Navigating the Stars March 2019

Navigate the stars and ride the planetary waves

The following information describes the general movement of our planets, for some of you – this monthly planetary movement will have a direct hit on your personal or birth planetary configurations – and in doing so you the energy will be amplified for you. For others it will manifest through the environment and not necessarily hook into your day to day experiences. Everyone can take advantage of the activities listed below & corresponding days.

Double Whammy and challenging days are … 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 28 take short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Meditation or relaxed days – take advantage of smooth flowing energy and make them the best days ever … 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 25, 27, 31

This year is not necessarily going to be easy but it can be fruitful. This month brings opportunity to align with your authentic self. Every opening or chance that you are exposed to needs effort, focus, hard work and most of all action … in order to create growth.

  • Take advantage of Communication – talk it out 12th 17th 28th
  • Opportunity to attract and evoke harmony in your life & create something beautiful… Know what you want … 8th 27th
  • before you can action a goal you need to connect passionately, you need to want it. 6th 11th
  • Take the Opportunity and connect Action with Passion … 4th 6th 8th 31st
  • Set healthy boundaries and face your fears move forward with confidence on the… 6th 11th
  • Unleash your genius on the 10th 27th
  • Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. … 29th

Solar/Lunar cycles

The dance between the Sun, the giver of life and light and the Moon, who projects the light into patterns and habits that can be experienced individually.

New Moon – New Beginnings – Setting New Goals, choosing New paths creating new time lines. The March New Moon is on the 3rd at 15 degrees Aquarius and will be exact at 1:04 pm Pacific / 5:04 pm Atlantic

Theme: Expectations

This is a very supportive New Moon, but you will need to guard against unrealistic expectations when you are setting your goals. Over the last few months you may have found yourself finalizing new projects and ideas, expect those ideas to now become tangible. There is access to organization and structure in order to motivate you to action your goals. Opportunities might seem like they are inaccessible, but it is a matter of perspective you may simply need to make small adjustments in order to make it work.

Full Moon – Wrapping up projects, competition of Goals. February’s Full Moon is on the 19th at 0 degrees Virgo and will be exact at 7:54 am Pacific / 11:54 am Atlantic


This is a Vernal (Spring) Equinox, a power point in the year where we need to plant new seeds. The Full Moon will allow us to see where we need to plant these seeds and do a clean-up of old goals, that no longer server the big picture. Don’t forget to have gratitude for the goals that you have accomplished. Use the arts such as writing, singing and painting to journal the activities you have accomplished to date.

The Astrology of it All

Sun is in Pisces until March 20th in the evening when the Sun moves into Aries Happy solar Return!

Moon cycles through each sign approx. every 2 days.

Mercury (Communication) is in Pisces and retrograde on March 5th and moves Stationary direct on March 29th. Re-do, Re-create. Time to go through old correspondence and delete.

Venus (Harmony & Love) starts out in Capricorn where she is O’ so serious, moves to Aquarius on the 2nd and then off to Pisces on the 27th where she is beautifully relaxed and harmonious.

Mars (Action) Taurus on the 13th where he becomes a peaceful warrior and gets all book smart when he moves into Gemini on the 31st.

Jupiter (Opportunity) is gliding through Sagittarius all month where he is only interested in gaining wisdom through experience, including travel.

Saturn (Boundaries) is hunkering down in Capricorn, a place of power for him.

Uranus (Higher Mind / the Unexpected) moves into Taurus on the 6th. You may find that your ideas finally become tangible.

Neptune (Dreams / Art / Removing Boundaries) is slowly moving through Pisces, where we are learning to let go of our physical reality and learn to expand our reality.

Pluto (Change / Transformation) is traveling through Capricorn, creating change to the status quo.

The Navigating Team … Julia and Tamira … You can find us or email

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