Goings on at LAB HQ…
Let’s Keep Turning to the LIGHT! Let’s Keep Our Auras BRIGHT!
Greetings of LOVE, LIGHT, and Laughter from the mountain top! Here at almost 7000 feet elevation in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, we are gathering the best from our recent three Harvest Festivals, as we strive to leave behind the negative in our pasts. We move through the fall cycle, celebrating our good, as we approach the rebirth of the sun on Winter Solstice. Here in the USA, we also prepare for one of our favorite Holidaze… THANKSGIVING. So thanks for your giving, dear ESP LAB member! You help keep the dream alive.
Let us start and end each day with Thanksgiving. Thankfulness multiplies our good fortune. In addition to starting and ending each day with Thanksgiving for all the blessings, I like to count my blessings during times of challenge and emotional distress. It changes the channel from counting disturbances to counting joys. Al would say,“what we give our attention multiplies!”
Both Al Manning and myself followed the work of Divine Scientist Emmet Fox. Fox said, “bless a thing and it will bless you; curse a thing and it will curse you.” Thus, I am always blessing my day, my weather, my business affairs, my body, my personal relationships…and blessing you, while endeavoring to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative… not always such an easy gig, in today’s world. Since I believe clear thoughts coupled with strong emotions shape our reality, I must choose to program my mind for success. My choice is to Bless you now– body mind and spirit– with Divine Creative Energy and declare, “May you receive all you need and more for your well-being and positive unfoldment. So mote it be! Blessed be, It must be so!”
As Winter approaches I note that this is Nature’s time of going within– it is the low end of the life cycle, a time of introspection– good for meditation, planning, and use of that which has been harvested. It’s a good time to be inside by the fire and avoid the snowy icy roadways. In the context that each of us is the captain of a ship– of our personal evolution, physical well-being and spiritual development– how we weather the storms and tides of our life experience is up to each one of us.
It is too easy to turn to the downside, especially during the darkest time within the solar and lunar cycles. And of course, any one of us can have a sad moment or an angry feeling. It turns into a problem when too much of one’s mental and emotional activity is dedicated to the downside. If we are in a condition of fear, doubt, anger or worry, then our pipeline to the Divine Source becomes constricted. Thus we must learn to turn to the Light through prayer, positive thinking, meditation, white magick, and flooding our Consciousnesses with spiritual affirmation with the acceptance of DIVINE LOVE! When my mind or emotions start to drift toward the negative, I switch gears to “I AM the LIGHT going to meet the LIGHT only goodness shall result.” I might use some other quick and easy positive thought to switch gears to better and better: “Centered in the Peace and LOVE of the DIVINE– I know everything else is illusion.” If you repeat these like a parrot they do not work as well. One must feel the truth of the message and repeat it until you experience and know it is true. “God is LOVE, and he who loves is of God.” “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want!”
My challenge to you… is that you spend the next period of time—through the end of this year, 2022, seeking to focus on the LIGHT side, rather than the Down side. In doing so, you are choosing the best for you… Let’s make it so, Captain, and blessed be we! As we brighten our auras, it helps to promote good health and success!
Al would argue that all disease begins in the Aura. This idea was confirmed in the book the SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS. Accordingly let us keep our auras bright.
You may ask how to do this? Laughter, Fun, Joy, chakra cleansing, prayer, meditation, creative visualization can all help with this!
Al would also say that “Laughter is a LIGHT Attunement! It chases away dark energies and brightens your aura.” He was always cracking a corny joke. Here’s one:
So smile, like an Al cartoon, and keep winning!!
Here is a healing chant for you… to be chanted over your drinking water– so that you can be all you can be! A HEALING CHANT by Al Manning– Traditionally you hold your palms down over the water to help direct vital energy as you chant:
Spirits of life and health I ask
Renew my body for its tasks.
Make me strong and full of glee.
My hearty thanks I give to thee.
You can chant over your glass of water in the evening and then again in the morning and drink it down. You can alternate chanting with a powerful Native American Chant over your sacred water: “azay’ha chee’ nee!” which means Healing magick waters!
For many years I studied herbs with the renowned herbalist and horticulturist, Dr. Lee Nelson. Lee was a Sioux Medicine Man known as “White Deer.” Lee told me that the Great Spirit, in his love for his children, had created healing herbs to help with any dis-ease. He also said, if you lacked the herb, you could call the energies and love of the Great Spirit into your water glass, which could then be used for healing.
Let the blue protective light of healing anoint you now, and bless and protect you on your trail.
As always it is fun to share the light with you! And do check out our new expanded online library: Enjoy & Blessed be!