Category - Astrology

Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; May 2017
Astrology Archive 2011-2016
Astrology Archive 2003 – 2011
Astrology Archive 2001 – 2002

Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; May 2017

Snap shot for May
Mercury moves direct on the 4th – but continue to be cautious when signing contracts or purchasing electronics until he picks up speed in a couple of weeks. Venus drives full force ahead which means that making decisions about what you need in order to create harmony in your life and communicating what you need should start to get a little easier. Don’t forget you are not the only one, take others into consideration when making those major decisions. Jupiter – Saturn – Pluto still on an inward spiral, which means that opportunity, structure and changes continue to be made an a very personal and inner level.Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Geminis’ out there.
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Astrology Archive 2011-2016

April (Scroll down for March 2016)
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes;
Snap shot for April
5 of 8 planets are moving either out of or into a retrograde (inner spiral) this month. Mercury moves into his retrograde (inner spiral) on the 10th Jupiter continues on his Retrograde through Libra. Venus has moves all the way back into Pisces (one of her power positions) and then moves direct on the 15th. Saturn and Pluto begin their yearly retrogrades. This is a time of waiting and planning don’t try to push things into fruition – it will all come with time.

Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Taurus’ out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

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Astrology Archive 2003 – 2011

March 2011 (Scroll down for February 2011)

KEYS: Sensitive Pisces (Feb 18th to March 20th)
“I feel; I believe; I receive.”
Fiery Aries (March 20th to April 20th)
“I am; I initiate.”
Charting the planets: Our Month starts with only SATURN RETROGRADE– However MERCURY goes RETRO at the end of the month. Push to get things accomplished before Mercury Retrograde!
Magick is about mood and attitude… only approach your altar with postive energy, love, optimism, and good vibes!
GOOD MAGICKS BEST DAYS— 4, 5, 14, 18, 19, 21, & 22
Fertile Magick times– Increasing Moon in water signs– 4, 5, 13, & 14
Consider Jupiter trines— Good fortune! 16, 24

Mars squares and oppositions— 11, 18,& 25
temper tantrums, wars, 9/11, accidents, road rage, fist fights.

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Astrology Archive 2001 – 2002

October 2002 (Scroll down for September 2002)

Quite a lot of planetary activity – we start with Mercury, Uranus & Neptune in the retrograde mode. Happily Mercury turns direct on the 6th and Neptune goes direct on the 20th, Meanwhile Venus turns retrograde on the 10th followed by Saturn on the 11th. A real state of flux, with Venus bringing her usual challenges to our value systems. Brings to mind “me pappy’s” pet comment: “When it rains it rains on both sides of the line of scrimmage.” I intend to play “Dauntless Dino” for this part and invite you all to join me.
Planting and project launching days look to be the 7th, 8th & 9th very good with the 12th & 13th OK and the 17th & 18 good too.
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