Category - Editorial

Spiritual Bypassing
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The 3 Stages of Life
A Deeper Look at Discernment and Judgment
Self Help Exercise
“Illigitimi non carborundum” Don’t let the bastards wear you down

Spiritual Bypassing

Spiritual Bypassing



We tend to associate spirituality with transcendental, heightened states of being that are invariably related to the emotions of joy, happiness, contentment, and deep inner peace.


Spiritual growth and its journey can be life-changing.  It can make you happier, healthier, more connected to Source (God, Spirit, Zero-Point, whatever term works for you), feel safe and well taken care of, and finally give you the tools you need to live an authentic, fulfilling life.


The term ‘spiritual bypassing’ was originally coined by psychologist John Welwood in 1984.  As he explained in an interview, “Spiritual bypassing is a term I coined to describe a process I saw happening in the Buddhist community I was in, and also in myself. 

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The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

by Michael Manning, DD

The Age of Aquarius will last for over 2,000 years, but it will take several years for its influence to come into full effect and obvious in the 3D world.  The astrological trigger for the dawning of this new age was the exact conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at zero degrees of Aquarius which happened on December 21st, 2020.

This New Age of Aquarius is about peace, harmony, equality, spiritual joy, spiritual liberation, humanity, equality, and freedom.  We have seen signs announcing the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  For example, in 1968 the rock musical Hair included lyrics such as, “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, “Peace will guide the planets”, “Love will steer the stars”, and “The mind’s true liberation”.

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The 3 Stages of Life

There are 3 stages of life:

1. Survival
2. Personal Development
3. Student of Spiritual Truth

Stage 1: Survival

You begin Stage One and you’re experiencing life anew as a child. Because of the impact of certain things and events, you draw a map of reality. You decide who you are; you decide what the world is; and you decide what you need to do, or be, or stop doing, in order to survive, to be loved, et cetera. Now you have a world concept, a self-concept, and a belief of what it’s going to take to become the version of you that’s necessary to survive or even to thrive, within that world concept.

Most people spend many lifetimes in stage 1.

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One of the big misunderstandings of spiritual growth and personal development is the statement “go with the flow.” It is really a big bad myth. When most people just go with their flow, they are going to get pulled over a cliff and crash into the rocks below, or flow right into an eddy, get caught in a tree or rock, and get flipped upside down and drown. Or they will just drift aimlessly, wherever life takes them.

The idea of “go with the flow” is that you are in alignment with the Universe and things are easy. Sometimes this is true, and often it is not. Most of your life is the journey, not the destination. A lot of the journey is going to be challenging and growth producing.

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This summer we are enjoying playing with our nature spirit friends and comrades. Doing so will make for a FUN and successful day! We have brought back this editorial from Al from 2002. Let’s tune into Al’s encouragement, renew our friendships and play with our ESP as we grow together.

( A mini editorial by Al )

When your whole world seems to be slipping into the doldrums or something worse, it’s a time to focus on JOY and making all your meditation and ritual times extra fun for you and for your Spirit Friends. Seems to me it’s the 100th Psalm that starts out: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord….” Sounds like especially good advice for any occasion.

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A Deeper Look at Discernment and Judgment

One of the primary takeaways I hope you got from my article “Levels of Energy” is that Level One energy has 100% catabolic energy, 100% fear, and total judgment, while Level Seven energy has 100% anabolic energy and no fear or judgment. Catabolic energy is energy that tears down, and Anabolic energy is energy that builds up.

In my article “Discernment and Judgment” I wrote the following eight paragraphs (which are so important they are worth repeating):

What Is Judgment?

Judgment is an opinion or criticism misusing the power of comparing. It is a form of projection and feeds the ego’s deception of being better (or worse) than someone or something else. The person judging makes the assumption that s/he has the power and the right to determine what is good or bad in general.

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 By Sami MERLYN Rose


he sky is blue here today at ESP LAB HQ… (with a hint of smoke) and in beautiful Colorado we get 280 to 300 days of sunshine per year. Fabulous. Unfortunately you may have seen Durango in the national news—as a 40,000 acre wild fire started in view of our Lab HQ. Smoke was terrible. Rain spirits came in a gollywasher and took care of most of the smoke… and so we persevere in spite of all challenges.


As the approaching summer sun seeks to warm things up a notch, let’s take a moment and feel the transformative power of the BLUE LIGHT of creativity, peace and protection. Let it purify our auras, bringing peace, protection and prosperity!
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 By Sami MERLYN Rose


Maverick Magickians are aware that our words have power. Words– whether written or spoken—are a magickal operation, either conscious or unconscious. We take our thoughts and make them physical which is an act of magick. When we are aware of the magick and perform it with intention and conviction– it becomes more potent.


Let’s use the ENERGY OF SPRING with some LUSH GREEN Prosperity Magicks as we celebrate RENEWAL.


My first exposure to Al’s writings came when a friend gave me Al’s WW book, in the late 70’s. I had some business reversals and needed some help… and turned to the chapter on prosperity magick. I was intrigued by Al’s metaphysical understanding of herbs and decided to try a batch of prosperity powder.
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Self Help Exercise

SELF HELP EXERCISE: TURN to the Universal SPIRIT CONTACT Of your POWER STAR in your newsletter opening paragraph. Thousands of years ago ancient people used an 8 pointed power star as an invocation of Universal Energies… centered in the power of the LOVE PLANET, VENUS, with the SUN & MOON all in the infinite center– surrounded by the celestial bodies of Mars, the Sun, Venus, the Earth, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and the Moon. These power points represent the chakras from the Martian red root chakra, the orange sun chakra, yellow for Venus, green for earth, blue for Jupiter, indigo for Mercury, violet for Saturn, and white for the Moon. Put your receiving hand on your opening paragraph power star, meditate upon it & feel the energies of the Cosmos pour into you as you say “SPIRIT GUIDE ME IN ALL OF MY AFFAIRS!”!

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“Illigitimi non carborundum” Don’t let the bastards wear you down

by Sami Rose
LIFE IS CHANGE– and as we experience one cycle after the other, let us take forward that which is useful and leave behind the rest. Cosmic Awareness (as revealed through its channel at the Aquarian Church) has indicated that the Universe is re-born every micro-second. What will you choose to take with you and what will you choose to lose as we move forward into the new moment?
I am glad to leave behind these recent Venus Retrograde & Mercury Retrograde periods– with their heart break dis-satisfactions and confusion, communication challenges, with extra frustrations. I still managed to have a fun time. We have to do what we have to do–when it must be done– no matter what the influence or distraction of the day
Our good buddy Al Manning used to quote the I-CHING, especially “perseverance furthers.”
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