Sami Merlyn DD
If you asked our friend and comrade Al Manning, “What’s new?” He would answer, “Me, I am always new and exciting!” This upbeat attitude is important to “keep on keeping on” with the pervasive many challenges of life. Every day is a new day with an opportunity to begin again.
The great wheel of Nature turns and the seasons change and we recently celebrated on
02-02-22 IMBOLC, a Celtic word meaning “in the belly.” This is one of the 8 Grove Festivals we celebrate at ESP LAB HQ. Now we look forward towards the coming of Spring!
Our friend, mentor and ESP Lab “wise woman” Linda Savage, DD, PhD offers her perspective on IMBOLC and all of our grove celebrations at our ESPLAB.com website under “Seasons–” From Linda:
Turn towards the light of self-compassion, my friends, Imbolc is the time of hope for new life and the return of the light. In the US, most people think of February 2nd as Groundhog Day, the portent of how many more weeks of winter are in store. However, for thousands of years, Imbolc, meaning “in the belly” was a sign of hope as there would be lambs born in the spring. In addition, they saw the noticeable signs that the days were lengthening.
The abundance of 2’s (2/2/2022) portends the possibility of harmony, balance and co-operation, according to numerology. In addition, 2 is also associated with adaptability, consideration,
co-existence and valuing relationships. This feels hopeful, even with COVID still with us.
READ Linda’s complete article here:
Let’s celebrate the increase of the LIGHT!!
This recent new moon was the first day of the Chinese New Year, the year of the Tiger. Motto is “Go BIG or go home!” Let ‘s have fun with the new year as we reach for all we can be. New moons are always times to begin again, leaving behind that which we would be free from, as we plant the seeds for our new good! FULL MOONS are times for us to accept our harvest, our good fortune, and make true wishes. We WISH for you a great new progress. With Mercury Retrograde and Venus Retrograde behind us, let us make today a good time for renewal and new beginnings. Begin again. Blessed be we with fresh new good fortune. THANKS, so mote it be.