Archive - September 2020

With the Fall Equinox: Lets Celebrate Change
Be the HERO of your LIFE– Turn to the LIGHT!
The 3 Stages of Life
Navigating the Stars Fall 2020

With the Fall Equinox: Lets Celebrate Change

The Fall Equinox is the second of the three major harvest festivals. The Celtic name is Mabon: the season of storing food and preserving nature’s bounty for the coming winter months. This year it will be on September 22nd at 9:37 am Pacific Time as the sun enters Libra, the sign of the balancing scales. Equinox refers to balance, with day and night roughly equal. The theme of transition is also associated with this time.

The other theme of the Equinox is CHANGE. The Autumnal Equinox is a major transition from summer to fall. It is time to prepare for winter. In current times we are going through a major transition, which will likely result in a whole new paradigm for us all.

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Be the HERO of your LIFE– Turn to the LIGHT!

Be the Hero of Your Life!

Hi, Greetings of LOVE and Laughter from the mountain top as we wind down the old solar year in preparation for the new fall cycle! Life is like the great ocean… there are sunny days, and stormy days… there are high tides and low tides. Nature is the great teacher and teaches by example. Life is an ebb and a flow!

Autumn is near and then Winter soon follows. Fall a time of Harvest with Fall Equinox and Samhain! These times are for gathering the best as we leave the rest and prepare for a time of colder weather and less light.

Winter is Nature’s time of going within– it is the low end of the life cycle, a time of introspection– good for meditation, planning, and use of that which has been harvested.

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The 3 Stages of Life

There are 3 stages of life:

1. Survival
2. Personal Development
3. Student of Spiritual Truth

Stage 1: Survival

You begin Stage One and you’re experiencing life anew as a child. Because of the impact of certain things and events, you draw a map of reality. You decide who you are; you decide what the world is; and you decide what you need to do, or be, or stop doing, in order to survive, to be loved, et cetera. Now you have a world concept, a self-concept, and a belief of what it’s going to take to become the version of you that’s necessary to survive or even to thrive, within that world concept.

Most people spend many lifetimes in stage 1.

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Navigating the Stars Fall 2020

Navigate the stars and ride the planetary waves

Fall Update …

One thing I want you to remember is that everything is cyclic – weather, stock market, our paycheck, even life and death. The trick is to tap into those cycles – at a skilled level of action &understanding.

Special Dates: September 2nd (90 after Lunar Eclipse of June); Sept 17th (90 days after Solar Eclipse of June)

Mars Retrograde from September 9th to November 13th. Take in quiet time and an extra meditation on the 8th & 13th. October 31st Full Moon has the signature of a Breakthrough or Sudden Change …

We may witness an increase of tension this fall regarding what action and changes we have/have not experienced over the last few months from personal/collective.

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