Category - Astrology

Navigating the Stars February 2019
Navigating the Stars January 2019
Navigating the Stars December 2018
Mercury Retrograde March 22, 2018
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; August 2017
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; July 2017
Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; June 2017

Navigating the Stars February 2019

Navigate the stars and ride the planetary waves

The following information describes the general movement of our planets, for some of you – this monthly planetary movement will have a direct hit on your personal or birth planetary configurations – and in doing so you the energy will be amplified for you. For others it will manifest through the environment and not necessarily hook into your day to day experiences. Everyone can take advantage of the activities listed below & corresponding days.

Double Whammy and challenging days are … 1, 2, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21 & 22, take short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Meditation or relaxed days – take advantage of smooth flowing energy and make them the best days ever … 4, 5, 6, 11, 15, 25, 28

This year is not necessarily going to be easy but it can be fruitful.

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Navigating the Stars January 2019

New Year’s Chart 2019

The theme that starts our New Year off is New Ways of Actioning Old Goals.

The qualities you need to succeed this year are is graciously receive and give support, be filled with empathy, devotion & nurturing.

Setting New Year’s goals are exciting, having the opportunity to turn over a new leaf, pulling out a new journal with an opportunity to re-write your story. It is about creating a version 3.0, putting the right foot forward and moving into a brand-new-year with confidence. It is apropos that our New Year’s goals are done in Capricorn, which helps provide structure and encourages us to take responsibility for our destiny. Just make sure you do not become stuck in old ways.

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Navigating the Stars December 2018

Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Capricorn’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality, compromise is ok but not when it takes away from your own well-being.

We are entering our last solstice of the year on the 21st of December. This is a very stressful time of the year with many layers of endings, the longest night of the year. It can be a very emotional time of the year especially when we put so much pressure on ourselves to meeting other peoples expectations in not only the gift giving end of things but also trying to meet other peoples expectations of getting together during the holiday season.

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Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Sag’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality, compromise is ok but not when it takes away from your own well-being.

Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are 13th 17th 19th 23rd 26th 29th use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

On the 16th of November – take care delay major decisions if you can, focus your energy wisely.

On the 28th of November – no major purchases (without a good return policy)

On the 29th of November – schedule extra time for everything today, stay conscious and engaged.

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Sun moves into Scorpio the 23rd Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Scorpions out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality, compromise is ok but not when it takes away from your own well-being.

Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are 2nd, 10th, 19th, 30th use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Best day to get something done … 8th

Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever 7th, 21st, 28th. Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing – moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation – silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.

MercuryCommunication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves.

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•June 21st Sun entered Cancer
•New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse 7/12
•FULL MOON v/c in Capricorn 7/27
•New Moon v/c in LEO 8/11
•FULL MOON in Pisces 8/26
•New Moon in VIRGO 09/09

Mercury goes Retrograde once this summer– July 25 to August 18—forewarned is forearmed! Use caution in communications, and this is not a time for major purchases or major changes. Just plod thru it. Actually it was a Mercury Retro in fall of ‘77, when I developed a taste for astrology. I noticed a friend’s prognostications re: some were correct. Soon after I started reading Al’s books and in Spring of ‘78 started reading Al’s Maverick Astrology column. I noticed it corresponded to Jim Maynard’s Celestial Guide.

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Mercury Retrograde March 22, 2018

Mercury goes Retrograde three times in 2018…

•March 22 to April 15
•July 25 to August 18
•November 16 to December 6

What does this mean, you may ask… it appears, when you look at the night sky that Mercury is moving backwards.

General influences are confusion, mental and communication challenges. However Mercury Retro can be good for cleaning out closets, and planning.

Intuition can be high, as the mind is not as dominant.

The planet Mercury rules the mind and communication and so when Mercury is “on vacation” it is a time for concentration, patience in communication… and pruning unecessary activity as travel, contracts, social engagements can be challenged.

Mercury is Retro some 20% of the time… but that leaves 80% of the time for directed motion!

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Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; August 2017

Hold that thought … Mercury is beginning another retrograde on August 13 which will last until September 4th. This is the time to dig out those projects you left on the shelf for another day. All the re-words will best describe how you can take advantage of this time period. Re-work, Re-do, Re-align, Re-build, Re-apply (just to remind you of a few).
It is often during the shadow – when Mercury is direct but retracing his steps from the 5th to the 29th of September when we experience the break down of electronics (including computers and especially software and malicious viruses) and vehicles. Uranus begins its years retrograde – pulling its energy of radical change, authenticity and innovation toward a more inner level.
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Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; July 2017

Snap shot for July
Neptune, Saturn & Pluto are on an inward spiral, facilitating the introspective energy flow of these big giants. Mercury will be retrograding on August 13th – so if you need to buy a new car or computer equipment do it this month rather than wait until it breaks down in August when the retrograde puts pressure on you.
Aries & Libra … You may find opportunities are abundant but the time of re-inventing yourself is soon to be over – get ready to bring results in a tangible form.Taurus & Scorpio … This is another month of relaxation, fun and frivolity … ok well at the least relaxation. Get outside and warm up.Gemini & Sagittarius … Peace, Harmony and a good book is all you need, time to get your library organized.
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Navigating By the Stars, Astro Cliff Notes; June 2017

Snap shot for June
Jupiter moves direct on the 10th of June Neptune joins Saturn & Pluto are on an inward spiral, facilitating the introspective energy flow of these big giants.Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Cancerian’s out there. You may notice your energy levels begin to increase and by the end of the month you will start to revitalize your energy by soaking in the Solar rays that infuse you with health and vitality. Get active and moving – hugs all around.Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are … 2, 24, 27 … use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever 3, 6, 14, 19, 20, 26… Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing – moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation – silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching .

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