A Service of Spiritual Science --
Al G. Manning, Founder

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2023 Fall Equinox Newsletter
Eyes to the sky this week to see the super-rare Perigee Blue Moon
 Venus is RETRO!!  until Sept 4th, 2023 ; Mercury goes Retro Aug 23rd to Sept 15th 2023
Lammas newsletter
Spiritual Ethics
Summer Solstice Newsletter
FULL MOON June 2023 In Sag
Mercury turned Retrograde on April 21st
Beltane, May Day Newsletter 2023

2023 Fall Equinox Newsletter


2023 Fall Equinox


Celebrate the Cycle of Life,


The Fall Equinox is the second of the three major harvest festivals. The Celtic name for it is Mabon: the season of storing food and preserving nature’s bounty for the coming winter months. This year it will be on September 22nd just as the sun enters Libra, the sign of the balancing scales. The term Equinox refers to this balance of day and night. Fall is the time of plants shedding their seeds, going underground until new plants rise up in the Spring.


The most important aspect of this time of year in Ancient Greece, was the honoring of Demeter, the holy goddess of the grain. For several millennia her story inspired the famous Eleusinian Mysteries.

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Eyes to the sky this week to see the super-rare Perigee Blue Moon


We haven’t seen a Full Moon like this one in over 27 years, and we won’t see another one until the 22nd century!

2023 has a “bonus” Full Moon and it rises on the night of August 30-31.

In any given calendar year, there are typically 12 Full Moons — one occurring in each month. Every once in awhile, though, due to the exact timing of when the Full Moons occur, we get an extra one. That means we have a total of 13 Full Moons for the year, one during each of 11 months, and one month with two.

Since we only have 12 popular names for the Full Moons, the extra one goes nameless. Thus we call it a Blue Moon.

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Venus is RETRO!!  until Sept 4th, 2023     Mercury goes Retro Aug 23rd to Sept 15th 2023   NEW MOON Today August 16th v/c in LEO


HEY NOW, as Al Manning would say, “ILLIGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM”, which was his pet phony Latin Phrase for “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” One way to transcend is to have fun!  Another is TUNE INTO THE BEAUTY OF NATURE!!  Al Manning in his light course said, “We all remember the legend of the “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” That’s a gross understatement! The secrets of life itself are wrapped up in that rainbow. Today we tune into GREEN AS THE MIDDLE COLOR OF THE RAINBOW– THE POINT OF BALANCE AND PEACE.

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 Venus is RETRO!!  until Sept 4th, 2023 ; Mercury goes Retro Aug 23rd to Sept 15th 2023



                                             PLOD THROUGH IT!  STAY THE COURSE!!

                                 By Sami MERLYN, DD


HEY NOW, as Al Manning would say, illigitimi non carborundum, which was his pet phony Latin Phrase for “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” As I write this, VENUS is Retrograde… and the good news is we are plodding through it and since it went Retro July 22nd, we are making our way through these challenging times! Venus Retro only happens every year and a half, and since the goddess of LOVE affects all life, for her to go on vacation for six weeks is challenging.  The tendency is for folks to be dissatisfied, emotional and want a change.  The admonition is to “stay the course” and not make major changes. 

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Lammas newsletter



August 2nd is Lammas, the first of three festivals celebrating Mother Earth’s bounty. Baking loaves from the first grains and offering them at a communal meal has always been central to these gatherings, going back to thousands of years before the Common Era. 


The Celts called this time Lughnasadh (loo-na-sa), Native Americans called it the Green Corn Festival and in Slavic Regions it is called the feast of the Big Glad Woman. Ireland celebrates Lammas as Big Sunday and farming communities gather at hundreds of traditional hilltop sites to set up craft fairs, feast, play games, and dance. A part of every one of these gatherings is a ceremonial meal where the first fruits of the harvest are shared in gratitude to Mother Earth. 

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Spiritual Ethics

Spiritual ethics, free will, black magic

Free will is the idea that humans (the only Beings on Earth that have a Soul) have the ability to make our own choices and determine our own fates. With this in mind, do people really have free will, or are people’s lives in fact shaped by powers outside of their control? This question has long challenged and still does challenge philosophers and religious thinkers, as well as scientists who have examined the problem from psychological and neuroscientific perspectives. In addition to these perspectives is the idea that people have free and the capacity to make choices undetermined by past events, a state Dynamism helps people attain and calls Personal Sovereignty.

Behavioral science firmly believes that an individuals’ behavioral tendencies and decisions are influenced by genetics, as well as by factors in the environment that may be outside of a person’s control.

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Summer Solstice Newsletter


Celebrate Midsummer my friends,


June 21st is the Summer Solstice at the moment that the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. Also known as Midsummer, it is one of the eight great spokes on the Celtic wheel of the seasons. The Solstice (meaning sun stands still) is universally recognized in all cultures as an important turning point—it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Sun energy is at its peak and we feel its primal creative force. 


Midsummer’s Eve is one of the three important spirit nights of the year; the other two are Beltane (May Day) and Samhain (Halloween). It is a time when the dimensions between the agreed upon notions of reality and the existing other realities are so thin that we can communicate and even see those in the spirit worlds more easily.

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FULL MOON June 2023 In Sag



Spring is here!   Summer is near!


PERSEVERE as we plod through it!

              By Sami MERLYN, DD   

 Wow—it has been some challenging times for us folks on planet earth with economic, health, and political challenges.  We have all been impacted.  Of course, we want to do our best to limit the negative energy from harming us personally and minimize its influences.  Time to continue putting on “the whole armor of God.”  Transcend it all as we count our blessings and TURN TO THE LIGHT!!

       Let us stay on our spiral of growth as we meditate, pray, affirm and keep our auras and chakras bright with light!  Let’s tune in!  Let’s hold positive constructive thoughts to transcend any pain or suffering we might experience—as we accept Good Fortune as our law of life!

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Mercury turned Retrograde on April 21st

    Spiritual Science & ESP LAB     SPRING   2023

Mercury turned Retrograde yesterday on April 21st and until May 14th, 2023. Remember the 5 P’s of Mercury Retrograde: Planning, Patience, Perseverance, Pruning and Plod through it.

My personal Mercury Retro Survival Plan:

1) don’t panic.

2) say less not more.

3) stay in your spiritual center.

4) be patient with all communications.

5) prune all unnecessary activity – especially travel plans and new projects.

6) avoid new purchases – especially computers, automobiles, and electronic devices. 7) know that this aspect has a beginning, a middle, and an end… keep plodding through it, with PERSEVERANCE.

8) don’t quit your job, change your friends, or your location – save this for better times.

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Beltane, May Day Newsletter 2023


Celebrate Life Force Energy on May Day,


May Day is the time when nature has truly come alive. Our ancestors joyfully embraced the fertility of Mother Earth; flowers bloomed, offering their pollen to the bees. The Celtic name for this period is Beltane, which means bright or sacred fire. During the festival, great bonfires were lit and animals and fields were blessed in hopes for an abundant year. Traditionally May Day began on the eve of May 1st and was celebrated with feasting, dancing, and merriment for two weeks. 


Beltane was a time when lovers ran off to the fields and woods together to honor the Great Goddess with ecstatic lovemaking. The Maypole, symbolizing the phallic energy of the season, was festooned with ribbons.

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