A Service of Spiritual Science --
Al G. Manning, Founder

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2021 Yule Newsletter
Fall a time of Harvest with Fall Equinox and Samhain!
2021 Fall Equinox Newsletter
2021 Lammas Newsletter
NEW MOON MAGICK: Patience, Persistence, Peace, Protection and Power!
The Foundation
MERCURY is Retrograde and goes Direct June 22, 2021
2021 Summer Solstice Newsletter

2021 Yule Newsletter



Yuletide Blessings my friends,


I offer my heartfelt wishes for a meaningful holiday and a hope filled New Year. December 21st is the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. The Winter Solstice is honored with ceremonies using some form of light all over the world. Folks have burned Yule logs, gathered for bonfires, and lit torches, candles, and oil lamps.  The traditions reassured folks that the days of more light would be returning. We string electric lights around our homes at this time but rarely do we appreciate what the effect of long dark nights would have been because it is so easy to switch on a light.


An important theme for Yule has always been finding the light within.

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I love to start my day with Thanksgiving. I believe as we count our good fortunes it attracts blessings.  Al would say what we give our attention multiplies.  I also like to count my blessings during times of challenge and emotional distress. It changes the channel from counting disturbances to counting joys.  I typically start my morning with “Thank you Father for a day.”  I am then thankful for birds that sing as I watch them fly through the sanctuary skies against a backdrop of beautiful mountains.  


I am thoughtful of the magnificence of nature and the amazing power of Divine Forces to create and shape our material reality giving me the benefit of each breath. I am thankful for a hot cup of good coffee and I celebrate life with dogs and friends. 

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Samhain Greetings my friends,


The time period, between Oct. 31st and Nov. 2nd is one of the most widely celebrated ancient traditions honoring our ongoing connection with loved ones who have passed. Samhain heralds the thinning of the veil between the seen and unseen worlds; for example, the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico.  Honoring our ancestors with love and gratitude has always been the theme of this time. Given all the dilemmas we face now, we need our beloved guides’ help more than ever.


It had been a long time since our culture has turned towards the elders, or looked clearly at the wisdom of our ancestors.  We have become used to instant information, quick internet sound bites and the rush of caffeine infused adrenal experiences.

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Fall a time of Harvest with Fall Equinox and Samhain!






Full Moon in Pisces                                                                                Sept 20th, 2021    

                                                                                                                                               Be the HERO of your LIFE– Turn to the LIGHT 

As We Follow the Cycles of Time.



Be the Hero of Your Life! 


Greetings of LOVE and Laughter from the mountain top! We are starting the winding down of ye olde solar year as we move into the new fall cycle! Life is like the great ocean… there are sunny days, and stormy days… there are high tides and low tides. Nature is the great teacher and teaches by example. Life is an ebb and a flow! Life is seasonal!


Autumn Equinox is here (September 22nd, Sun enters Libra) and then too soon winter follows. 

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2021 Fall Equinox Newsletter

Fall Equinox: Treasure the Change,


The Fall Equinox is the second of the three major harvest festivals. The Celtic name is Mabon: the season of storing food and preserving nature’s bounty for the coming winter months. This year it will be on September 22nd at 3:21 pm Pacific as the sun enters Libra, the sign of the balancing scales. The term Equinox refers to balance, with day and night roughly equal at the equator.  


It is difficult to imagine balance during these turbulent times where inequities abound as we uncover the deep roots of racism, sexism, and severe poverty in a country of great wealth, most of which is in the hands of a small percentage at the top of the pyramid. 

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2021 Lammas Newsletter


Celebrate ABUNDANCE my friends,
August 2nd is Lammas, the first of three festivals celebrating Mother Earth’s bounty. Baking loaves from the first grains and offering them at a communal meal has always been central to these gatherings, going back to thousands of years before the Common Era.
The Celts called this time Lughnasadh (loo-na-sa), Native Americans called
it the Green Corn Festival and in Slavic Regions it is called the feast of the
Big Glad Woman. Ireland celebrates Lammas as Big Sunday and farming
communities gather at hundreds of traditional hilltop sites to set up craft
fairs, feast, play games, and dance. A part of every one of these gatherings is a ceremonial meal where the first fruits of the harvest are shared in gratitude.

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NEW MOON MAGICK: Patience, Persistence, Peace, Protection and Power!


The new moon is an opportunity to begin again.  It hits us roughly 13 times a year, once a moonth.  Al Manning loved to keep things fresh saying, “What’s new? Me I am always new and exciting.”  The new moon represents a time to leave behind the things that no longer serve us and emphasize what is good and meaningful in our lives.  Let us celebrate our new beginnings and take the best and leave the rest as we continue on our spiral of growth!!!


One thing that is constant in life is CHANGE!  Let’s hope the direction of your change is positive! Life is an ebb and flow with movement from light to dark and back again. In any event, we must persevere, and on “snowy days” (nice to have a thought of a cool winter in this heat wave) if we want to get somewhere we have to get into plod mode with persistence to accomplish. 

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The Foundation

Al Manning originally wrote “A New LIGHT of Help for You” in 1968 and to me, it is the foundation of all of his work.  Whenever I become aware of descending into a valley, I will refresh my practice of this course and it has always helped.  To some, the concepts may seem basic, but there are many good reasons for the adage:  Keep it Simple, Students (KISS).  In my opinion, this course is the foundation of all metaphysical and spiritual work.

The first 11 lessons are an introduction to the “LIGHT” and its association with the seven best-known chakras.  Lesson 10 is particularly useful if you believe you are under psychic attack.  The five lessons that follow talk about various applications of using the LIGHT, such as getting rid of limiting conditions, attracting your perfect mate or brightening up the dark corners of your relationships, and improving your business success. 

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MERCURY is Retrograde and goes Direct June 22, 2021

NEW MOON in Gemini— Solar Eclipse June 10, 2021                                  Mercury Retrograde: May 29th to June 22nd, 2021


The planet Mercury– which rules the mind, communication, business, & transportation– has gone on another vacation and this one is from May 29th to June 22nd, 2021.  This does happen roughly 20% of the time.

We have moved into plod mode for this term.  It takes perseverance but you can do it! We can do it!!  We can get through this! As Al would say, “This too shall pass.”

Actually, Mercury Retrograde is a good opportunity to slow down a little and be centered in the peace and love of the Divine.  Celebrate rest, see established friends and family, or enjoy your own company– and let’s enjoy our time anyway! 

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2021 Summer Solstice Newsletter

Merry Midsummer my Friends,


June 20th is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Latitudes. Also known as Midsummer, this Solstice (meaning ‘Sun stands still’) is when the Sun is at its peak, creating the longest day of the year. It is also one of the eight great spokes on the Celtic wheel of seasons, and celebrated in some way in all cultures. Midsummer’s Eve is the zenith of summer; the felt sense of Beauty is everywhere.


The Pandemic is easing now and as we emerge from our cocoons there is a deep need to transform our inner pain from fear, loss and trauma into a new sense of who we are and what truly matters to us. The practice of choosing Beauty which Gregg Braden, in The Wisdom Codes describes as a force of nature that has the power to transform the chemistry in our bodies, is essential to our recovery, building the resilience necessary to fully emerge as wiser, more conscious humans. 

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