Winter Solstice is near…!!
Winter Solstice, also known as ‘midwinter” draws nigh… a time when the sun renews its cycle and “returns.” In North America, this year, it happens on December 21st at 3:02 am MST in the morning on December 21st, as the sun enters the sign of Capricorn. Winter Solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and with the longest night of the year, After this important day the days start getting longer, hurray!! Fire and light are traditional symbols of celebrations held at the darkest time of the year. Since the beginning of time, the winter solstice has been seen as a significant time of year in many cultures, and has been marked by festivals and rituals. It symbolizes the death and rebirth of the Sun.
One place the Winter Solstice is observed is Stonehenge. This year the Winter Solstice sunrise will be live-streamed from the stones on the morning of the 21 December. It will be easy and free to watch on the English Heritage social media channels. Click the link to watch the Winter Solstice sunrise to be live streamed from Stonehenge.