-work and meditation become our steadfast daily practices. In the nine months that I have been doing Tele-Mental Health, I have found that these most important practices are far more effective than outside influences. Debilitating stress has many sources, thus limiting the constant need to seek ‘the news’ which keeps us in fear is essential. Let us focus on what we can do instead (walk in nature, meditate) which has a healthy impact. These practices are the most important resources for immune boosting and healthy living.
I hope you choose to create new meaning that feels in harmony with your divine nature and that you practice greater compassion, acts of loving kindness and open heartedness every day.
Blessings of the Season, Linda