Navigating the Stars 2021
Navigate the stars and ride the planetary waves
The following information describes the general movement of our planets, for some of you – this planetary movement will have a direct hit on your personal or birth planetary configurations – and in doing so the energy will be amplified for you. For others it will manifest through the environment (from others around you) and not necessarily hook into your day-to-day experiences but rather your collective knowledge and can filter down into future generations.
It has been a tough year, with new restrictions and tighter boundaries being set which has created a deep collective fear about the future, in health and finances as well as a more pronounced separation with family and friends. As a collective we will need to move forward with confidence, release the fear and take the energy into a skilled level as we move into 2021.
End of Year Follow up
2020 had a spectacular event following the December 14th Eclipse with a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This particular line up has not been seen for over 800 years. There were several key elements that belonged to this event. Saturn and Jupiter moved into 0 degrees of Aquarius (an Air Sign) which has ended 200 years of conjunctions in Earth signs. These two heavy hitters will continue to join in Air signs (every 20 years) for the next 200 years.
Air – Social, Intellectual, Communicative, Ideas … Aquarius (co-ruled by Saturn & Uranus) – New rules, genius, innovative, collective concerns.
The two planets Involved in the Great Conjunction … Saturn – Boundaries, Organization, Fears new ways of manifesting (material/money); Jupiter – Luck, opportunity, Wisdom, Growth and More of…
What other factors made this conjunction special? These two planets were conjunct by declination (which means they were lined up visually in the night sky). And they were close to the earth (contributing to their visibility). Some reported (with just binoculars they were able to see some of Jupiter’s moons, and with a light powered telescope able to See Saturn’s rings behind Jupiter. This has been called the Bethlehem Star – and thought to be a powerful time of change. We can expect that over the next few years an awakening will occur that will create a shift as a collective (world unit) in how we deal with our old challenges (old rules), old ways of living including monetarily.
We can expect innovative changes to the boundaries that have been created in the last year, but as a collective we can insist that these changes be based on wisdom. We do have access to divine timing and the higher collective mind (good for all); we need to make the most of every opportunity to grow with wisdom and understanding.
What to watch out for in 2021
The New Years Chart
2020 felt like getting swept along a collective undertow. This is a collective energy NOT a personal one, even though we each feel the energy personally, it is important how we re-act to the undertow, whether or not we chose to relax and allow ourselves to conserve our energy floating along or fight and exhaust our energy, building up fear and anger. A new year provides the opportunity to turn the page – kind of like a do-over or hitting a re-set button.
We have to opportunity to hold love and care for one another strong in our hearts as we turn the page by walking into 2021. If we attempt to personalize the upcoming 2021 energy (I instead of WE) fear will begin to build as it did in 2020. The Great conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius is/was about HOPE. Hope … that we can live and thrive in a safe world … that we can get together with our friends and family … that our bodies will be full of vitality … that our needs (food water shelter) are met and that we will have safe passage to explore and travel again. Hope is a required element in creation but we must do more than that – we must create and implement an action plan, and personalize it – each individual working collectively.
The New Years Chart
There will be tension, and still some hurtles that we must overcome, this energy needs to be utilized in a focused and skilled way. Our actions need to be methodically directed as we struggle to move from the old outworn answers to explore/create/envision new ideas of the world we want to live in. This is an opportunity to come together with many points of views and ideas (countries … cultures … people) and find solutions.
We have 3 special points of tension that astrologers are looking at in 2021.
Jan 17, 2021 2:08 PM —– Saturn in Aquarius (Boundaries, Manifesting, Law, Organization, Fear / Social, Intelligent, Genius, Inventions) in an exact square at 07 degrees 14 (tension – both want to be in charge) to Uranus in Taurus (Sudden change, Collective Ideas and Breakthroughs / Grounded, Material, Earthly, Practical)
Jun 14, 2021 6:01 PM —– Saturn square Uranus at 13 degrees 07
Dec 24, 2021 2:17 AM —– Saturn square Uranus 11 degrees 05
The tension if used properly will create movement and growth … Balancing boundaries with practical breakthroughs that is for everyone’s wellbeing (collective). The more skilled we can become in the first square – the less re-active the experience of tension in the 2nd and 3rd.
Let’s take a look at the charts – The Moon is very active in all three charts. On a mundane level the Moon represents the Public, on a personal level the Moon represents our Emotional Mind and our ability to nurture and take care of our own well-being – our daily Patterns and Habits in action (subconscious).
The 1st Uranus / Square chart the Moon conjunct Uranus square Saturn – (Moving forward with New Rules) We also find a big line up in Aquarius (Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn). Saturn is in Charge.
The Moon in this first square is powerful with access to intense creative potential … Unskilled examples: overindulgence of emotions – shocked to the point that you feel the need to be taken care of (or told what to do) instead of self-care/self-monitoring; setting your own healthy habits. Skilled examples: create new patterns and habits by embracing breakthroughs that will help us move forward; creation of new laws new boundaries and the ability to organization as a society that will benefit everyone.
The Aquarius line up synthesizes our collective ability to communicate, create harmony, rules/laws, growth in wisdom and become consciously aware, technological advances, also access to higher levels of energy.
A power line of energy must be focused for a collective purpose toward ACTION, if used for egoic purposes the action might tend to be unruly and charge forward without thinking.
The 2nd Uranus / Saturn square (New data) we have a moon opposition to Saturn & square Uranus, (Sun Mercury in Gemini and Node Axis engaged) New data is gathered, the general public may be opposed to the potential new boundaries, listening to solutions, communication skills and problem solving are crucial before action is taken.
The 3rd Uranus / Saturn square (cautiously optimistic) we also have a 29 degree Moon–Jupiter opposition the Sun, Mercury, Pluto, Venus(retrograde) in Capricorn. The future looks optimistic, but don’t over indulge (or overspend). This is the perfect time to re-evaluate our values and how we can move forward harmoniously in a collective (worldly) way. Take the high road in your actions.
Solar Eclipses & New Moon energy – where the energy feels like it is external and is happening ‘to us’ and we struggle to understand where we are going). The Sun = Ego, Individuality, Shining your Light, Conscious behaviour, (outer projection of self)
Lunar Eclipses can feel much more emotional, this is when the inner landscape is lit up, about reviewing goals, seeing what you have accomplished and what you have left on the TO-DO List. This is an inner process a time of reflection. The Moon = Patterns & habits, emotional mind, emotional security, ability to nurture, sub-conscious (inner projection of self)
The sign you find the Eclipse in – will give you insight into the focus of the Eclipse – look for what house the Eclipse falls in your chart for indications of where the focus is for you as an overview energy that will guide you for approx. 6 months.
End of 2020: November 30th Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Gemini/Sagittarius) & December 14th Total Solar Eclipse (Sagittarius).90 days after the Eclipse (the March New Moon) Gemini = Social, Intellectual, Data oriented, Communication, Sales, thinking oriented. Sagittarius = Truth seeker, passionate, fiery, action oriented, driven
First Eclipse of 2021: May 26 Total Eclipse Lunar (Gemini/Sagittarius). 90 days after the Eclipse – the August Full Moon. Gemini = Social, Intellectual, Data oriented, Communication, Sales, thinking oriented. Sagittarius = Truth seeker, passionate, fiery, action oriented, driven
June 10, 2021 Annular Solar Eclipse (Gemini) 90 days after the Eclipse – (September New Moon) Gemini = Social, Intellectual, Data oriented, Communication, Sales, thinking oriented
November 19, 2021: Partial Lunar Eclipse (Taurus) 90 days after the Eclipse (February Full Moon) Taurus = Grounded, practical, earthy, materialistic, fertile
December 4, 2021: Total Solar Eclipse (Sagittarius) 90 days after the Eclipse (March New Moon) Sagittarius = Truth seeker, passionate, fiery, action oriented, driven
Planetary Movement
What is a Retrograde? An inner spiral of energy, RE— DO – WORK – CREATE – THINK – EVALUATE … be sure to check the fine print. Buy something used! Wait for clarity.
Inner planet Retrogrades usually have a bigger impact on our daily lives – especially if they hit one of ‘your’ personal planets.
Mercury Retrogrades … we have 3 Mercury Retrogrades every year starting on these dates.
January 30 (in Aquarius) … May 29 (in Gemini) … September 27 (in Libra)
Re-work, Re-communicate; re-start old projects especially with data collection, writing, journaling
Mercury fuels our thinking process- analysis, communication and commerce, short trips – transportation) Schedule some computer and email downtime #1 backup all computers and phone and data – go through old emails, face book, Instagram, messages, texts, newsletters – what do you really look at and what can you let go of. Are there apps you are paying for but not using?
Venus Retrograde … December 19th to January 29th 2022. (Capricorn/Sagittarius)
Re-create, re-harmonize, re-establish old friendships and re-invigorate the things you love to love
Venus fuels our creativity and what you attract into your life in values & harmony; ie: Love, voice, beauty, art, can be what you purchase in order to surround yourself with harmony/beauty/love
Mars Retrograde … No Retrogrades this year
Outer Planets – this is more collective energy – they are retrograde (inner spiral for approx ½ the year
Jupiter Retrograde – June 20 (in Aquarius) / Saturn Retrograde – May 23 (in Aquarius) / Uranus Retrograde – August 19 (Taurus) / Neptune Retrograde (in Pisces) – November 28 (2020) / Pluto Retrograde October 04 (2020) (in Capricorn)
New & Full Moons
The dance between the Sun, the giver of Life and Light & the Moon, who projects this Light into Patterns and Habits to be experienced individually. The Lunar Cycle solidifies time here on earth, and allows us to experience gifts and growth month after month. These are cycles we can depend on, providing a sense of comfort, gently guiding our human journey.
Full Moon – Wrapping up projects and Review Goals.
New Moon – Starting new plans and making New Goals
This year the New moons range between the 13th and the 05th of the month
The Full Moons range from the 28 to the 20th of each month
The Astrology of it All
Mercury (Communication) follows the sun around the chart, with 3 retrogrades a year where we have the opportunity for a re-do. A whirl wind of Communication and data exchanges. Mercury is the dispositor for both Gemini and Virgo and will be very active in the Eclipses this year.
Venus (Harmony & Love) like Mercury follows the Sun around the chart, with occasional retrogrades. Venus is the dispositor/ruler of Taurus and Libra. We have a Venus retrograde at the very end of 2021.
Mars (Action) steadily moves from Aries (where he just finished a long retrograde) through to Libra over the course of the year. We do not have any Mars retrogrades in 2021.
Jupiter (Opportunity) moves to Aquarius. This is can be a very idea inspiring Jupiter where the focus is on finding wisdom by seeking the truth even if it is ‘way out there’.
Saturn (Boundaries) moves into Aquarius. Bring structure to new ideas, new rules/boundaries and awe-inspiring organizational skills.
Uranus (Higher Mind / the Unexpected) continues in Taurus where intangible becomes tangible
Neptune (Dreams / Art / Removing Boundaries) is slowly moving through Pisces. Take care that you don’t use ‘aholic’ behaviour to numb your consciousness to what is going on in the collective. (work, alcohol, drugs, fitness, food, TV, gaming, fear, …. Etc)
Pluto (Change / Transformation) is moving full steam ahead in Capricorn.
Happy New Year
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