Archive - June 2021

The Foundation
MERCURY is Retrograde and goes Direct June 22, 2021

The Foundation

Al Manning originally wrote “A New LIGHT of Help for You” in 1968 and to me, it is the foundation of all of his work.  Whenever I become aware of descending into a valley, I will refresh my practice of this course and it has always helped.  To some, the concepts may seem basic, but there are many good reasons for the adage:  Keep it Simple, Students (KISS).  In my opinion, this course is the foundation of all metaphysical and spiritual work.

The first 11 lessons are an introduction to the “LIGHT” and its association with the seven best-known chakras.  Lesson 10 is particularly useful if you believe you are under psychic attack.  The five lessons that follow talk about various applications of using the LIGHT, such as getting rid of limiting conditions, attracting your perfect mate or brightening up the dark corners of your relationships, and improving your business success. 

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MERCURY is Retrograde and goes Direct June 22, 2021

NEW MOON in Gemini— Solar Eclipse June 10, 2021                                  Mercury Retrograde: May 29th to June 22nd, 2021


The planet Mercury– which rules the mind, communication, business, & transportation– has gone on another vacation and this one is from May 29th to June 22nd, 2021.  This does happen roughly 20% of the time.

We have moved into plod mode for this term.  It takes perseverance but you can do it! We can do it!!  We can get through this! As Al would say, “This too shall pass.”

Actually, Mercury Retrograde is a good opportunity to slow down a little and be centered in the peace and love of the Divine.  Celebrate rest, see established friends and family, or enjoy your own company– and let’s enjoy our time anyway! 

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