Archive - June 2023

Spiritual Ethics
Summer Solstice Newsletter
FULL MOON June 2023 In Sag

Spiritual Ethics

Spiritual ethics, free will, black magic

Free will is the idea that humans (the only Beings on Earth that have a Soul) have the ability to make our own choices and determine our own fates. With this in mind, do people really have free will, or are people’s lives in fact shaped by powers outside of their control? This question has long challenged and still does challenge philosophers and religious thinkers, as well as scientists who have examined the problem from psychological and neuroscientific perspectives. In addition to these perspectives is the idea that people have free and the capacity to make choices undetermined by past events, a state Dynamism helps people attain and calls Personal Sovereignty.

Behavioral science firmly believes that an individuals’ behavioral tendencies and decisions are influenced by genetics, as well as by factors in the environment that may be outside of a person’s control.

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Summer Solstice Newsletter


Celebrate Midsummer my friends,


June 21st is the Summer Solstice at the moment that the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. Also known as Midsummer, it is one of the eight great spokes on the Celtic wheel of the seasons. The Solstice (meaning sun stands still) is universally recognized in all cultures as an important turning point—it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Sun energy is at its peak and we feel its primal creative force. 


Midsummer’s Eve is one of the three important spirit nights of the year; the other two are Beltane (May Day) and Samhain (Halloween). It is a time when the dimensions between the agreed upon notions of reality and the existing other realities are so thin that we can communicate and even see those in the spirit worlds more easily.

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FULL MOON June 2023 In Sag



Spring is here!   Summer is near!


PERSEVERE as we plod through it!

              By Sami MERLYN, DD   

 Wow—it has been some challenging times for us folks on planet earth with economic, health, and political challenges.  We have all been impacted.  Of course, we want to do our best to limit the negative energy from harming us personally and minimize its influences.  Time to continue putting on “the whole armor of God.”  Transcend it all as we count our blessings and TURN TO THE LIGHT!!

       Let us stay on our spiral of growth as we meditate, pray, affirm and keep our auras and chakras bright with light!  Let’s tune in!  Let’s hold positive constructive thoughts to transcend any pain or suffering we might experience—as we accept Good Fortune as our law of life!

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