A Service of Spiritual Science --
Al G. Manning, Founder

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New magick, real majik, white magic, true magick: We have fun info on-- Astrology, ESP, prosperity, the occult, the LIGHT, healing, meditation, white magick, spells, rituals, and much more...

ESP and Hinduism
Connect with Nature on May Day
Joyous Spring Equinox My Friends
Navigating the Stars, Spring 2020
PEACE PROTECTION NOW— Persevere in the blue light
ESP and Paganism
ESP LAB Spirit Friends
NEW MOON MAGICK — Persistence, Perseverance, and PLOD Thru it! AGAIN!
Imbolc is the Time of Hope for New Life

ESP and Hinduism

They probably prefer to call it Vedanta after their scriptures because Hindus is just the name of the river, but it’s an interesting and most ancient religion. As I remember they recognize a good 35 avatars (including Jesus and Mohammad) most all born of a virgin in a cave surrounded by animals and died on a cross. That’s the traditional astrological allegory.

The Hindu Holy Trinity

Quite like Christianity they deny woman a place in the holy trinity – Brahma, Atman & the GodHead are all depicted as male, as are the principle gods, Vishnu (the preserver) & Shiva (the destroyer but the destruction always makes way for something better – a new baby is from Shiva). Long time ago I asked Lord Shiva to manifest to me as a woman so I could make love to her and get used to change.

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Connect with Nature on May Day

May Day is the time when nature has truly come alive. Our ancestors joyfully embraced the fertility of Mother Earth because growth and pollination was everywhere, providing abundant harvests in the fall. The Celtic name for this period is Beltane, which means bright or sacred fire. During the festival, great bonfires were lit and animals and fields were blessed in hopes for an abundant year. Traditionally May Day began on the eve of May 1st and lasted throughout the next day. It was often celebrated with feasting, dancing, and merriment all the way through May 15th.

Beltane was a time when lovers ran off to the fields and woods together to honor the Goddess with ecstatic lovemaking. The Maypole, symbolizing the phallic energy of the season, was festooned with ribbons; dancing around it celebrated the sacred power of sexuality.

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Joyous Spring Equinox My Friends

Joyous Spring Equinox my friends,

This year in the Northern Hemisphere, the Vernal Equinox is March 19th, at almost midnight, as the Sun enters Aries. It means that day and night will be balanced at the equator. Also known as Ostara or Eostre (the origin of the name Easter), the hours of light and dark will be equal.

In ancient traditions this is known as the time of Green Fire.

Green Fire refers to the sap rising in trees and to the electrical energy pulsing through the rapidly growing plants. This is not a metaphor; green fire is literally electrical, same as our nervous system: humans and plants have the same oscillation frequency. This mutual receptivity is a survival strategy, certainly plants have offered healing for humans long before modern medicines and humans have exhaled carbon dioxide for the plants.

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Navigating the Stars, Spring 2020

Navigate the stars and ride the planetary waves

The Chart Ingress (for the Spring equinox March 2020) is the chart that sets the stage for April, May and June. The chart indicates that we need to be conscious of our surroundings and finances need to be kept under control. Communication may not be exactly what it seems so be cautious before following the pack, that being said we will need to consciously work as individuals in a collective unit to solve our current problems. We may feel a little impulsive so weigh the options and don’t jump on the first solution that comes up.

The following information describes the general movement of our planets, for some of you – this monthly planetary movement will have a direct hit on your personal or birth planetary configurations – and in doing so you the energy will be amplified for you.

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PEACE PROTECTION NOW— Persevere in the blue light

By Sami & AL

Our daily lives provide regular challenges—even for those of us living a charmed life. Tell me about it you may say! We have to RAise the price of our aggravation, RAise above the pain and negative thoughts and know the situation is “just water off a duck’s back”– as we choose to turn to the LIGHT, AGAIN– with positive magickal phrases to help change our mental channel to a higher vibration.

USE your ESP Lab Magick to help you get through it all!


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ESP and Paganism

By Al G Manning

According to the dictionary, Pagan is a term bestowed on non members of the Christian, Hebrew, or Muslim faith (by uptight, bigoted hard liners.) Many Polytheists, Wiccans, agnostics and atheists wear the title Pagan proudly. As an eclectic I guess I fit in there somewhere – at least because one of my best sellers is “Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft.’ The Muslims call anybody not of their faith an infidel, but in this country the Southern Baptists disagree with the Northen Baptists to the point of considering them amateur Pagans.

One World – One God

It’s fun to tease my Rosicrucian friends that Egypt ruled the world until Amenhotep IV decided to become Aknanton and throw out all the old Gods in favor of the one God theory and the Egyptian civilization went right down the tubes.

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ESP LAB Spirit Friends


Nergal ( rhymes with gurgle ) focuses the bright red energy associated with the Martian influences into your aura through you root chakra, the psychic center located at the base of your spine. Yes, this is the seat of the sex drive, but it also brings us our physical vitality and that special attractiveness to other beings most often called animal magnetism. This is your most potent power for manifestations of a purely physical nature and must be present in useful form to attract the opportunity and wherewithall of any material accomplishment. As you learn to bring in larger portions of this energy, you will notice that all people and animals tend to treat you with greater interest and respect than before.

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The planet Mercury– which rules the mind, communication, business, & transportation– has gone on another vacation and this one started 5:54 pm Mt Time today Sunday February 16th 2020. Well at least we got through Valentine’s Day! So it be time to slip into plod mode and stay that way through the Virgo Full Moon March 9th, at 9:49 pm Mt Time.  It takes perseverance but you can do it! We can do it!!  We can get through this again!

Actually Mercury Retrograde is a good opportunity to slow down a little and be centered in the peace and love of the Divine. 

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NEW MOON MAGICK — Persistence, Perseverance, and PLOD Thru it! AGAIN!

Don’t you love life! I hope so! Let’s make it a point to turn in that direction, regardless of its many challenges. Yesterday (January 25th, 2020) was the start of the Chinese New Year, and the beginning of a 12 year cycle of metal animals starting with the Mighty Metal Mouse!! Al Manning would always say, “What’s new? Me I am always new and exciting.” Life is all about attitude and the good news is that the Light in increasing since Winter Solstice. With the new moon yesterday we move beyond the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse of the last cycle. Let us celebrate our new beginnings and take the best and leave the rest as we continue on our spiral of growth!!!

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Imbolc is the Time of Hope for New Life

Celebrate the Return of the Light, My Friends

In the US, most people think of February 2nd as Groundhog Day, the portent of how many more weeks of winter are in store. However, for thousands of years, Imbolc, meaning “in the belly” was a sign of hope for other very specific reasons. There would be lambs born in the spring because the ewes had milk coming in. There are also noticeable signs that little by little the days are lengthening. Imbolc is the time of hope for new life and the return of the light.

Just before Imbolc this time is the Chinese New Year on January 25th. Let us welcome in the year of the White Metal Rat.

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